
"Xiang Jue Realm Emperor, do you mean we join forces to form an alliance?" Zhuo Bufan raised his eyelids, his deep eyes flashing with brilliance.

The prerequisite for cooperation is naturally based on the equal strength of both parties. Zhuo Bufan’s five people are obviously the team with the least number of people in this area. The emperor of Xiangjue and the emperor of Leopard threw an olive branch to him, naturally because of him just now. He retreated the Nine Realms Emperor and even seriously injured the latter.

Only if you have enough strength is the prerequisite for cooperation between the two parties.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked into the distance. The blue halo gathered in the sky in the distance. This is the most important place for this blue butterfly flower. On the other three petals, there are people from Ten Thousand Demon Valley, Qishan League, and Baijiaoyuan. , I will gather there when I want to, and then a battle will be indispensable.

"We work together to join us with the strength of the Shadow Killer King. We can be said to be even more powerful. After all, the other three forces are not easy to deal with. If you don't have enough capital, you will probably be driven out directly." Xiang Jue said in a deep voice. , Sincere eyes.

"Okay, I promise to form an alliance with you." Zhuo Bufan nodded, naturally knowing in his heart that if his lineup enters the central area, it is naturally not enough to look at it. Since the King of Xiang Jue needs him, he also needs the King of Xiang Jue and others to grow stronger. The momentum, the two each took what they needed.

And after such an alliance is set, everyone is ready to go. Although the other small forces have not been invited, in the face of the temptation of treasures, everyone wants to share a piece of the pie, and naturally will not leave easily.

Thousands of people rose into the air, densely packed, and instantly swept toward the center of the blue butterfly flower like a swarm of locusts. Pieces of wind broke the silence in the air. The five Zhuo Bufan also followed the large army and swept forward.

"Our alliance with Xiangjue Realm Emperor and Lie Leopard Realm Emperor was also due to the suppression of Qishan League, Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and Baijiaoyuan. This alliance is not stable, so young, we need to be cautious." The tone reminded the other four people.

"Yeah." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

He naturally understands that this kind of alliance is taking advantage of the trend, and its degree of stability is not high.

Groups of people rushed out in groups to cover the sky, and everyone didn't dare to go too fast, because they didn't know if there were other dangers here. About ten minutes later, everyone appeared in the center of the flower core area, and there was no danger in the middle.

In the center of the stamen area, about hundreds of thousands of kilometers, a hazy dream-like blue light spot rises, like a quiet blue ocean, but in it, everyone feels the violent fluctuations, which is obviously not as quiet as the surface.

The emperor of Xiang Jue stopped his figure and stretched out his palm. Thousands of demon cultivators stopped behind him. The law was rigorous, like an army of iron and blood, and the emperor of the leopard also made people stop one after another, and the two teams were neat. On the other hand, other small forces are dwarfed, and the lineup is scattered.

Zhuo Bufan saw that the White Elephant Palace and Thunder Leopard Palace could become the first line of power after the three major forces in the northern border of the Demon Region. It was not just a name but no reality. This kind of well-trained team, placed anywhere, is enough to make people pay attention.

After the team stopped back and forth, they saw the densely packed figures in the west, north, and south sky, rushing like a wasp. This lineup was really shocking. Such a power, even in the demon domain, was one of the best.

So many powerful people gathered here, each filled with fluctuations in the original force, making the entire space crumbling, and there were faint signs of cracking.

In front of the figure swept from the south, there were three figures, with extremely strong fluctuations in the body, all of which were at the pinnacle of the Realm Sovereign Realm, and Zhuo Bufan's gaze followed everyone's gaze.

Among the three figures, a young man with purple curly hair was handsome, with a convincing temperament and a smile on his face.

On both sides, there are two beautiful women with black lips and a touch of charm.

"The three realm emperors of the Qishan League are here. The middle one is the world emperor Tianya ranked number one in the Qishan League. The two next to me are the Purple Spider, the Purple Charm Realm Emperor, and the twin sisters." He whispered, it seemed that Zhuo Bufan was specifically informed of the latter's identity.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised that the realm emperor of Tianya was definitely not under the realm of Xiangjue. Of course, he did not expect that there would be two realm emperors with twins. Even if the twins were born with the same child, there would be a gap between them. It is rare in the world of practitioners to cultivate into a world emperor.

It seemed that he sensed the gazes of Zhuo Bufan and others. Tianya Realm Emperor turned his eyes slightly, looking at Xiang Jue and Liebao Realm Emperor. He was naturally familiar with the two, but the Tianya Realm Emperor suddenly fell behind Zhuo Bufan, and his sights collided Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly. In this complicated environment, multiple friends are better than multiple enemies.

"Huh." Tianya Realm Emperor said softly.

"Tianya, what's the matter?" Purple Spider looked at him strangely.

"Xiang Jue Realm Emperor and Lie Leopard Realm Emperor's people, a group of mobs, don't worry." Zi Mei glanced at her mouth, and Leng Mei's pretty face flicked a touch of disdain.

In front of the three major forces, the so-called Sannomiya is indeed not enough.

Tianya Realm Emperor shook his head and said: "I noticed a guy, although he is only Realm King Realm, he faintly gave me a dangerous feeling.

"Realm King Realm? Can you sense danger?" Zi Spider raised her eyebrows, and Zi Mei also showed doubts.

When they reached the Realm Emperor Realm, there would never be the so-called ‘illusion’. The two women’s eyes followed the Tianya Realm Emperor and fell on Zhuo Bufan. Upon careful induction, the expressions of the two changed slightly.

"Perhaps it is a life-saving magic weapon bestowed by the elders." Purple Spider said.

"Maybe." Tianya Realm Emperor was noncommittal.

As they talked, the brigade of the other force also came to the vicinity of the ‘Huawei’, stopped and stood, and the sight of the Tianya Realm Sovereign and others was also drawn to the front of the force’s force.

The northerner Ma is from the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. The leader is naturally the Sword Emperor White Chi, with silver hair falling straight down like a waterfall, holding a sword in his arms, and sweeping his eyes carelessly, but it makes people feel dazzling. His eyes meet each other.

Bai Jia Realm emperor practiced swordsmanship, incarnate like a sword, even if he deliberately converges his vitality, he is filled with a sharp aura.

In addition to the White Emperor Realm Emperor, naturally there is also the Iron Mountain Realm Emperor of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

The two immediately spotted Zhuo Bufan and the Black Bear Realm Emperor in front of the Xiangjue Realm Emperor's team, with a trace of surprise on their faces, but it was obviously not the time to inquire.

Behind the Baiji Realm Emperor, there were two men and one woman, and there was an area around them, no one from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley dared to approach.

The woman’s pretty face is as cold as a layer of frost, with long ice-blue hair hanging down her buttocks, exuding a charming aura. She glanced at her beautiful eyes, and suddenly she saw Zhuo Bufan, Hongyun and others in the distance, Wei Wei Surprised, "This guy is still alive. It seems that he has got rid of the deer sting realm emperor's pursuit."

But as if he noticed a cold gaze looking at him, Zhuo Bufan raised his eyes and saw Luo Mo, Huo Ding, and Tan Yu in front of the Northerners. The three of them had actually joined the Bai Chi Realm Emperor, and a smile was raised on his lips .

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