Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2973: Peng Prison Sirius

Chapter 2974 Peng Prison, Sirius

"Black Bear, I haven't seen him for a long time, I never thought you weren't dead yet." The Peng Prison Realm Emperor, who was a little thin, had a grim sneer on his face, and his eyes were sharp.

"You are still alive, how can I walk in front of you." The Black Bear Realm Emperor squinted his eyes and looked at each other. The two eyes met, and there was lightning intertwined and flickered in the void.

When Peng Prison Realm Emperor was young, he had some old grievances with the Black Bear Realm Emperor. At first he was a woman, and the two fought hard. At that time, the Black Bear Realm Emperor was much stronger than Peng Prison, which made Peng Prison suffer a big loss. Over the years, this grievance and prison has been brooding.

Now that the temple barrier has not been fully opened, seeing the Black Bear Realm Emperor and the Peng Prison Realm Emperor meet each other, it has attracted many eyes from the square, and many of them know both. After all, in the northern demon realm, the two People can be regarded as relatively famous characters.

"That's not the Prison Realm Emperor Peng and the Realm Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor of the Qishan League. They have enemies with the Realm Emperor Black Bear in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons?"

"You don't know? I heard that the Emperor Peng and the Black Bear Realm snatched a woman when they were young, and finally fought. The Emperor Peng Jail Realm was severely injured by the Black Bear Realm Emperor."

"Peng Prison is only in the early stage of the Realm Emperor, but there is a helper around him. The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor is the pinnacle of the Realm Emperor. I am afraid that the black bear will suffer a loss this time."

The whispering voices spread, and many practitioners looked like they were watching a good show. Anyway, they were waiting for boredom, and there was a good show for everyone to relieve their boredom.

Peng Prison Realm Emperor himself is an earth dragon demon, commonly known as a pangolin. Although he looks thin, his body is not as firm as the black bear clan, and the latter is good at escaping. Back then, he escaped from the black bear in an embarrassing manner.

The fatter man next to him was the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor, who belonged to the Sirius clan, and was also a powerful group known for fierceness in the Demon Realm. His gray eyes flashed with cold and cold light from time to time.

"This guy really picks time." The Black Bear Realm Emperor looked at the two Qishan League Realm Emperors in front of him, thinking in his heart. If he only met the Peng Prison Realm Emperor, he would not be afraid, but this guy and the Sky Wolf Realm The emperor was together, and the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor was known for being fierce and ruthless in the northern border of the Demon Territory, and even he was a little confused about this guy.

In recent years, Peng Prison Realm Emperor and Sirius Realm Emperor have been very close. I heard that Peng Prison received a treasure to offer to the Sirius Realm Emperor. The Sirius Realm Emperor has already let out a word. Peng Prison is his brother and bullied Peng. The prison emperor is tantamount to bullying himself.

"Black bear, we have to settle the old accounts of previous years." The prison emperor Peng licked his lips, looking a bit scornful.

"Peng Yu, are you really planning to do something here?" The black bear clenched his fists, his body faintly fluctuating in vitality.

Once he does it, he is definitely not the opponent of Peng Yu and Sirius. He will probably end up in an embarrassed manner, and the people around him will also look at him. Once he is injured, these people will probably do it for the treasures on his body.

As a last resort, the black bear was unwilling to directly fight the two.

Peng Yu sneered: "Black Bear, don't you have any hole cards? My eldest brother, Sirius Realm Emperor, is here, and we have only one dead end when we join forces."

"Want my life?" The black bear realm emperor's eyes gradually revealed a fierceness, "Even if you two join hands, I will be able to severely hurt or take one away with all my might. Would you like to try?"

Hearing what the black bear said, Peng Yu was stunned. If the black bear desperately even blew himself up, he might end up being pulled back, but he couldn't get rid of his grievances without a breath of malice.

The Sirius Realm Emperor frowned slightly, apparently also weighing the pros and cons, saying that Peng Yu was his own brother, but in order to calm people's hearts, he only pursued profit, but if he didn't help Peng Yu, it would have caused gossip and made Peng Yu chill.

"Hei Xiong, the account back then said that it was not big, but it was for a woman." The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor suddenly said: "Today you only need to take out a life and death magic weapon, and then kowtow to my brother to apologize, what happened in the past. How about a write-off?"

Hearing this, the Emperor Peng was slightly unhappy. If the black bear did so, it would only hurt his face, but he was beaten to death by the black bear that year. If he was not good at running away, he would have been killed in the hands of the black bear long ago. How can he apologize and understand? .

However, due to the majesty of the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor, Peng Yu could only remain silent, letting the black bear kneel down in front of so many powerful monsters, but it would be able to smash the face of the black bear realm emperor and charge some interest.

"Bah, old Hei, I can't kill, I can't insult, **** it, deceive people too much." The black bear realm emperor's eyes widened, and he shouted angrily.

He really knelt down and begged for mercy, and would still be able to gain a foothold in the North in the future. Moreover, as one of the four kings of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, he lost the face of Ten Thousand Demon Valley by doing so, and I am afraid that the Lord Xuanwu Realm will personally punish him.

"Oh? Are you really going to stay one step back?" The eyes of the Sirius Realm Emperor gradually became cold. "Peng Yu and I can easily hurt you seriously. Don't fight for the treasures in the shrine. I'm afraid there will be some profit. The guy here is waiting for you to take the treasure after you get injured. If you want to explode, you also need sufficient mental preparation. As long as you keep attacking, how can you explode."

Self-destruction does require mental strength and time preparation. Last time Zhuo Bufan was taken carelessly by the Poison Demon Realm Emperor's trick.

If he kept attacking, or even attacking Shenhai directly, the Poison Demon Realm Emperor would not be able to blew himself up.

If he could easily blew himself up, who would dare to provoke the powerhouse of the Realm Sovereign Realm.

The black bear's brows were twisted into a Sichuan character, his thick palms clenched his fists, and the men behind him were angry but helpless. The combination of the prison world emperor Peng and the sky wolf world emperor was indeed a powerful force.

"Two realm emperors bullied one person, and you are not afraid of losing your Qishan League's face when it spreads out?" Suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded in this square.

Immediately, many eyes converged to the place where the sound was sounding, and they saw in a corner of the square, the two figures flew over and landed beside the Black Bear Realm Emperor, one full of black hair, tall and tall like a gun, and his appearance was slightly delicate. One has long purple hair and looks even more beautiful than a woman, but there is a chilling fierceness on her body.

The two people who broke in suddenly left everyone at a loss.

"Shadow Killing King, are you here?" When the Black Bear Realm Emperor saw Zhuo Bufan, his face was overjoyed. Although he and Zhuo Bufan had no friendship, both of them represented the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters. Besides, He also sent someone to give Zhuo Bufan a congratulatory gift.

Afterwards, the Black Bear Realm Emperor saw Zi Tian next to Zhuo Bufan again, with a suspicious expression on his face, and said, "The King of Shadow Killer, who is this?"

"This is my brother Zitian." Zhuo Bufan said lightly, naturally he would not explain the origin of Zitian.

The Black Bear Realm Sovereign held hands, and he did not dare to despise Zi Tian. Although Zi Tian revealed his breath as a Realm King, the other party gave him a pressure from the depths of his soul. The latter obviously possessed extremely noble blood. Yaozu.

Yaozu pays the most attention to blood.

Zitian possesses the soul of the underworld snake, the body of the burning purple python, and the bloodline is more powerful than that of the ancient dragons. Even if the strength is not as good as the black bear realm emperor, the bloodline can make the black bear realm emperor and others feel the coercive existence.

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