Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3013: Guardian of the Shrine

Chapter 3014 Guardian Of The Palace

Less than a kilometer away from the gap of the budding blue butterfly flower, at the speed of the Leopard Realm Emperor, he can rush in in an'instant' time. Seeing himself getting closer and closer to the passage, a smile appeared on the Lie Leopard Realm Emperor’s face. .

The speed is so fast that the guardian has no time to react.

Everyone's sights, including Zhuo Bufan, gathered on him. Seeing that the Emperor of the Leopard Realm was about to enter the passage, everyone was a little puzzled. Is this formation guardian so weak that it is so easy to enter the passage?

Suddenly, the face of the Leopard Realm Emperor suddenly changed, the hairs on his whole body stood up, and a life-and-death crisis emerged from the depths of the soul, almost subconsciously, the power of the Leopard Realm Emperor's whole body was gushing out like a tide. At the same time, An ice-blue blade light slashed in front of his eyes, and the sharp blade light cut the space and hit the Leopard Realm Emperor heavily.

Under the attention of many eyes, the Leopard Realm Emperor suddenly retreated and shot out, and a **** broken arm flew up.

A piece of Yuan Lipi practiced and flew, stopping the leopard realm emperor's rapid retreat, causing the Delie Leopard Realm Emperor to slowly fall to the ground.

The person who shot was Xiang Jue Realm Emperor, Lie Leopard Realm Emperor had a pale face, and his right arm was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder, as if the injection of blood had stopped, and his spirit was a little wilted.

"Thank you." Liebao Realm Emperor looked at Xiang Jue Realm Emperor and nodded.

Although the strength of the Leopard Realm Sovereign is not the top level existence in the northern realm, it can reach the peak level of the Realm Sovereign Realm, and its strength is no longer weak, but he still paid the price of an arm and failed.

Everyone's complexion became slightly dignified, and Zhuo Bufan also narrowed his eyes. After the Leopard Realm Emperor left, his gaze has been tightly locked to the guardian, and the other party always closed his eyes and rested, without even lifting his eyelids, just faintly feeling him. There were slight energy fluctuations in the body.

Even so, the Leopard Realm Emperor still paid a heavy price. Although the arm can regenerate and grow, it obviously takes a while to fully recover.

"It seems that this hurdle is not so easy to pass." Xiang Jue Realm Emperor frowned and said in a deep voice. He was better than Cheetah Realm Emperor in frontal combat, but he was not as fast as Cheetah Realm Emperor, so the sword that just appeared was replaced by him. There is no chance to hide.

Someone suffers a loss, naturally no one dares to act rashly, especially some of the weak realm king realm. At this moment, they can only sit in the same place to recover their vitality and prepare to leave here through the blue storm. Even the cheetah realm emperor cannot pass. Let alone them.

Including Luo Mo, Sui Dynasty Emperor, Bai Chi Realm Emperor, and Tianya Realm Emperor did not act rashly. Just now through the blue storm, everyone has lost a lot of vitality, and faced such a strong guardian of the palace. , Naturally adjust the body to the peak state before trying to break through.

Zhuo Bufan also sat down with everyone, the five thousand yuan force vortex circulated back and forth, and the yuan force was born continuously. At the same time, he also thought about blocking through the guardian and entering the passage smoothly in his mind.

The guardian is the product of the formation of the formation restriction. In the formation area, the guardian is almost invincible. It can attack from all directions, and the speed... is completely equal to teleport, a bit similar to Zhuo Bufan’s mastery of the universe. ', the sword is fast and powerful. I haven't shown other skills yet, but these two alone have cut off the hope of most people.


Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his eyes and fixed his gaze on a slender and graceful back in front of him. His long icy blue hair fell on his waist and the tip of his hair was lightly raised. Luo Mo was about to try to challenge the Guardian, and the others opened their eyes one after another, thinking To see if she can successfully enter the channel.

Luo Mo exuded an icy chill, his feet floated in the air, slowly drifting towards the area protected by the guardian, the guardian still closed his eyes without any movement.

Luo Mo is best at domain control. Ice crystals are condensed in the air within a radius of several hundred meters, and the cold wind is raging like a dragon and a phoenix flying.

The moment Luo Mo swept toward the passage, the guardian who had been closing his eyes moved, and his figure appeared in front of Luo Mo at an indescribable speed. He slashed down and directly split Luo Mo's body from it. Everyone While holding his breath, Luo Mo's body turned into fine ice crystals, and these ice crystals immediately covered the guardian's body.

In the next instant, Luo Mo's figure appeared less than three hundred meters away from the passage. It only took a moment for her to enter the passage smoothly.

But the Bing Han, who was even a little afraid of the Emperor Sui Dynasty, did not hinder the guardian's speed at all. Almost at the same time, his knife shot again, and the light of the knife arrived in an instant. No one could avoid such a fast knife!

Suddenly, two figures appeared behind Luo Mo, blocking the sharp blades, and the two figures burst out in an instant, vomiting blood in their mouths. These two people were Tan Yu and Huo Ding. After the two fell, they backed away again and again. , His face was sickly pale, but the two of them looked at the back that had swept away the passage, and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened, and he didn't expect Luo Mo to successfully enter the passage in this way.

The guardian glanced at the passage, silent, and then returned to his original position. This time, instead of closing his eyes, he opened his eyes and stared at everyone. Obviously, Luo Mo's entry made him more vigilant. .

But this also made some people's eyes bright, because the guardian did not chase into the passage, as long as he entered the passage, he would be safe, and if he wanted to enter, he only had to last for two moments, which is equivalent to the time of blinking one eye.

"Zi Spider Zi Mei!" Tianya Realm Emperor suddenly left.

Seeing that Luo Mo entered the passage in this way, others wanted to follow suit, not to mention that the earlier he entered the shrine, the better he could seize the opportunity and get a good treasure.

Tianya Realm Emperor is the number one power in the Qishan League, and quickly rushed out with two other twin female Realm Emperors. The three separated in three directions, trying to disperse the guardian's power.

Three cold glows flashed, and the two figures of Purple Spider and Zi Mei fluttered out instantly. The Emperor of Tianya roared and was severely slapped behind him. With the impact, he entered the passageway smoothly, but the Guardian did not pursue it and returned again. In situ.

Being able to take the Guardian's knife, the method of the Tianya Realm Emperor also made everyone secretly smacked.

At least two realm emperors are needed to help, before they have a chance to enter the passageway.

"I should have no chance." Xiang Jue Realm Emperor shook his head, "Luo Mo Realm Emperor is the first to enter the passageway, relatively speaking, the easiest. Now the guardian has increased his vigilance, and it is more difficult to enter successfully. Much bigger."

The Baiji Realm Emperor swept out from the crowd, and a long sword in his arms was divided into tens of thousands around the sky, forming an airtight sword formation. He stepped out immediately, and the guardian immediately launched an attack. The blade was fast and fierce. Chi Realm emperor wandered through the sword formation, shaped like a ghost, able to avoid the sword light twice, and entered the passage smoothly.

This made Zhuo Bufan a little surprised. The Baiji Realm Emperor pursued the sword. Although he was recognized as the first realm emperor in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, he was quite low-key. I did not expect that it would be easier to pass the Guardian than Luo Mo and Tianya Realm Emperor. Defense.

"Master Zhuo, the Emperor Bai Chi has studied kendo all his life. The swords have similarities. The guardian uses the sword technique. The Emperor Bai Chi can pass easily. It's luck, and just happened to run into it." The Black Bear Realm Emperor Chuanyin explained. .

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