Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3012: Lady Blue Butterfly

Chapter 3013 Mrs. Blue Butterfly

The realm of Qingcheng and the emperor of the black bear quickly retreated and kept a safe distance. The eyes of the two of them were angry and stared at each other. Obviously, no one had asked for a favor.

The Black Bear Realm Emperor has some blood marks on his body, but they are all skin injuries. Although the Qingcheng Realm Emperor is not injured on the surface, but the Black Bear Realm Emperor is born with brute force. When the weapon collides, the internal organs are shaken, the blood is disordered, and the face is faint. Bright red color.

Tan Yu and Huo Ding were also separated from the other three Realm Emperors of the Earth-Flood Clan, and fluttered back to Luo Mo's side. The two of them were not weak in strength, and they were able to deal with the three Realm Emperors of the Earth-Flood Clan with ease.

"Getting the seven cosmic origin stones should allow us to pass through the'cosmic channel' smoothly." Luo Mo conveyed the sound to the two.

The two also nodded. Their side got seven universe origin stones, Zhuo Bufan got two universe origin stones, only Suihou Suihou was the most unlucky and only got one.

Since Ape Suihou chose to cease the war, Luo Mo and Zhuo Bufan naturally didn't want to continue fighting. Fighting in this area where the energy consumption doubled was too extravagant.

"I will write down this account for the time being, and when I leave here, I will ask them to get it back." Ape Sui Hou Xu squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed with a stern and serpent-like light, and immediately waved his palm, leading the Qingcheng realm. The emperor and the three powerful people of the Earth Jiao tribe turned into five rainbow lights and continued to sweep forward.

This result naturally surprised some strong people who paid attention to this battle. Ape Suihou was able to deceive his ancestors and his ancestors. His character was cruel, and he could become Bai Jiaoyuan’s commander in chief. He was powerful. , Actually avoiding the edge for a while, it seems that Zhuo Bufan and Luo Mo are not good bullies.

This also caused some people to quietly classify the two as dangerous people in their hearts and cannot provoke them actively.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head, his gaze fell on Luo Mo, and he was about to speak, but the latter had a cold face, and without even looking at him, he raised his bare hand and led Huo Ding and Tan Yu to the front.

"Uh..." Zhuo Bufan stood awkwardly, reached out his hand and touched his nose, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He wanted to relax the relationship with Luo Mo, but he didn't expect the latter to have such a personality. He just joined hands. Now there is a bit of disrecognition.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, and immediately fell to the distance. There is still a blue storm road in the distance. Now he has obtained the'Universe Origin Stone' and has the qualification to enter the'Demon Ancestor Forbidden Zone', and then heads to the new universe that appears, sleeping Qing Huan, still waiting for him to take the reincarnation stone back to wake up.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed a firm color, and his figure fluttered, continuing to sweep forward.

Just when most people felt that their vitality was about to be exhausted, the violent blue storm began to weaken, Zhuo Bufan followed everyone across the last distance, and finally crossed the blue storm restricted area, the scenery in front of him changed, a vast expanse The grassland appeared in the sight of everyone.

Even, can smell the fresh grass scent in the air.

Except for some weak realm kings who fell in the blue storm, all realm kings passed through the blue storm smoothly, plus some strong realm kings, about two hundred people, appeared in the sky above the grassland in front and back, all were in front of them. Surprised by the scene, let out a cold breath.

Zhuo Bufan lifted his sword eyebrows, and as everyone looked into the distance, a dreamlike flower grew in the center of the grassland. The flower was about tens of thousands of miles away, showing a bud-like shape, emitting a charming blue light, like a dance. The butterflies linger around.

"This is probably the shrine of Madame Blue Butterfly!"

"It is rumored that Ye Bai Zhizun loves Madame Blue Butterfly very much, and even does not hesitate to search for exotic treasures in the universe to build a palace for Madame Blue Butterfly."

"It must be the place where Madame Landie lives, Lord Yebai must have kept many treasures."

A series of suppressed excitement voices spread, and Ye Bai Zhizun was the number one saint in the northern demon realm. He was in the northern border a million years ago. No one dared to challenge his authority, and the treasures left behind must be very precious.

Zhuo Bufan murmured to himself, "The shrine where Mrs. Blue Butterfly lives? Even if Yebai Supreme left the treasure, it is not so smooth to get it."

Whoosh whoosh... The sound of breaking wind broke the silence that had been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years. After everyone came to this giant'blue butterfly flower', they discovered that the surface of the blue butterfly flower was protected by a thin blue light mask. .

Prohibition! Everyone has thought that there will never be a free lunch in the world.

"It seems that this restriction is not easy to break, everyone of us has to work together to break this restriction." Tianya Realm Emperor said with a smile, and his gaze swept across Xiangjue Realm Emperor and White Chi Realm Emperor; Sui Jiehuang finally fell on Zhuo Bufan and asked, "What do you think of the King of Shadow Killer?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He and Tianya Realm Sovereign were not familiar with each other. Unexpectedly, the other party would actually ask him. Obviously, he would treat him like Realm Sovereign Peak. It was not flattering, but it also showed that he was unwilling to be an enemy attitude.

"Tianya Realm Emperor, how do you ask a realm king Pinnacle, a guy like this is not even qualified to give us shoes, and repeatedly provokes me, really when my Ape Sui has a good temper?" Suddenly, Ape Suihou stared at Zhuo Bufan, his eyes filled with killing intent, and his body's vitality surged.

"If the Ape Sui Jie Huang wants to continue, I will stay with him to the end." Facing the aura and pressure of the Ape Sui Jie Huang, Zhuo Bufan is not afraid, his body is rushing, his palms are slowly clenched into fists, the two eyes collide, sparks four splash.

Tianya Realm Emperor laughed loudly: "Ape Sui Realm King, Shadow Killer King, we just discovered Madame Blue Butterfly’s shrine through the blue storm, and now we haven’t even seen the treasure. If the two continue to fight, I’m afraid they will hurt Yuan. It’s impossible to break through the shrine’s ban when it falls."

After hearing the words of the Emperor Tianya, the surging vitality of the Emperor Sui Sui's body calmed down a little, and sneered: "I will save your life temporarily and let you live two or three hours."

Zhuo Bufan also converged on the fluctuations of his vitality, and an indifferent arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Follow to the end!"

"To disturb Madam to rest, you deserve death!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded out of thin air.

The shining blue light spots surrounding the blue phalaenopsis spin rapidly, like one after another, and then gather to the sky to form a humanoid warrior, holding a blue ice skate, exuding endless killing intent, looking down below Uninvited guest, "Leave quickly, lest you lose your life."

Luo Mo raised his eyelids and glanced at it. The voice was like a silver bell, and he whispered softly: "This is not a person, but a guardian formed by the formation of an array. If we don't set foot in the area it guards, it will not actively attack us."

Sure enough, after the Guardian finished speaking two sentences, although Zhuo Bufan and others did not leave, he did not speak any more, instead closing his eyes, as if resting.

"Guardian? Let me try how capable it is." The fierce leopard realm's emperor's power surged, and the figure had flashed out like lightning, and that direction was aimed at a gap between the buds, saying it was a gap. It is actually a passage about 100 meters wide.

The Leopard Realm Emperor is already good at speed, even if the Xiang Jue Realm Emperor is weaker in terms of speed.

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