Chapter 3025 Chaos

Ape Sui Jie Huang looked down at the tiny Zhuo Bufan, with a scornful expression on his face, "Why? Still want to resist, the more you struggle, the more painful I will make your death! Even if you are called the proud son of heaven in the realm of the king, but In my Ape Sui's eyes, it's just a bug that can be pinched to death at will."

A realm king can force him to such a point, so that the Ape Sui Realm emperor resents extremely and hates Zhuo Bufan.

Others saw that Zhuo Bufan seemed to have only one dead end, and seeing this, the Ape Sui Realm Emperor would not easily kill Zhuo Bufan, he would definitely cause Zhuo Bufan to suffer all the pain and torture.

Hearing the ridicule of Sui Jie Huang, Zhuo Bufan smiled without anger. He looked at Jie Sui Jie Huang coldly and sneered: "You always thought I was a bug, but what about you? I was forced to this point by a bug. , Then what are you?"

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan's ability to push him to this point is enough to prove Zhuo Bufan's strength. Once Zhuo Bufan grows up, he is absolutely impossible to kill the former, so now there is only one wish in the Ape Sui Realm Emperor's heart, which is to kill. Zhuo Bufan, must not give him any chance to comeback.

To give the enemy a chance is to be cruel to oneself, and the Emperor Sui Jie is well aware of the rules of survival in this world.

"Clear-toothed kid, wait for me to smash your teeth, and see if you can say these things." Ape Sui Jiehuang's red pupils shone red, and his body full of monstrous demon energy rushed into the sky, forming a hundred meters of demon ape. The shadow stands tall between heaven and earth.

The violent vitality raged away, and everyone felt a strong sense of oppression, which made the soul tremble.

"Big Heaven Demon Fist!" Ape Sui Jiehuang yelled, his fist suddenly fell, and the surrounding air was repelled out, forming a vacuum pressure area. Before the fist fell, the ground sank downward, cracking cracks and changing. It was a mess.

When the Bai Chi Realm Emperor, Tianya Realm Emperor and others saw the fist dropped by the Ape Sui Realm Emperor, their expressions changed suddenly, and they could not face the Ape Sui Realm Emperor's fist head-on.

Zhuo Bufan's clothes sounded hunting, his muscles naturally felt the pressure and began to tighten, his skin grew densely with scarlet dragon scales, his eyes gradually piled up with a crazy smell, his five fingers clenched a spear, like a rock standing still.

In the dantian, a wave of chaotic force in the sea of ​​chaos gushes out, fifty strands, seventy strands, one hundred strands, there is no sign of stopping, the body is trembling slightly because of the load of the chaotic force, two hundred strands of chaos It has reached the limit of the physical body in the force of wandering through the meridians.


Zhuo Bufan raised his head. In an instant, his eyes burst out with two brilliant lights, and a loud shout was heard in his mouth.

Two hundred strands of the power of chaos were poured into the silver spear. Although the silver spear is a top life and death magic weapon, the power of chaos is so powerful. A trace of chaos can cut the mountains, and the silver spear even cracks some fine cracks, which is extremely tolerable. reluctantly.

Zhuo Bufan slammed his feet on the ground, holding a silver spear, and shooting directly into the sky.

The tip of the spear was condensed with a substantive gray thunder, spraying out, transforming into a dragon, and colliding with the devil fist with a destructive aura.

This is the second "Chaos" of the Universe-level martial arts that Zhuo Bufan has realized. Everything begins with chaos and ends with chaos!

Chaos breeds new life and represents the ultimate destruction.

A wave of indescribable fluctuations spread, and the nearby realm kings flew out, even Luo Mo and other realm emperors floated and retreated with their true essence guards, fearing that they would harm the pond fish.

But those gazes were still locked on Zhuo Bufan and Sui Jiehuang. Then, those gazes became horrified. The gray thunder-transformed dragon smashed the magic fist with a force of destruction, and then heavily bombarded the Jie Sui Emperor. On the deity, the latter flew out quickly like a broken kite.

Puff puff……

Ape Sui Jiehuang was shocked, and blood spurted wildly in his mouth.

"will not……"

"I, Sui Realm Emperor, is the first person under the Realm Lord, would I actually lose to a Realm King Pinnacle?"

"This, this is absolutely impossible!"

Regardless of whether the Ape Sui Jie Huang wanted to believe it or not, he felt that his dantian had been hit hard, and even cracked a crack. The chaotic power that had penetrated into his body was extinguishing his dantian, and it was constantly destroying his dantian.

This unbelievable scene naturally made countless people on the scene dumbfounded. The Emperor Tianya and the Emperor Baiji were all dumbfounded, and their faces appeared sluggish. Zhuo Bufan broke through in a desperate situation, and sent a blow that destroyed the world and the earth. He actually hit the ape. Emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

Both of them knew very well that if they were placed in the position of the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, they would also end up like this.

He is just the pinnacle of a realm king!

Haven't stepped into the realm of the emperor, so terrifying!

"Ape Sui Jie Huang is defeated? It's incredible. Zhuo Bufan can actually defeat Ape Sui Jie Huang. If this incident spreads out, I'm afraid it will shake the entire northern border of the Demon Realm." Tan Yu widened his eyes and muttered.

"The last move has at least reached the level of martial arts at the Universe Level." Huo Ding also shook his head, "This guy is a pervert."

He wanted to say that besides the commander, he didn't expect there to be such a perverted guy, but didn't he say that he wanted to die.

Luo Mo's cold and pretty face, at this moment, also showed a state of seldom moved. The jade palms that dangled slightly trembled. She asked herself that using the power of the master of the profound ice in her body, she could defeat the emperor of the ape Sui, but she herself It is also the realm of the emperor, and it relies on external forces.

But Zhuo Bufan is just the pinnacle of the realm king!

Relying on her own strength, she is naturally inferior in comparison.

"This guy can actually create this kind of miracle. I hope that in the new universe, I can really fight him and let me see how much he hides." Luo Mo's silver teeth bit his icy blue eyes surging. chill.

Tan Yu and Huo Ding looked at each other, and saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes. The leader's personality has always been like this, he must be strong and aggressive, not to mention that Luo Mo has always been very hostile to the Star Alliance people because of the past.

But if Luo Mo really played against Zhuo Bufan, Tan Yu and Huo Ding didn't dare to arbitrarily discuss victory or defeat. After all, Zhuo Bufan's strength had completely convinced the two of them.

The eyes of Sui Jiehuang who flew upside down were slightly dull. He didn't believe that he would lose to Zhuo Bufan, to a bug in his eyes.

"Ape Sui Jie Huang, I don't know if you have ever heard a word, many unrighteousness will kill yourself." A cold voice sounded in the Ape Sui Jie Huang's mind.

A fuzzy figure appeared in front of Sui Jiehuang's eyes, it was Zhuo Bufan holding a spear with a cold face.

When the voice fell, Zhuo Bufan kicked the Sui Emperor Realm with a kick, the latter fell like a cannonball to the ground, smashing a deep hole, and Zhuo Bufan kicked the Realm Emperor Sui Sui with one kick, who was like a dead dog. Covered with blood and embarrassed, if this honor is seen by the strong outside Baijiaoyuan, I don't know how it would feel.

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