Chapter 3037

In the bamboo house.

Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged on the bed, mobilizing the true essence in his dantian, a warm breath flowing in the meridians, nourishing and repairing the damaged internal organs, muscles, and bones, but as the Jiuli Saint said, he is now The physical condition of this picture is extremely bad.

Because of the strong action and the power of Chaos, his body was irreversibly injured. To kill the Balrog in the abyss, he was injected with a large amount of violent power, which can be described as hurting himself, but he had no other choice at the time. , Without killing the Flame Demon King, even he himself would die in the Holy Burial Abyss.

Observing his dantian, Zhuo Bufan’s lips curled up with a bitter curve. At this moment, he still has a lot of violent power, and he is not constrained by him at all. If it hadn’t been for the one who had practiced the “Star Wheel Yanyu Tu” and swallowed the “primordial spirit soul”. For this reason, changing to other practitioners, such a vast and violent power has already broken the dantian.

But now the situation in the dantian is not optimistic, these vast and violent yuan power accumulates in the dantian, making it extremely difficult for the yuan power vortex to operate.

A trace of warm vitality wandered through the body, making the injured place feel hot and itchy.

"If you want to completely heal your injuries, you can only enter the holy lake. This kind of healing method can only repair some ordinary injuries." Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, feeling that he could mobilize his elemental power and spiritual power, he opened the space ring and took out the Qiankun Gun.

The body of the gun is silver, the barrel is straight, and the tip of the gun is sharp and cold.

"It's really heavy!" Zhuo Bufan mobilized two forces of chaos, gathered his palms, and then lifted the Qiankun gun.

The original smooth and round body of the gun is now protruding with complicated silver patterns.

Qiankunqiang was originally a magic weapon of the'life and death level'. When the Saint Abyss killed the Flame Demon, the seven pieces of the saint's armed fragments were merged with qualitative changes. As the five fingers gathered, the palm of the hand gripped the gun shaft, and the raised silver pattern appeared. Pieces of silver dragon scales are slightly hideous and domineering.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes gradually lit up, his gaze swept along the barrel of the gun, and a curve of joy appeared at the corner of his mouth. Although I don't know whether the Qiankun Spear can be called a'sacred product' magic weapon after fusion of the Sage Armed Fragments, but he can clearly feel the change of the Qiankun Spear. Get stronger.

"Without using the power of chaos, you can't easily swing it with the power of your physical body." Zhuo Bufan secretly smacked his tongue and estimated the weight of the Qiankun gun. It should have reached a million tons weight. The weight of the stick itself can be easily crushed. A mountain peak.

Zhuo Bufan had previously obtained a universe-level magic weapon "Fengleishan". The weight of Fengleishan is countless times heavier than the Qiankun gun. However, Fengleishan is too large and belongs to the suppression magic weapon. It consumes a lot of energy when used, and the enemy Will not give him time for him to guide the wind and thunder mountain to come.

However, the current changes of the Qiankun Spear are comparable to a magic weapon of ‘universe level’, and it is also suitable for melee combat.

This trip to the sacred abyss, Zhuo Bufan’s own harvest was quite rich. He created the two styles of "annihilation" and "chaos" of martial arts at the Universe level. The Universe Spear is a fusion of seven saint armed fragments. The shrine harvested a perfect cosmic origin stone, plus the treasures in the space ring between the "Nine Realms of the Sword and the Emperor of the Sui Sui", and the things needed to travel to the new cosmic passage were prepared.

"You can only enter the holy pool to restore your body to its peak state, and then you can go to the forbidden area of ​​the Ancestral Demon and enter the new universe channel." Zhuo Bufan said to himself.

Immediately, his spirit was observing the chaotic gas in the dantian. The nebula-like existences in the dantian exuded the brilliance of stars. Thousands of nebulae, dotted in the vast dark universe, are like the vortex of Yuanli. .

In addition to the condensed elemental power vortex, there is also a violent turbulence in the dantian. This is the powerful elemental power that slayed the Flame Demon King and poured into his body madly, and even contained some of the power of the Flame Demon clan, such as a ball. The dense dark clouds exude surging and amazing power.

"If you don't vent the amount of violent violence in the dantian, I am afraid there will be big trouble in the future." Zhuo Bufan frowned and thought secretly.

It's just that he doesn't have a good solution now, he can only wait for the state to return to the peak, and then think of a solution.

In the center of the dantian, there is still a cloud of gray mist that is as vast as the ocean.

Zhuo Bufan can now mobilize at most two hundred Chaos Powers to perform Universe Martial Arts. The tyrannical power is even astonished by him. The Ape Sui Realm Emperor was hit hard by a single move and chose to escape.

But at this moment Zhuo Bufan can feel the subtle changes in the ocean of chaos. The ‘perfect origin stone of the universe’ he obtained from Madame Blue Butterfly’s palace was swallowed by chaos, and the sea of ​​chaos seems to be changing according to the rules of the origin stone.

This kind of change is extraordinary and cannot be stopped, only to wait and see the change.


Two days later.

On a cliff on the mountainside, a thousand zhang waterfalls like silver horses hung upside down.

Wow, wow, wow.

Flowing water slapped on the smooth boulders, and many small splashes bloomed.

"Haha..." Zhuo Bufan held a long spear, he walked with the spear, and the spear was tied in a line. He did not use the power of his body. He only relied on the power of his flesh to dance the spear into the wind, leaving a sharp spear on the stone wall. Dao marks.

Zhuo Bufan has a naked upper body and does not have that exaggerated muscles. Instead, his body looks thin, with smooth muscle lines and wheat-colored skin. Water drops on the body are instantly evaporated into water vapor.

"Careful, it's been a long time since I had such a fun activity." Zhuo Bufan stopped his hands and showed a smile on his face.

After lying on the bed for half a month, Zhuo Bufan felt that his bones were almost stiff, and he could not wait to find here to practice marksmanship and relax his muscles and bones after he recovered two yen strength.

Looking at the gun marks on the stone wall, Zhuo Bufan was in a more relaxed mood. Without the use of elemental power, the pure physical strength and the weight of the Qiankun gun could produce such power, which was beyond his expectation.

"If you were playing against the Ape Sui Jiehuang, you wouldn't have been beaten so embarrassed." Zhuo Bufan split his mouth and smiled.

Two days passed in a flash.

Zhuo Bufan put on his coat, took back the Qiankun spear, and flew towards the first peak of Zhuque Shenshan, where the sage of Jiuli lived. Qi Mu had stayed at Zhuque Mountain for the past two days, so Zhuo Bufan was not with her.

In front of the mountain palace, there are densely packed figures in the square. There are about thousands of people, all of whom are disciples of the Jiuli saints. Of course, the disciples are also divided into three types: outer disciple, inner disciple, and true disciple. The highest, there are only five true disciples in Zhuqueshan, Qi Mu is one of them.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan landed on the square, he felt a lot of sights. If anything seemed to fall on him, and the male disciples had some hostility in their eyes, he was quite helpless at this point. Qi Mu was in the Suzaku Shenshan. The prestige is extremely high, and the person is so shameful that he is the object of many male disciples' admiration.

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