Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3025: Saru Sui Escape

Chapter 3026 Ape Sui Escape

Stay alive.

Only if I survive can I have the chance to take revenge. Now the Emperor Sui Jiehuang is in a daze, but at the same time he wakes up. He has never had such a strong desire to survive.

Why not, because he has never been in the field where he is now, even the enemies he encountered when he was young, and the dangers encountered in exploring the secret realm, did not make him feel such a "near death" feeling, but now he has encountered Zhuo Bufan , Can actually force him to this field.

"By the way, I have a chance to take revenge if I live, and there is still hope for everything in my life." Sui Jie Huang, who had been bloodied, suddenly woke up, even if Zhuo Bufan was bombarded again and again, Jie Sui’s body seemed to have been hit. Rag dolls tossed around, but he stayed awake.

Zhuo Bufan also secretly smacked his tongue at the tyrannical body of the Ape Sui Realm Emperor. If he was replaced by another Realm Emperor who had undergone such ‘destruction’, he would have long since turned into fleshy flesh.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's pupils shrank suddenly.

A figure swept out of the huge pit at an extremely fast speed, then aimed at the blue storm area and swept away at lightning speed.

"I just remembered to escape now?" Zhuo Bufan suddenly laughed when he saw this scene.

The first thought of anyone in danger is to escape and escape, but what kind of status is the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, the first person in the northern realm of the demon realm, he is arrogant and arrogant in his bones, and he does not understand what escape is until he is Zhuo Bufan. The bombardment was bruised and bruised, and the crisis reached his life. Only then did he remember to run for his life, inspiring his desire to survive.

"It runs very fast, but this time, I won't let you live." Zhuo Bufan's eyes were cold, his figure was blurred, and he disappeared in place. The deity has already followed the Emperor Sui Dynasty.

Everyone woke up at this time, everyone was astonished, and ran away? The Yuan Sui Realm Emperor actually chose to escape, which was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Who is the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty World? Except for the three world masters, he has never put anyone in his eyes. The unruly and rebellious emanating from his bones made him not afraid of anyone at all, but now facing Zhuo Bufan, he actually Choosing Dingy to escape.

"Walk around, follow along, this is a major event in our northern border."

"Ape Sui Jiehuang lost so thoroughly, he was chased by Zhuo Bufan, and the news spread, I am afraid no one would believe it."

"Do you think that the reputation of the Ape Sui Realm Emperor is bragging? A realm king pinnacle can force him to be like this."

"What do you know, is that the pinnacle of the ordinary world king?"

The world kings whispered in whispers, making no secret of the shock and astonishment on their faces.

Qingcheng Jiehuang's face was as sinking as water, her eyes were gloomy, and she did not expect that Sui Jiehuang had fallen to this point. She took a deep breath and waved her palm: "People from Baijiaoyuan, follow me."

After all, a group of people turned into red lights and swept towards the blue storm.

Then, Luo Mo and his entourage, Tianya Realm Emperor and his entourage all flew up and followed, and there was a rapid sound of breaking wind in the air.

"Tieshan Realm Emperor, fortunately I didn't listen to your departure, Zhuo Shao's strength has long surpassed our imagination." Black Bear Realm Emperor looked at Tieshan Realm Emperor with a smile and said with a smile.

The Tieshan Realm Emperor did not speak and was silent, but he understood that once this matter spreads in the northern realm of the Demon Realm, Zhuo Bufan’s reputation will reach an unprecedented height, and the status of the Black Bear Realm Emperor will naturally rise with the tide. .

"Let's go, don't miss the good show." Bai Ji Jiehuang's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and immediately his figure swept out, and the others followed closely.

In the blue storm.

"You chase me, do you really want to die? This **** bug." Ape Sui Jiehuang gritted his teeth, and felt that Zhuo Bufan was chasing after him, furious.

In the storm, Yuanli was consumed, and Sui Jiehuang had just fought, his body was wounded, and his multiple powers were consumed, and gradually there were signs that he could not support it.

