Chapter 3008 Ape Sui Hou

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan’s gaze was coming, Luo Mo shifted his gaze to isolate the two of them from meeting. Although there had been a few intersections between the two, and Zhuo Bufan even saved her life in the Red Stone of the Ten Thousand Monster Valley, she always mentioned the latter. Can't afford any good impressions, after all, the two belong to two different camps.

In addition, she had also helped Zhuo Bufan, and the life-saving feeling in Redstone Mountain was returned to the other party, and the feeling of indebtedness in her heart also faded.

Seeing Luo Mo deliberately avoiding his sight, Zhuo Bufan’s lips lifted a touch of helplessness. If Ye Zi asked him to help take care of Luo Mo, he didn’t want to look at the other’s cold and stinky face, but the next moment, there was a rush of breaking wind. Pulled his thoughts back.

On the last side, the people from Bai Jiaoyuan also arrived.

Zhuo Bufan followed everyone's gaze, and saw that the sky was like a thousand people, the air was full of black mist, the queues were neatly arranged, and the rules were tight, and the admission of this party also allowed the monsters of the other three forces to win. Everyone's complexion tightened, and their breathing was stagnant.

Compared with the other tripartite forces, this group of people is more like an iron-blooded legion, surging with pressure and pressure, and the other tripartite teams are dwarfed by themselves.

"I didn't expect to see so many old friends here." A loud voice echoed in the sky.

Bai Jiao Yuan has the least number of people, but its combat ability is the strongest among the three forces, because Bai Jiao Yuan generally does not accept other monster clan groups to join, and only recruits strong monsters who have reached the realm of the emperor.

In front of the team, a man and a woman stepped on the void.

The man wears a golden armor, his cheeks and arms grow yellowish-brown fluff, and a pair of pale golden eyes with the spirit of looking at the world; a woman with a blue armor next to him also exudes not weak coercion.

The two were followed by three realm emperors. One of the realm emperors turned out to be Zhuo Bufan's familiar ‘old friend’ the Nine Realm Emperors. This guy did not leave the blue butterfly flower, but found the Sui Sui Realm emperor as a backer.

"Ape Sui bastard!" Bai Yuan saw the Ape Sui Realm Emperor appear, his eyes instantly flushed, and he gritted his teeth fiercely.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Yuan Sui and Bai Yuan were brothers of the same sect. Yuan Sui betrayed Master, and attacked while Master Bai Yuan was in retreat. He stole the Master’s Book and took refuge in Bai Jiao Yuan, and Bai Yuan’s master also suffered from his injuries. Heavy, and finally sit down.

Bai Yuan's goal in life is to kill the Sui Emperor Realm, avenge his master, and clear the door.

"Yuan Sui this guy actually appeared. It seems that there is no chance of fighting for the treasure this time." The Liebao Realm Emperor shook his head with a solemn expression.

"He is also at the pinnacle level of the Realm Emperor, how powerful can he be?" Zi Tian asked.

The Black Bear Realm Emperor also looked solemn and said: "Baijiaoyuan generally does not accept other demon clan to take refuge, unless it is a strong person in the Realm Emperor Realm to take refuge in. The Ape Sui Realm Emperor is a strong ape clan, and he himself has reached the Realm Emperor. At the pinnacle level, it is not difficult to enter Baijiaoyuan, but he can become the first person under the Scarlet Eye Demon Lord, and make Baijiaoyuan's unruly guys willing to follow him, his strength is evident."

Zi Tian heard the words, the expression on his face that was a little funny also faded in an instant, and a guy who could achieve this level would not be a good role to deal with.

"The woman next to him is the Qingcheng Realm Emperor, but Baijiaoyuan's third-ranked Realm Emperor, and the second-ranked Deer Sting Realm Emperor." The Black Bear Realm Emperor said slowly.

