Chapter 2973 Chaos Power

Consciousness fell into chaos. I don't know how long it has passed before Zhuo Bufan gradually regained consciousness.

Lifting his heavy eyelids, a ray of light penetrated into his pupils. After adjusting to the light, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and saw Zi Tianzheng crouching anxiously beside him. After seeing him awake, Zi Tian leaned forward with a look of concern. Said: "Brother, you finally woke up, how are you?"

Zhuo Bufan slowly sat upright, shook his head and said: "Let me take a look at Dantian first."

Divine Mind immediately entered the Dantian, and saw that the five thousand Yuanli vortexes in the Dantian still released a star-like light, but the Yin-Yang Sea in the middle turned into a hazy gray mist at this moment. Divine Mind tried to enter this gray mist to see , Was immediately rejected by him, and made Dezhuo Bufan Jian's eyebrows frowned.

This change surprised Dezhuo Bufan and at the same time aroused his great curiosity, because he could feel that the power contained in this gray mist was stronger than the power of Yin and Yang.

"Go, go out and try." Zhuo Bufan's face showed a touch of excitement.

Zi Tian on the side looked confused, and he shook his head, and immediately followed Zhuo Bufan to leave the cave.

The two came out of the cave and stood in the air.

Zhuo Bufan tried to extract a trace of the gray mist energy in his dantian, and his **** were used as a sword, and he swept toward a mountain in front of him. A gray air current swept across the mountain, and the mountain was crushed into powder, as if it had never existed.

A trace of power is terrifying.

Standing next to him, Zitian's eyes widened, his face was horrified, and his throat shook and swallowed.

Even Zhuo Bufan also opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him, only extracting a trace of gray energy to have such power, if you use this power to fight, it is enough to sweep all the powerhouses at the peak of the realm!

If he meets the Deer Sting Realm Emperor again, Zhuo Bufan is looking forward to seeing the panic on his face.

"This kind of energy is too domineering and powerful. If the previous'yin and yang power' were both rigid and soft, then this kind of power now belongs to pure'dominance', crushing and destroying everything in the world." Zhuo Bufan was secretly surprised and excited. , "Since it is the power generated by the fusion of yin and yang, then it is called the'power of chaos'."

Everything was born in chaos and died in chaos.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan can't use all of the chaotic power for the time being, the chaotic power of a single strand of hair is as heavy as a mountain of ten thousand ren, even if the Primordial Saint Body is small and complete, it can't carry all the chaotic power.

"Luzhe Realm Emperor, we should also settle the account." Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed with a chill, and he immediately looked at Zitian and said: "Zi Tian, ​​let's leave the Holy Burial Abyss first."

"Well, everything depends on Big Brother. I'll go wherever Big Brother goes. It's best to find Luzhe's chaos and settle accounts." Zi Tian nodded and replied.

There are many dangers in the Holy Burial Abyss, even though Zhuo Bufan’s strength has greatly increased, he has no idea to wander around in the Holy Burial Abyss. Otherwise, he and Zi Tian would probably be buried in the mouth of the flame demon.

Such a dangerous place, still wait for a strong enough strength to explore again.

Zhuo Bufan and Zitian immediately swept towards the top of the gorge, and the blue dream-like mist filled the top. A trace of blue thunder wandered in it, exuding terrifying power. When ordinary world kings entered it, they would soon Decomposed into granular powder by blue thunder.

Even the Deer Sting Realm Sovereign did not dare to easily pass through this layer of thunder, forcibly passing through it would easily be seriously injured.

Zi Tian's body was already covered with dense snake scales, wrapping up all of his skin. Although the body of the Burning Purple Python was strong, he wanted to pass it smoothly, so he wouldn't have to suffer some skin and flesh pains.

"Don't be so troublesome." Zhuo Bufan waved his palm, and a cloud of gray and chaotic power instantly wrapped the two of them.

When the two passed through this layer of blue haze, the wandering blue thunder continued to blast at them, all blocked by the power of chaos, and they didn't even touch their hair.

"Big brother, you are too strong in the power of chaos. If this kind of thunder and lightning falls on me, I am afraid it will be broken." Zi Tian was even more surprised.

In the end, the two successfully passed through the thunder haze and appeared on the cliff, and once again returned to the Gobi of Death, it was still a azure blue, and the ground was full of dreamy blue butterfly flowers.

The line of sight in front of him is endless, and the divine consciousness in this area is suppressed, and it is impossible to contact Hong Yun and Bai Yuan at all.

"They should be looking for treasures with Luo Mo, Zitian, feel it, where are the treasures?" Zhuo Bufan asked Zitian.

Zi Tian closed his eyes, his body exuded a purple aura. Zi Tian's ability to search for treasures in this special area would not be suppressed. After a while, Zi Tian opened his eyes and pointed to the southwest. "Big brother, I feel that way. There are treasure fluctuations."

"Go, go over and take a look." Zhuo Bufan took the lead, followed by Zi Tian.

After the two of them walked for about two scents, the outline of a building appeared in front of the blue mist, like a mirage, and the shrine appeared!

Zhuo Bufan and Zi Tian instantly speeded up and swept toward the distant mirage. After they got closer, they saw a huge and magnificent shrine floating in the air. The shrine was thousands of miles high, and they could faintly sense the presence of many practitioners.

"I don't know the specific situation in the divine palace yet, don't be too ostentatious." Zhuo Bufan spoke to Zitian.

Zi Tian nodded, and immediately took the snake scales on his skin back into the body with Zhuo Bufan and swept towards the shrine. The spirits were huge. The two of them flew in the air. At a glance, they saw densely packed figures in front of the shrine, each occupying one side .

Except for the three powerhouses of Red Eye Demon Lord, Xuanwu World Lord, and White Tiger World Lord, who entered the Holy Burial Abyss to seek sanctification, most of the powerhouses wandered in the dead Gobi looking for treasures, and so many powerhouses gathered here. Naturally, it is not surprising.

Zhuo Bufan and Zitian also swept to a corner of the divine palace, and instantly attracted the attention of many people around, but after sensing that they were just practitioners in the realm of the realm, those eyes instantly lost interest, Zhuo Although Bufan is famous in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, not many people have actually seen him with his own eyes, and there are many practitioners who are not part of Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan didn’t want to be popular here. Instead, he observed the surroundings and quickly discovered that among the thousands of practitioners around, there were actually more than a dozen experts in the Realm Sovereign Realm, all of which were leaders of various teams. Among the people, Zhuo Bufan also found a familiar figure, the Black Bear Realm King, one of the four kings of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, who led hundreds of realm kings from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley to occupy one side.

However, among these people, Zhuo Bufan did not find Hong Yun, Bai Yuan, Luo Mo and others, and even the Deer Sting Realm Emperor was not here.

These people stayed at the gate of the shrine and did not enter. Obviously, it was because there was an array restriction outside the shrine. If you want to forcibly break in, you might suffer the consequences. The shrine is covered with a layer of blue mist, in which electric snakes swim around. , Exactly the same as the blue thunder above the canyon, no wonder these people only dared to wait outside and didn't dare to rush.

Suddenly, two figures swept towards the position of the black bear realm emperor. One thin and the other fat, both of them wore heavy armor, exuding a not weak aura. The fat one was the peak of the realm emperor, thin. That was the early stage of Jiehuang.

The same team has two realm emperors strong, but it is not weak.

When the Black Bear Realm Emperor saw the two appearing, his brows furrowed and his face showed a solemn expression. Among them, the thin Peng Prison Realm Emperor had some old accounts with him.

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