Chapter 2988

In the records of Xingkong Daoyuan Collection Pavilion, no one has practiced two Dadao at the same time in history.

Including the senior guardian of the Dianzang Pavilion, who once tried to cultivate two avenues, but the more you practice, the more the two avenues run in opposite directions, and finally people doubt their "Dao Xin". If you continue to practice, the "Dao Xin" will eventually collapse Died.

Zhuo Bufan also tried the fusion of three mysteries, but the final result was not as desired. He could only integrate the ‘Yin and Yang Secret’ and the ‘Creation Secret’ to create a universe-level martial arts ‘annihilation’.

These two mysteries cannot continue to be studied in depth, they can only stay in the triple mystery!

The way he chooses to practice is-Qiankun Dao.

The universe represents heaven and earth, contains the universe, is broad and heavy, and is more suitable for all-round cultivation and development.

It was just that the flame demon expert in Redstone Mountain was able to study two avenues at the same time, which directly shattered his firm belief before.

"Under the rules of the perfect universe, it is impossible to cultivate the two avenues?" Zhuo Bufan secretly thought about the words of the flame demon in the Redstone Mountain.

The rules of the perfect universe operate like a solid eggshell. It is naturally extremely difficult for chickens to break through the shells. The Balrog tribe comes from outside the territory, from another universe that does not belong to the Taiyi universe, and the rules of the universe they live in are not incomplete.

It is precisely because of this incompleteness that they easily break the rules and restrictions, allowing them to practice two great ways!

"There must be a way, there are ways to cultivate two avenues, or even three avenues." Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his eyes, and a touch of firmness passed across his black eyes.

In the past few days, his body injuries have recovered seven or eighty-eight, and his strength has returned to the seventh or eighth floor at its peak. The rest only needs to cultivate slowly to be able to return to its peak state.

"I will definitely find a way to cultivate two or even three great avenues."

Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself.

Not only the geniuses in the Starry Sky Daoyuan, but also the Star Alliance and even Taiyi Universe have never done it. His crazy idea does not come from ‘arrogant and arrogant’, but a spiritual attitude.

No matter what you do, seek the law from the top to gain the law, seek the law from the bottom, and seek the law from the bottom, without gain.

Do anything, whether it is learning memory or reading, ambitious and strive for it.

"Set a lofty goal, even if you can't do it, you can only achieve the middle level. If you set a medium goal, you can only get the lower level results." Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed with brilliance. At this moment, in his heart All doubts and doubts disappeared.

What's more, whether he is in the Demon Race or in the Demon Domain now, he has seen the strength of the powerhouses outside the domain. These people have been coveting the Taiyi Universe, and don't know which day they will break through the shackles of the universe and enter, and at that time, only Only with stronger power can you protect your family and lover.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the others. Princess Hongyun exuded a faint golden light, covering her whole body. She was obviously cultivating the techniques left by the Lord of the Silver Dragon. On the other side, Zi Tian, ​​the Black Bear Realm Emperor, and the White Ape entered In the meditation state, once there are any intruders, they will immediately wake up.

Zhuo Bufan naturally didn't bother them. The Black Bear Realm Emperor and Zi Tian also suffered some injuries in the battle with the Sky Wolf Realm Emperor, and now they need to heal and recover slowly.

Moving his eyes away from everyone, Zhuo Bufan looked down at the dark thunder sea below. As the black mist rolled and surging, black flashes of lightning flowed in it, containing devastating waves, like the open mouth of an ancient giant crocodile.


Zhuo Bufan swept away from below.

The black mist is nourished with black lightning, and when someone breaks in, these lightnings immediately cover the whole body, walking on the surface of the skin, and the body feels a tingling sensation, but this level of lightning cannot hurt the body temporarily, and it is natural to be extraordinary. Don't bother.

Heiwu Leihai didn't know how deep it was, and the dim stretch made Zhuo Bufan feel a sense of unease.

Obviously, this is not the thing arranged by the Flame Demon Hou, if the latter had such terrifying power, the Lord of the Silver Tiger would have already died in his hands.

This black mist thunder sea should already exist, and the Flame Demon Hou sneaked in here just to avoid the silver gulf realm master from chasing and killing him.

"Being possessed by thunder all the time, although he won't get hurt, he can't even practice meditation under this kind of intrusion. It's no wonder that the strength of the flame demon will gradually weaken, and the silver gulf master suppresses him from showing up. ." Zhuo Bufan flew across the vast sea of ​​thunder, and occasionally a series of devastating black thunder and lightning would pass by his side.

After descending three thousand miles, Zhuo Bufan stopped, grasped in the void, and the silver spear appeared.

Below the black thunder and lightning became more and more dense, and even formed a series of swimming thunder and angry pythons. Zhuo Bufan held a spear and strangled directly towards these thunder and angry pythons.

Thunder and angry pythons live here, instinctively responsible for guarding the things below.

Seeing someone killing with a gun, the thunder and angry python seemed to roar, swimming around and looting at Zhuo Bufan.

"Good job!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, his eyes flashed a fine light, and the silver spear in his hand skyrocketed, and there was even a trace of gray chaotic power floating on the tip of the spear, and then slapped it fiercely at the thunder and angry python, the violent energy tore through the sea of ​​fog, and hit the thunder heavily. Smash the head of the angry python directly.

The head of the thunder and anger python exploded into countless pieces of thunder and lightning, and it recovered in a short time. There is a steady stream of thunder power in this fog to replenish it with energy.

"It's just used to sharpen the marksmanship." Zhuo Bufan's mouth evokes a sense of war.

In the battle against the Deer Sting Realm Emperor, why Zhuo Bufan has not used the holy bones? It is also because he wants to sharpen himself. Only in the "between life and death" can people hope to break through and stimulate their hidden potential.

Zhuo Bufan once watched a piece of news. In order to protect her son, a mother burst into full potential and sprinted to reach the level of top track and field athletes. The moment the car hit her son, she successfully carried her away.

This is potential, but not every ‘between life and death’ can explode potential. There are many factors for potential explosion, and the factor of ‘between life and death’ alone is not enough.

At least Zhuo Bufan and Luzhe Realm Emperor did not explode the so-called potential, and all the strengths were at the top level, which could not be regarded as an explosion.

"Because I have the Holy Bone hole card in my hand, I know that I will not die in the hands of the Deer Sting Realm Emperor, so there is no way to burst out of potential." Zhuo Bufan waved his silver spear and smashed the thunder and angry python again and again, recalling and thinking. Details of the battle with the Deer Sting Realm Emperor.

Although psychologically it has not reached the'life and death', the physical body has been forced out of its potential due to the excessive force of Chaos, and it is still one step away from breaking through the'Physical Dacheng Realm'.

"That shot, the last shot, the power of Chaos poured into the tip of the gun, more domineering than Annihilation!"

Zhuo Bufan kept arousing the power of Chaos, wanting to find the feeling at the time, Zhuo Bufan faintly felt that this was the opportunity to cultivate the second chapter of the Universe Marksmanship, it was definitely a stronger blow than Annihilation.

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