Zhuo Bufan beheaded the Deer Sting Realm Emperor in the place where the Lord of the Yingu Realm passed down. There were so many people present at that time that it was impossible to conceal the news. I want to come to the Sui Realm Emperor to have received the news of the death of the Deer Sting Realm Emperor.

Suddenly, Ape Sui Jiehuang jumped out of the team and swept towards Xiangjue Jiehuang and others. The expressions of the Xiangjue Jiehuang and Liebao Jiehuang changed slightly, and their eye pupils contracted slightly. Naturally, the two of them knew better than anyone else, but they didn't expect the latter to rush towards them.

"Junior Brother, I didn't expect that we would meet here. Last time I let you escape from my hand. I have been living for so long, and I didn't expect to die." Ape Sui Jie Huang looked at Bai Ape Jie Huang with careless eyes.

The emperor of Xiangjue and the emperor of Liebao looked at the white ape in amazement. It turned out that someone in Zhuo Bufan's team had a vengeance with the emperor of Sui.

"I haven't killed you to clean the door for the master, how can I go one step first, I have to pull you to cushion my back if I die." The white ape slowly clenched his palms, his eyes cracking.

Ape Sui Jiehuang sneered and said: "You are innate and dull, and you can worship Master's door thanks to me for helping you intercede. Since the beginning of your cultivation, you are inferior to me everywhere, but Master is willing to teach you the secrets of the Great Buddhist Scriptures. , Let you inherit the mantle. My talent is better than you, and the cultivation realm is higher than you. If you are to blame, the master is too partial."

Bai Yuan said: "You slaughtered people in a city for a small grievance. Master said that your character has become a devil, allowing you to concentrate on cultivating your state of mind, but you do not know how to repent. It is correct that Master does not pass you the'Great Buddhist Scriptures'. of."

Ape Sui Jiehuang sneered up to the sky, and a hideous color appeared on his face, "I only know that the monsters advocate strength and strength, and the weak are like ants. I will trample and kill a few ants. Master will shut me down, that old man. Partial, I am not convinced."

As the voice of the Emperor Sui Dynasty fell, and negligently, a substantial golden palm print appeared in the sky and patted directly on the top of the white ape's head.

"Junior Brother, your vitality and blood are declining, and your life is approaching, so you should obediently accompany that old man." Ape Sui Jie Huang has a hideous face.

The golden palm prints fell, and the air suddenly oppressed, and the two weaker realm kings were shaken into two groups of blood mist, and the smell was filled.

Suddenly, a scarlet fist imprint rushed into the air, and it abruptly collided with the golden palm print, a circle of energy spread, and the golden palm print instantly burst into countless golden spots, disappearing into the air.

Ape Sui Realm Emperor narrowed his eyes, cold as Hanfeng staring at the young man in front of him, with a cold stern expression on the corner of his lips, "You are the Shadow Killer? One blow can hurt the Nine Realm Emperors?"

"It seems that my name is not as unfamiliar as I thought." Zhuo Bufan said lazily without fear of the latter's cold eyes: "White Ape is my friend, you kill him in front of me, it is difficult for me to stop. Look on."

"So you want to be an enemy of me? A realm king pinnacle. I really think that he can seriously hurt Dao Jiu's stuff, so he doesn't put my Ape Sui in his eyes?" Ape Sui Realm emperor said coldly, his body gradually rising. The strong killing intent caused many people to be cold.

Zhuo Bufan said gently: "I just want to come to the ruins to compete for treasures, so naturally I don't want to cause trouble, but if the trouble comes to the door, then I can only solve the trouble." After the voice appeared, the gentleness on his face gradually disappeared, and his eyes climbed. There was a trace of ferocity.

Ape Sui Jie Huang looked at Zhuo Bufan with great interest, and patted his palms, "There are very few people in Jie Wang realm who dare to say such crazy things in front of me. You are the first person to listen to the Nine Realm Swordsman saying you. There are treasures on your body, give the treasure to me, and then kneel down and kowtow to me three times to admit your mistakes. I will consider leaving you a dog."

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