"No, I have to survive. I will have a chance for revenge if I survive. Although there is a certain chance of being reincarnated after death, the chance is small and pitiful." Ape Sui Realm Emperor kept taking out all kinds of strange treasures from the space ring. Bao, stuffed his mouth madly.

Swallowing treasures indiscriminately has irreversible damage to the body, but now, the Ape Sui Realm Emperor obviously can't think about that much. It is most important to survive.

"When I go out, there will be my people from Baijiaoyuan outside. Although Zhuo Bufan hurt me severely, he himself was also injured. He dared to chase after him. There is only one dead end." Ape Sui Jie Huang was ecstatic in his heart. At the same time, regardless of his physical injuries, he desperately speeded up and escaped.

Zhuo Bufan's sword frowned behind him, and he was also very anxious.

You can get out through the blue storm area. Baijiaoyuan still has a large number of people stationed there. Once the Ape Sui Realm Emperor enters the Baijiaoyuan team, it will be very difficult for him to kill the Ape Sui Realm Emperor!

This time he severely injured the Ape Sui Jiehuang, and he himself paid a not-so-weak price. Although the vitality was not exhausted, after the physical body carried the power of two hundred chaos, an endless exhaustion and soreness had gradually swept away.

The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty must be resolved as soon as possible!

"Sura blood thorn!"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes gleamed with blood, and the whole body sprayed out a **** rainbow light, shooting away at the Ape Sui Jiehuang in front of him.

Puff puff puff puff...

Although Jie Sui Jie Huang sensed danger and tried his best to avoid him, he was still pierced by Shura’s blood piercing his legs, back, shoulders, and blood flowing out of the blood hole. Jie Sui Jie Huang gritted his teeth, completely ignoring his injuries. Now he has only one belief, as long as he enters Baijiaoyuan's team through the blue storm, he will be able to survive.

"I'm not dead yet. With such a strong vitality, he is really a tricky guy." Zhuo Bufan frowned.

The control of Shura's blood spurs also requires explosive power, and now he and the Sui Realm Emperor are gradually getting closer, and the explosive power is no longer sufficient.

"The front is the barrier of the blue storm, I am going to pass! As long as I break through, I can survive." Ape Sui Jiehuang's pale face suddenly smiled, as long as he passed the blue storm area, he immediately notified Bai Jiaoyuan's The team protected themselves, Zhuo Bufan couldn't kill him under the protection of thousands of strong men.

"Ice Emperor Rain Sword!"

Zhuo Bufan let out a cold cry, and his hands quickly condensed the seal.

A sword full of coldness leaped out of the void, turning into an icy streamer, like a comet across the sky!


"Sword Nine Realm Emperor, do you say that Zhuo Bufan is really that powerful? Even you are defeated by his hand?" A Dijiao Clan Realm Emperor asked with a sneer on his face.

The Nine Realms Sword Emperor knew that this guy was teasing himself, but now he sent someone under the fence, suppressing his anger, and snorted coldly: "I was just careless. I was careless at the beginning to let him take the lead. If I try to kill him with all my strength, Exploring the bag and fetching things."

"Hehe." The Realm Emperor of the Earth Jiao Clan smiled contemptuously, "Do you think that Zhuo Bufan is the King of the Common Realm? Even Master Yuan Sui didn't kill him easily, just relying on you? But that guy offended Master Yuan Sui, and he is dead now. In the hands of adults."

The people of Bai Jiaoyuan knew that Ape Sui’s flaws must be reported. Zhuo Bufan provoked Lord Ape Sui again and again, and the Emperor of Ape Sui would never be able to lightly forgive the former.

"In front of Master Yuan Sui, Zhuo Bufan is nothing more than a bug, pinching him to death is just a move of his fingers." The Realm Emperor of the Earth Jiao Clan sneered.

Suddenly, a figure quickly swept away from the blue storm area, and a hurried shout suddenly sounded: "The Baijiaoyuan people listen to the order, come and protect me!"

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