
The Ape Sui Jie Huang and Zhuo Bufan didn’t deliberately cut off their divine thoughts when they talked. There were strong practitioners, with keen ears and eyes, and they heard the conversation between the two clearly. They were all amazed. He didn’t expect a Jie Wang to be in the pinnacle state. The strong man actually dared to challenge the Emperor Sui Dynasty.

"This guy is really going to cause trouble for myself." Luo Mo's red lips squirmed slightly, making an inaudible sound, and his beautiful eyes stared at Zhuo Bufan and Yuan Sui Jie Huang. Based on her understanding of Zhuo Bufan, The latter will never compromise because of the strong pressure of the Emperor Sui Dynasty.

"Ape Sui Jiehuang's strength is not weak, even if it is placed in our demons, it can still be ranked in the forefront." Huo Ding said.

"Well, he is indeed a nasty guy, at least much better than Deer Sting Realm Emperor." Tan Yu also nodded.

Although the Ape Sui Jie Huang deceived his master and an ancestor in the Demon Realm to be despised, but with the prestige erected by the Ape Sui Jie Huang in the northern boundary of the Demon Realm, no one dared to stand up and say a word. This is powerful. Symbol of strength.

"If you want to fight, you have a lot of nonsense." Zhuo Bufan's eyes were cold, his palm was gripped, and the spear appeared.

"It's a guy who doesn't eat hard." Sui Jie Huang squinted his eyes, golden eyes filled with killing intent, and suddenly kicked Zhuo Bufan's chest, wrapped Yuan Li on his legs, tearing the air with a crash.

Zhuo Bufan has a spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear is on the sole of each other's feet. The two figures instantly transformed into afterimages and swept across the open area. The golden light of the palm condensed and hit the silver spear continuously, and the sound of gold and iron clinked across the sky.

And this kind of fight also attracted a lot of attention from the eyes. Gradually, the contempt and sneer in the sight slowly dissipated, but a hint of surprise was revealed. A realm king Dingfeng actually fought hard to distinguish the realm king of Sui Sui.

Yuan Sui Realm Emperor is recognized as the ‘first person under the Realm Lord’ in the northern realm of the Demon Realm. Such a record is enough to make Zhuo Bufan’s reputation reach the northern realm of the Demon Realm.

Luo Mobing's blue eyes also showed a hint of surprise. She could clearly feel that Zhuo Bufan's strength was much stronger than when she first entered the dead Gobi. During this period of time, she also got some adventures.

"Ape Sui Realm's strength should not be underestimated. Unless I use my secret technique, I am afraid I can beat him." Luo Xin judged in her heart. In her opinion, Zhuo Bufan can hold on for a while at most, but wants to defeat the Ape Sui Realm. The emperor had no hope.

The two intertwined figures suddenly retreated.

"There are some ways, and there are other things today, wait until I get the treasure and play with you." Sui Jie Huang suddenly said.

"Stop fighting?" Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised.

In addition to the Ape Sui Realm Emperor, there are Bai Chi Realm Emperor, Tianya Realm Emperor, Xiang Jue Realm Emperor and others eyeing each other. From Zhuo Bufan's fight, the latter can seriously damage Dao Jiu, and even rely on the Silver Dragon Realm Lord to leave power. Killing the deer sting world emperor is definitely not just luck, it does have real materials.

Of course, Yuan Sui Jie Huang did not think that Zhuo Bufan could threaten himself and waste his energy to solve Zhuo Bufan. It would only give Bai Jie Jie Huang and others a chance. The most important thing now is the treasure in'Hua Rui'.

Ape Sui Jiehuang retreated lightly and returned to his camp.

"Don't kill him?" Qingcheng Jiehuang frowned, looking at Ape Sui Jiehuang in doubt. She knew very well that Ape Sui Jiehuang's character was by no means a soft-hearted guy, otherwise he would not betray Master and take refuge in Bai Jiaoyuan. .

