Chapter 2968

The soul of the purple sky is a kind of cosmic divine beast in the era of the underworld. It is good at manipulating the power of the underworld, and has a keen perception of the underworld. Now it has the tyrannical body of the burning sky purple python, which can reach the realm of the emperor after adulthood. Of course, the law of the universe operates fairly. With such a natural talent, the number is naturally extremely rare. Otherwise, if there are too many, one group can dominate the entire Taiyi universe.

According to the memories that Zi Tian has obtained from the bloodline inheritance, a race like them does not exceed a hundred at most.

Therefore, even if every underworld snake is born powerful and incomparable, it can't control the entire universe. Although human beings are born weak and small, their victory lies in their large numbers. The greater the base, the more powerful they will be produced.

In order to maintain the inheritance of the group, generations of Underworld snakes will seal all their memories into the body of the newborn cubs. After the cubs become stronger, they can continue to unlock the memories of those seals, which record the cultivation experience of the ancestors, Combat skills, exercises, magic weapons, pills, and various ways to survive in the rules of the universe.

Once the Dark Snake becomes an adult and gradually reveals the dusty memories, it is easy to cultivate to the realm of the realm master.

According to Zitian's statement, it is precisely because they are the best at searching for treasures, they have been hunted and killed by the strong in the Nether Age, which has led to increasingly scarce numbers.

"According to your statement, your ancestors should have practiced the secret technique of voodoo. This secret technique was actually passed down from the Nether Age. You saw the'Voodoo Fragment' trigger some memories in the sealed bloodline." Zhuo Bufan pondered.

"Well, it should be like this. I have a complete voodoo secret technique practice method in my mind. If you want to practice, elder brother, I will immediately print a copy for you." Zi Tian nodded and said.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and shook his head: "Voodoo is not suitable for me to practice. Instead, you should practice. Your ancestors also practiced the ‘voodoo secret technique’. It should be easier for you to master it with your inherited practice experience."

"Well, when my strength becomes stronger, I will help my eldest brother fix the deer sting world emperor, so as not to drag the oil bottle with my eldest brother." Zi Tian said with a bright smile.

"You kid, I never disliked you." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile, and gave Zi Tian a fist on his shoulder.

After that, the two practiced separately in the cave. Zhuo Bufan continued to refine the holy blood in his body to temper his body, while Zi Tian began to study the'Voodoo Mystery'. The trace of holy energy was like a flame, burning every cell. , Causing tremendous changes in his body, Zhuo Bufan would wake up every time he practiced for a period of time, observing Zitian's cultivation situation to help him protect the law, after all, Zitian had just transformed into a human form and began to practice.

But then Zhuo Bufan completely let go of his heart. Zi Tian just started to hold the iron sheet to study and still had a headache, but soon he was immersed in it. Obviously, he inherited the training experience of his ancestors in his blood, and he soon started to practice with ease.

"This kind of training experience and fighting skills inherited from the ancestors is really abnormal. Passed down from generation to generation, the Nether Snake clan will only become stronger and stronger." Zhuo Bufan secretly smacked his tongue, and immediately Zhuo Bufan was relieved. Fortunately, the number of Nether snakes is rare. , If the number is really large, it will be enough to dominate the entire Taiyi universe.

Time passed, one month after entering the cave.

Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged on the mountain abdomen, his injury has been completely healed, his body glowed with a glazed brilliance, and soon the brilliance was restrained into his skin, Zhuo Bufan finally opened his eyes, faintly shining in the depths of his eyes.

The body returned to its peak state again, and the Dragon Evil Waste Body had entered Xiaocheng Consummation, and there was huge potential in the body.

"With the strength of my current body, if I face the Poison Demon Emperor and blew myself again, although I can't completely resist it, it won't be as embarrassed as before." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and immediately clenched his fists, feeling the inside of his body. Hidden beast-like power.

"Big Brother, you are awake!" A pleasant voice sounded in the cave. Zi Tian had already stopped practicing, and saw Zhuo Bufan wake up, he immediately walked over.

Zhuo Bufan stood up, moved his arms and neck, looked at the former and smiled: "How are you studying the ‘Voodoo Secret Art’?"

"The voodoo secret technique is divided into three layers. I just mastered the first layer, but the second layer is still a bit difficult, so there is no breakthrough for the time being." Zi Tian shook his head, revealing a completely different honesty from that enchanting face. , But don't have a sense of joy.

"Let me see." Zhuo Bufan said.

Zi Tian nodded, and immediately stretched out a palm, covered with thin dark purple snake scales, and wisps of green flame rose up from the fingertips, lightly tracing the air, corroding the void into black cracks. , It can be seen that its toxicity is strong.

Then the faint green poisonous gas covered the palm of the hand, forming a possessed claw sleeve, just like the essence, it was the poisonous weapon art used by the Poison Demon Emperor.

The whole body was wrapped in armor transformed by poisonous gas, and the sharp claws and protruding spikes were all weapons.

"Big brother, how is it?" Zi Tian looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked quite expectantly.

Zhuo Bufan’s pupils were slightly open. Zi Tian mastered the first layer of voodoo secrets after more than ten days of practice, which is deeper than the Poison Demon Emperor’s lifetime research and mastery. If the Poison Demon Emperor knew about it, he would probably vomit blood on the spot. "It's not bad. You can't rush for quick success in cultivation, and everything will happen in a gradual and orderly manner."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the corners of Zi Tian's lips set off a triumphant curve. After all, he had inherited the memory of his ancestors, and he would naturally get twice the result with half the effort when practicing.

"Don't be too complacent. In addition to practicing the exercises to improve your strength, the more important thing is to sharpen your character and be humble to make people progress." Zhuo Bufan exhorted with a serious face.

Zi Tianlian reduced the smug smile on his face and nodded heavily, "I see, brother."

Zhuo Bufan looked at him with a faint smile on his face. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The soft color in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by sharp fierce brilliance, "We should go out." , The deer sting world emperor's account should be settled with him!"

"Yeah." Zitian nodded, his handsome face surging with a hint of coldness.

"Let's go." Zhuo Bufan swept directly towards the entrance of the cave. Zi Tian followed closely. The two rushed out of the cave. The light outside shone on their faces, making both of them dazed. They narrowed their eyes slightly before adapting. , After all, spent a lot of time in the cave.

Only then did Zhuo Bufan discover that they were in a gorge with 100,000-renowned cliffs on both sides, with a hazy white mist below. Zhuo Bufan could feel two extremely familiar and evil auras below.

"The flame demon you said is below?" Zhuo Bufan asked, looking down.

Zi Tian nodded, his eyes revealed a fierce color, and said: "Well, as long as they don't go deep into the canyon, they won't take the initiative to attack. I didn't know at the beginning. I rushed into the canyon and was brutally abused by those two guys. pause."

"Go down and take a look." Zhuo Bufan said: "Bull my brother, if my eldest brother doesn't save face for you, how am I embarrassed."

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