Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3035: Become a public enemy

Chapter 3036-Becoming Public Enemy

Qi Fu stayed halfway up the mountain. As the maid next to Qi Mu, she was not qualified to meet the Jiuli Saint.

But Zhuo Bufan is also very curious. It stands to reason that as a saint, he will generally accept one or two disciples when he sees a talented person, just like the Xia Ling saint only accepts a few closed disciples from Zhang Su, but nine Li Shengzhe created the Suzaku sacred mountain and recruited many disciples.

According to Zhuo Bufan's observation, among these disciples, those with ordinary talents actually accounted for the majority.

This is a bit abnormal, but Zhuo Bufan can only put away the doubts in his heart now. After seeing the Jiuli Saint, he doesn't know if he will get the answer he wants.

"This is the palace where Master rests, you can follow me in." Qi Mu said.

On the top of the mountain, stands a palace made of white jade, exuding yingying and celestial glory, giving people a dignified and heavy feeling, and Zhuo Bufan exudes a feeling of awe from his heart.

The two slid into the palace. Above the palace, a red figure sat cross-legged, their eyes lightly closed, sensing the two of them coming in, and the Nine Li Sage slowly opened his eyes.

"Disciple Qi Mu, I have seen Master." Qi Mu bowed and saluted.

Zhuo Bufan stood aside, and followed her in a salute, "Zhuo Bufan, I have seen Lord Jiuli Shengzhe."

The Jiuli saint swept down lightly, with his feet floating on the ground, his soft eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan and Qi Mu, and smiled slightly: "You don’t need to be so cautious. I thought you would have to sleep for a few months. I didn’t expect it to be so soon. When I wake up, my willpower is a bit unexpected."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the Jiuli Saint was talking about himself, straightened up, looked at the other side calmly and said: "The kid is just lucky, he didn't end up in burial."

"If the violent energy in the Burial Saint Yuan is vented, you can survive, but it can't be explained by good luck." Jiuli Saint shook his head and said.

"Prince Zhuo has already arrived, and the disciple retire first." Qi Mu said suddenly.

Saint Jiuli looked at her and said, "You stay here too, there is nothing I want to say that you can't let you know."

"Yes, Master." Qi Mu nodded, standing quietly to one side and listening.

The Jiuli Saint raised his head, thoughtfully, and a smile burst on his face, saying: "No matter what, the task that the Master gave me has finally been completed. The Flame Demon King has been completely wiped out, and the Demon Realm One has been eliminated. In this disaster, I borrowed a treasure from you in the Holy Burial Abyss, and promised that you will compensate you, and it is very difficult for your current physical condition to fully recover!"

First, he fought against Yuan Sui, his body was loaded with excessive Chaos power, and some irreversible injuries had appeared. Later, because of the killing of the Flame Demon, countless violent elements poured into the body, completely destroying the body in a mess, and wanted to restore the peak. The state of the period is indeed very difficult.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and didn't say a word. Since the Jiuli Sage raised it, he had already made a decision.

"The Vermillion Bird Mountain was actually not built by me, but the secret realm built by my master Ye Baizhi. He left a holy pond on the Vermillion Bird Mountain, which contains his stored power, which may help you recover from your injury. In the future, the Sacred Pool will open, and you will also go in." Jiuli Sage said lightly.

When Zhuo Bufan listened, he was slightly surprised. He knew that Qi Mu had the qualification to enter the holy lake, and he also knew how difficult it was to get the qualification to enter the holy lake. He didn't expect that the Jiuli Sage would actually give himself a chance to enter the holy lake.

"Thank you Jiuli Sage." Zhuo Bufan even bowed his hands.

"You don't need to thank me. After all, your body has changed into the current appearance because of me. This is my compensation." Jiuli Sage said.

Qi Mu bit her lip lightly. She was not jealous that Zhuo Bufan got the chance to enter Shengtan, but she was a little surprised. You must know that Shengtan is the most important place of Zhuque Shenshan. Every 100 years, there will be a competition in Shenshan, only to get it. Only the disciples with the top three quotas can get the qualifications to enter the holy pond.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master Jiuli, the kid still has a doubt. You said this is a secret realm built by Yebai Supreme. Why does he want to do this?"

When the Flame Demon Clan invaded the northern border of the Demon Territory, did he predict that he would lose to the Flame Demon Clan?

Qi Mu also placed her gaze on the Jiuli Saint, and she also had doubts in her heart.

Jiuli Sage smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "Master has had a mixed experience in this life. If he didn't waste so much resources and effort to build the Blue Butterfly Shrine, perhaps he would not lose so many demons if he repelled the Flame Demon Clan. Clan master."

Zhuo Bufan knew that when the Flame Demon Clan invaded the Demon Territory, Yebai Supreme spent a lot of resources and energy to build a shrine for Madame Blue Butterfly. He was afraid that the people of the Flame Demon Clan would find Madame Blue Butterfly. In this way, many wars were wasted naturally. Materials and manpower.

On the other hand, Yebai Supreme slayed a Flame Demon King, killed a Flame Demon King, and made great achievements for the Monster Race.

If you put him in the position of Ye Bai Zhizun, one is Yaozu Dayi and the other is his beloved woman, perhaps he will make the same choice as Yebai Zhizun.

"Master knew from the beginning that the war with the Flame Demon Race would lose a large number of masters of the monster race, so he built the Suzaku Sacred Mountain, arranged for the descendants of his soldiers to stay here, and told me to teach them carefully."

"You should have also seen that most of the disciples of Suzaku Shenshan have average talents, but why they can live here is taught by me, because their ancestors have dedicated their lives to the monster race."

Qi Mu didn't even know these secrets, and his beautiful and charming face showed a hint of surprise.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that he was able to get the guidance of the Jiuli Saints because their ancestors had followed Yebai Supreme and had sacrificed their lives in order to deal with the Flame Demon Race.

Leaving the palace, Zhuo Bufan temporarily returned to the mountain where Qi Mu was. The Jiuli saint arranged for him to rest here. Zhuo Bufan glanced at Qi Mu and asked in a low voice: "Qi Mu, will your master have a crush on the night? Bai Zhizun?"

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Qi Mu was taken aback, a blush appeared on her pretty face, and she gritted her silver teeth and said, "Master Zhuo, how dare you guess about Master's affairs indiscriminately!"

Zhuo Bufan touched his nose and looked embarrassed. Not only women have a gossip, Zhuo Bufan also has some gossip, perhaps because he slept for half a month, he looked a little boring.

Although Jiuli Shengzhe has practiced for many years, his mood has reached a very high level, but after all, he is still a human being, and a person has seven emotions and six desires. From the tone of the Jiuli Shengzhe, it is not difficult to guess that she had a secret love for the night white supreme, even Some complained about the latter.

"Shengtan will open in two days. I guess it won't be so easy to get in." Zhuo Bufan stretched his waist, moved his neck, walked towards the bamboo house, and muttered to himself: "I still have trouble here. Girl two days, I guess many male disciples of Suzaku Shenshan would like to cramp me."

"Princess, look at his proud look. Fortunately, in order to get the chance to go to the holy lake, you can fortunately struggle for a hundred years to get a place, but he can get a place if he is lucky. I hope Brother Chao will find it by then. His troubles, let him not be so proud." Qi Fu said angrily.

"You girl." Qi Mu gave Qi Fu helplessly. She has such a personality that she has been cowardly in the family since she was a child. Even if Qi Fu is her maid, she sometimes can't get angry.

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