Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2986: Return to peace



The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor Yu Guang caught a glimpse of this scene, and a chill rose in his heart. Both the Deer Sting Realm Emperor and the Peng Prison Realm Emperor were already dead.


The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor was full of vitality, and the mace in his hand was waving wildly with endless vitality, smashing the Black Bear Realm Emperor and Zitian back again and again.

Zitian and the Black Bear Realm Sovereign joined forces, enough to contend with the Sirius Realm Emperor, even if it only takes enough time, the Sirius Realm Emperor will hate their hands, but the Sirius Realm Emperor suddenly went mad, and the two dared not stand up close. A rough idea may be dragged into the water by the latter and buried together.

Seeing Zitian and the Black Bear Realm Queen retreat, the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor turned around without any hesitation, and swiftly swept towards the two open doors.

Zi Tian and the Black Bear Realm Emperor were taken aback. They didn't expect that the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor would actually choose to escape. Just as Zi Tian was about to chase them, Zhuo Bufan's voice rang out in his mind, "Poor ones don't chase them."

Hearing this, Zitian stopped in place.

The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor is very strong. If he can't achieve the level of ‘incapable of self-detonation’, it’s probably very dangerous for Zitian to chase him out.

Zhuo Bufan has personally experienced the shock wave generated when the Poison Demon Realm Emperor blew himself up. Looking back now, he still has lingering fears. Moreover, the Deer Sting Realm Emperor’s refuge in the Flame Demon has been witnessed by many powerful monsters. Everyone also understands that the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor should also. If you take refuge in the Flame Demon Clan, as long as you spread the news, someone will naturally clear the Sky Wolf Realm Emperor, and the Demon Region has no place for him.

After the death of Luzhe Realm Emperor and Yan Mohou, Princess Hongyun regained her self-awareness, blinked her bright eyes, and immediately swept towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Master Zhuo." Princess Hongyun said in a pleasant voice: "The ancestor told me that he still had a trace of soul remaining when he passed on the inheritance. He was ready to deal with the Yanmohou lurking in the Thunder Sea. I just didn't disturb the Yanmohou. Tell you."

Although Princess Hongyun has been accepting the inheritance and has not been able to witness Zhuo Bufan's battle, looking at the bruised and **** man in front of her body, she can also imagine how tragic the battle was just now.

It's just that the man in front of him who has not been with him for a long time, at this moment, the slightly tired cheeks are smiling, like a touch of warm sunshine.

"The Lord of the Yinguo has his own consideration. The Flame Demon Hou has a cunning character and has been hiding in the Thunder Sea. He has also arranged an array to prevent the Lord of the Silverguo from breaking in. If he is not allowed to believe that the Lord of the Silverguo is dead, I am afraid he will also It's not so easy to show up." Zhuo Bufan understands the Lord of Yinguo, and even has a trace of admiration.

The latter chose to guard the Flame Demon for hundreds of thousands of years for the safety of the monsters, and even failed to leave a legacy for the silver fox clan, which made the silver fox clan decline more and more over the years, and not everyone has it. For everyone's spirit.

The storm was calm, Zhuo Bufan was holding a silver gun, his eyes swept across the faces of many monsters powerhouses, the corners of his lips lifted up, and the sound of the true essence wrapped up, spreading, "Everyone, the Flame Demon Hou and the Deer Sting Realm emperor are already there. Burial, if you still want my treasure or the inheritance of the Lord of the Silver Dragon, I will accompany the King of Shadow Killer to the end!"

The sound was powerful and shocking.

Everyone from the Yaozu powerhouse was stunned, many eyes gathered on his face, that tired and weak face was filled with a smile, but what was dormant behind this smile was a shocking and fierce taste. .

Zitian also held the Blood Moon Scimitar in his hand, his breath rose, and his eyes were staring at the crowd with unkind eyes. Obviously, as long as someone dared to make a difference, he would not hesitate to take action.

The strong monsters sighed secretly, and the picture of Zhuo Bufan fighting with the Deer Stalking Realm Emperor lingered in their minds. The strength displayed by the latter was enough to make everyone afraid, even though Zhuo Bufan was injured and weak. , But the injured beast is also the most dangerous.

"Shadow Killer!" A figure flew out from the crowd.

It was just the first tauren world emperor who wanted to compete for the inheritance of the world master.

The Tauren Realm Emperor looked at Zhuo Bufan with respect in his eyes, and immediately bowed his hand respectfully, with a serious expression: "The Deer Sting Realm Emperor betrayed the Demon Race to join the Flame Demon Clan, and the gods and gods are indignant. I am not a person who does not know good and bad. If the Deer Sting Realm Emperor Living will definitely kill us and kill us, and the death of the King of Shadow Killer will save our lives. How dare we covet the treasure of King of Shadow Killer, I will leave now."

After the voice fell, the Tauren Realm Emperor took the lead to scavenge from the gate, and then many strong monsters left with him.

Even if there are some ‘evil-minded people’ coveted treasures, first of all, they have to weigh the strength in their hands, and secondly, Zhuo Bufan’s killing of the Deer Sting Realm Emperor is admired by many people. Once they do it, they may cause anger.

For whatever reason, the strong monsters gradually left this area and continued to search for treasures in other places in the shrine.

Seeing everyone gradually leaving, the fierceness hidden in Zhuo Bufan's face slowly disappeared, and Princess Hongyun, White Ape and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This crisis finally passed safely.

"Black Bear Realm Emperor, I don't know what your plans are?" Zhuo Bufan asked when he looked at the Black Bear Realm Emperor and did not leave.

Just now, the Black Bear Realm Emperor was able to take the initiative to help involve the Sirius Realm Emperor, which also made Zhuo Bufan feel good about the latter.

Otherwise, let the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor and Deer Sting Realm Emperor join forces, I am afraid he will not be able to support that long.

The Black Bear Realm Emperor smiled and said: "I originally planned to go to the shrine with them to find treasures, but now I have changed my mind. If the Shadow Killer doesn’t think I’m dragging the oil bottle, just take me with him and follow the Shadow Killer. The risk of death in the Gobi will also be much reduced."

Obviously, after experiencing what happened just now, the Black Bear Realm Emperor's attitude towards Zhuo Bufan has also changed a lot.

"Well, let's practice here for a few days first to heal the injury." Zhuo Bufan said.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan and others began to heal their wounds, while Zi Tian and Bai Yuan were responsible for guarding the gate.

Princess Hongyun still needs some time to digest after accepting the inheritance of the world master, and she also sits in the void and enters a state of cultivation and meditation.

After Zhuo Bufan checked the injuries in his body, the corners of his lips set off a bitter arc, and the strong action used the overloaded chaotic power to cause great harm to the flesh. If it weren't for the dragon evil waste body, the flesh would have already collapsed.

In the dantian, the vitality produced by the 5,000 yuan force vortex continuously penetrates into the broken bones and torn muscles to nourish and repair. If the creation mystery can be used, the speed of recovery from the injury can be increased several times.

While healed, he thought silently in his heart.

"The strong Flame Demon clan inside Redstone can actually practice two mysteries at the same time. Am I wrong in my previous thoughts?" Zhuo Bufan frowned secretly.

He mastered the mystery of creation, the mystery of the universe, the mystery of yin and yang, and he could choose any kind of avenue to practice. Zhuo Bufan had some crazy ideas. He wanted to practice three avenues at the same time, but he failed in the end. On the way to the Northern Demon Territory, he had already chosen to give up, but seeing that the Flame Demon clan powerhouse in the redstone was able to cultivate two avenues, he began to have self-doubt again.

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