Chapter 2967 Holy Blood Tempering Body

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There were fine cracks on the surface of the suspended dead gas beads, making fine noises, and they broke and turned into dust. After swallowing a thousand dead gas beads, the Yin-Yang Chakra also changed greatly. The Yin-Yang Chakra changed from a few meters in size to a hundred meters in size. , The flowing dead air and anger became more intense, and even completely formed into a'liquid', and you could hear the sound of water crashing in the flow.

A trace of anger disperses from the Yin and Yang chakra, and then penetrates into the bones and fascia to repair the body that was damaged by the battle before. The extraordinary dragon evil waste body belongs to the Primordial Holy Body, which has been cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, facing the world of poisonous demon. The power generated by the emperor's self-detonation still left significant injuries, but these injuries were not the main ones. Instead, the weird blue thunder entered the body when he fell into the holy burial abyss, destroying the muscle structure and hurt the most.

It is no wonder that even the three powerful Northern Realm masters, Xuan Wujie, Red Eye Demon Lord, and White Tiger Realm, are in danger of entering the Holy Burial Abyss. If someone else faces the blue thunder, their body and soul will be annihilated in an instant.

Only when Zhuo Bufan cultivated the Primordial Eucharist could he barely resist the power of the blue thunder, but now the physical injury is not optimistic.

As a trace of vitality penetrates into the muscles and bones, it begins to repair the injured tissues. Under the nourishment of the majestic vitality, the broken fascia, torn muscles, and broken bones in the body begin to heal and regenerate, and there are some strange changes. .

It's like a yellow clay sculpture, which can be reshaped after being damaged. Based on previous experience, the sculpture can be made stronger.

By analogy, the body's muscles, bones, and cell tissues are remodeled after being destroyed. Zhuo Bufan can increase the strength of the physical body by another level based on previous experience. Cells are regenerated, bones are recast, and the muscles are filled with majestic vitality and blood, just like a head. A dormant peerless beast.

In addition to letting anger repair the body, Zhuo Bufan also took out the pill that nourished the body from the space ring, and threw it into his mouth without money, continuously replenishing the body with energy.

"Almost something."

Zhuo Bufan wriggled his lips slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes. A pair of deep black eyes flicked through two essences of light, and immediately stretched out his right palm to gather the power of the spirit, and a purple formation appeared in the palm, and the goddess spread out like a flower covering the whole body, isolating the inside and outside. .

After doing all this, Zhuo Bufan took out the sacred bone carefully. There is great pressure hidden in the sacred bone. If it weren't because the Poison Demon Emperor blew himself up and was injured too seriously, as long as he showed the pressure of the sacred bone, the deer sting The Emperor Jie might run away without looking back.

Because of fear that the pressure fluctuations of the Holy Bone would cause trouble, Zhuo Bufan arranged the Mingli formation to isolate him.

Zhuo Bufan’s eyes are introverted, tightening his mind. The vitality is first poured into the holy bones and then very careful to take out a thread of blood from the baby’s finger. Although there are not many, the level of power contained in it is inexplicably trembling. .

Even Zitian, who had been guarding the cave entrance like a rock, sensed the power of the holy blood, and turned his head in surprise to look at Zhuo Bufan, and saw that Zhuo Bufan controlled a wisp of holy blood slowly from his palms into his body, and then his entire body skin was instantly absorbed. It became red like iron, and even the air was distorted by the high temperature.

The holy blood was left by the once supreme powerhouse'Ye Bai' in the northern border of the demon realm. The holy blood contains huge power and cannot be absorbed at all. Any attempt to absorb the holy blood is playing with fire.

If the holy blood is so easily absorbed, the basalt master would not obediently put the red stone in the canyon to let his hands absorb the holy energy. After all, holy blood is a very precious body tempering treasure.

"Brother must use the power of the holy blood to wash the fascia of the flesh?" After Zitian saw this scene, the purple pupils were round, and the flesh was tempered with the holy blood. It is the holy pressure that penetrates into every cell to produce pain, which is enough to make the practitioner's consciousness instantly collapse.

Although Zi Tian had been sleeping in Zhuo Bufan's body when he was young, but occasionally there were moments of awakeness. He knew that his ugly big brother, who did not even show too much hideousness in the ordinary time, had experienced things that were beyond imagination.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes, his face muscles tense, and the holy blood penetrated into the body like blazing flames burning bone meridians, and even penetrated deeply into every cell. The pain was like a sharp sword pierced into the body, the pain at that moment. Zhuo Bufan almost collapsed, his whole body trembled like chaff, cold sweat soaked his whole body.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan was supported by his extraordinary willpower. At the beginning, Zhuo Bufan had the idea of ​​using holy blood to temper his body, but the dragon evil body was like a strong fortress, and the holy blood could not be integrated, and now this solid fortress is completely Shattered, finally found a chance to integrate into the Holy Blood.

Although the process is painful, Zhuo Bufan knows that no progress and success is not accepting the tempering of the painful fire, and after the pain, there will be a rebirth from the ashes.

A little bit of time passed. At first, Zi Tian was still worried. He kept staring at Zhuo Bufan, but as time went on he found that Zhuo Bufan’s facial expressions finally eased, knowing that the eldest brother has passed the most difficult level, and the rest There is no too much risk, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Zi Tian." Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan stopped tempering, opened his eyes, and shouted.

"Big brother, what's the matter? Did something happen?" Zi Tian immediately stood up and rushed to him, his face full of tension.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zi Tian's nervous appearance, a little touched and a little funny, he smiled and shook his head and said: "It's okay, tempering the body with the holy blood is not a matter of overnight. Now the most difficult level has been passed, and the rest is You only need to proceed step by step. I have the space ring of the Poison Demon Emperor. I have explored it. There is an iron piece in it, which records the secret technique of the'Voodoo Fragment'. I think it should be useful to you."

Zhuo Bufan directly took out the piece of iron from the space ring, about the size of a palm, and flowing black ripples throughout, shaped like strange characters. The Deer Sting Realm Emperor ignored his cards and manipulated the Balrog to chase him. First, he wanted his life , The second is because of the'Voodoo Fragment' secret technique in this piece of iron.

The reason why the Demon Scales can be honored in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is that the Poison Demon Realm Emperor is one of the four kings, and the Poison Demon Realm Emperor did not show advanced talent when he was young, and then he accidentally obtained this from the secret realm.' 'Voodoo Fragment', slowly adopting'poison' as the way, making its current name in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, making the Demon Scales prosperous.

"It's just fragments that are so powerful. I don't know how terrifying the complete voodoo secret technique is." Zhuo Bufan murmured, the last poison soldier cast by the Poison Demon Realm Emperor, but it caused him quite a headache. Temporarily restrained with the Shura blood stab.

This was because the Poison Demon Realm Sovereign had not fully penetrated and mastered the Poison Soldier. Once he fully penetrated and mastered the Poison Soldier, I am afraid that Shura Blood Sting could not be restrained.

Zi Tian took the black iron sheet and held it in his hand, looking at the black ripples on the iron sheet, two ancient runes faintly appeared in the purple pupils, Zi Tian frowned, and immediately raised his head to look at Zhuo Bufan, and said: "Brother, I seem to remember this secret technique, which is much more complete than the fragments on the iron sheet."

Hearing Zi Tian's words, Zhuo Bufan was stunned, and Zi Tian actually mastered the complete voodoo secret technique.

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