"This guy is not the pinnacle of the ordinary world king. It takes some effort to kill him. The treasures are the most important now. The Emperor Bai Chi and the Emperor Tianya are not soft persimmons that anyone can knead." Huang Chuanyin gave the latter.

Qingcheng Jiehuang nodded. They came to die in the Gobi this time for the treasure. Now that the shrine is present, it is likely to be the palace of the "Mrs. Blue Butterfly" based on intelligence. The treasures left by the Supreme Ye Bai must be hidden inside. It's not worth it if you lose big because of small.

This kind of point-to-finish matchup made a lot of guys who had the mentality of watching the show a little disappointed.

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the Ape Sui Realm Emperor was not so famous, his strength far exceeded the Deer Sting Realm Emperor, and if he wanted to truly defeat the opponent, he would have to show all his hole cards.

Since Yuan Sui Jie Huang gave up the fight, Zhuo Bufan was naturally willing, after all, it was not a wise move to waste too much hole cards and vitality here.

Zhuo Bufan fluttered and returned to the front of the camp. Neither Xiang Jue Realm Emperor nor Lie Leopard Realm Emperor took the initiative to talk to him. Even if they wanted to come, they were afraid to provoke Ape Sui Realm Emperor and chose Mingzhe to protect themselves. Their alliance was unstable, yes. Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's attitude is indifferent.

As for the powerful monsters among the other three forces, the eyes towards Zhuo Bufan at this moment also have a strange color. They can stand with the emperor of Xiang Jue and others, and make the fierce Ape Sui emperor temporarily give way. Naturally, he cannot be regarded as the pinnacle of the ordinary world king.

"Shao Zhuo, the Emperor Sui Jie is only temporarily stopping, but you have to deal with him in front of so many people. With his character, I am afraid that he will not let it go. It is very likely that he will make a move when fighting for the treasure later." Princess Hongyun has a slightly worried expression on her face. , Reminded in a low voice.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, he naturally understood the latter's thoughts, and he didn't do anything now just because the wolves were waiting around him.

"Hey, this matter started because of decay. If it weren't for me, it wouldn't let the Shadow Killer provoke the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty." Bai Yuan sighed with reproach.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said with a smile: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Even if it wasn't because of you, I have offended Bai Jiao Yuan by killing the Deer Sting Realm Emperor, not to mention the next fight for the treasure, this ape. Sui Jiehuang is also a hindrance. Sooner or later I will fight him."

Having said that, Bai Yuan knows that Zhuo Bufan only comforts him. The disagreement between Luzhe Realm Emperor and Yuan Sui Realm Emperor will not avenge him at all. Even if he wants to fight for treasures, there are Bai Jia Realm Emperor and Tianya Realm The three forces of Emperor and Xiang Jue Jie Huang will never let Zhuo Bufan directly touch the edge of the Ape Sui Jie Huang.

"Since I met it, it's useless to want to escape now, unless I give up the treasures here." Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

After this small storm ended, everyone's eyes gathered in front again, and a beam of blue fluorescence rose into the sky, misty and dreamy, and there were manic storm fluctuations in it. It was obviously not that easy to break through the barrier.

Whoosh...Suddenly three figures appeared from the crowd, all of them were the pinnacles of the realm king, and they had not yet broken through the realm of the realm king.

The three of them rushed into the blue storm and wanted to enter the central area to find treasures. The other world emperors did not act rashly, but looked at the three indifferently.

These three knew that there were many emperors at the scene, and they had to be one step ahead to get the treasure.

"Idiot, the treasures here are qualified to get things like you?" Ape Sui Jie Huang looked at all this, a sneer appeared on his face.

Sure enough, the three preemptive figures broke into the blue storm and swept straight all the way, but after a short period of time, the three of them directly flew out, all of them pale, with blood spilling from the corners of their lips, and depressed.

"The average Realm King Pinnacle is not qualified to enter at all." Xiang Jue Realm King glanced at the three of them, shook his head, and immediately burst into white light from his body, imagining a white elephant light and shadow, and then swept towards the blue storm. "Let me try what is so powerful about this blue storm."

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