
"Does that kid also get the qualification to enter Shengtan? It didn't disappoint me." Xue Yuan laughed cheerfully when he heard the words.

The Xue family had walked out of the genius of Xue Yuan. Now in the northern border of the Demon Region, the Xue family is also a big family, and Xue Dao is Xue Yuan's younger brother, but the two are very different in age.

Xue Yuan showed extraordinary talent since he was a child. He was the first personal disciple of the Jiuli Saint and was also the former master brother of Zhuque Shenshan. Because of Xue Yuan's aura of genius, Xue Dao, who was equally excellent, looked much eclipsed.

For his brother who has a genius, Xue Dao has not been regarded as a glory, but a goal he wants to surpass.

Because the Xue family has always valued Xue Yuan, even if Xue Dao put in a lot of effort, he still looked bleak in front of his brother's halo.

"I can't just give up like this, I will definitely surpass Xue Yuan." Xue Dao gritted his teeth and endured the pain caused by the scouring of the holy energy. His willpower was approaching the brink of collapse again and again. One can think of his father's praise to his brother, no matter he is. No matter how hard he puts in, he will always live under Xue Yuan's aura, and he persisted again.

Never let your family and brother look down upon yourself.

On the third day when the four entered Shengtan, the lake was still calm, but the disciples around did not decrease, but showed signs of gradually increasing. There is no other reason, because the record of Shengtan has been kept by Xue Yuan. Will anyone break this record?

"Zhuo Bufan can really hold on for so long? Wouldn't he have died in it?" Qi Fu frowned and raised his lips, looking unhappy. The other three were all disciples of Zhuque Shenshan, and Zhuo Bufan But it was luck to get the quota to enter the holy pond, how could it last so long.

"Sister Fu, why are you sulking?" Zhang Cheng walked over and asked with a shy face.

Qi Fu glanced at him. Recently, Zhang Cheng loves to entangle herself. She can't look down on a low-level disciple like Zhang Cheng. Although Zhang Cheng is an inner disciple in Zhuque Shenshan, she is innocent, even if she is just A maid would never ask him to be her husband.

It's just that Qi Fu still has the idea of ​​using Zhang Cheng, so naturally he will not reject the opponent too deliberately, so he can only hang the opponent indifferently.

"Why are you here? I didn't want you to do a little thing for me, but still come to me?" Qi Fu rolled his eyes to him.

Zhang Cheng was stubborn and smiled embarrassedly: "Fu Mei, Brother Xue Yuan is the master of the world, how dare I go and chew my tongue in front of him."

"Trash." Qi Fu looked cold when he heard the words, and cursed mercilessly.

Qi Fu always wanted Zhang Cheng to go to Xue Yuan to mention Zhuo Bufan's defeat of Xue Dao, but Zhang Cheng was timid, and he didn't dare go to Xue Yuan to chew on the roots of his tongue. After hearing Qi Fu's words, Zhang Cheng's expression also slightly changed. Change, he is also a disciple of the Vermillion Bird Mountain. When he walks to the north, even some big monster races will be polite to him. Who dares to say that he is waste.

"Qi Fu, you are just a maid next to Senior Sister Qi Mu. Senior Sister Qi Mu treats you as a sister. Do you really think that you are amazing? I give you face when I like you. If you don't like you, what are you." Zhang Cheng With a cold laugh, he turned and left after speaking.

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Qi Fu flushed with anger and stomped his feet severely.

Qi Fu clenched her fists and clasped her nails into her palms, but she knew what Zhang Cheng said was correct. The disciples of Zhuque Shenshan walked outside, all of them were guests of other big monster families, just because Qi Mu was kind to her, these talents Give her face.

Valley, on the top of a mountain.

The two figures stand on each other, masculine and elegant, and the woman is ethereal.

"Brother, I heard that the realm king who entered the Sacred Lake defeated Xue Dao, don't you want to find face for your brother?" Lu Xin asked Xue Yuan.

Although no one dared to come directly in front of him to chew his tongue, but he heard a lot of gossip, and Xue Yuan also knew that Xue Dao was defeated by Zhuo Bufan.

Xue Yuan smiled faintly, "From what I know about Xue Dao, this guy is very determined to win and lose, and it is impossible to release water easily. The shadow killer wants to come and have real materials, and I also want to try what he has. "

"To put it bluntly, it is better to protect the shortcomings, but it is a pity that Xue Dao will not appreciate it." Lu Xin smiled slightly and shook his head.

Xue Yuan's eyes fell on the calm lake, noncommittal, and muttered: "No matter what he thinks, I can't change the fact that I am his elder brother."


A white drop of water spurted out of the calm lake, and a figure rose into the sky, and immediately landed on the shore.

This movement immediately attracted countless attention.

"Brother Chao Zhi?"

"Senior Brother Chao Zhi was the first to come out. It was too unexpected."

"Yes, Senior Sister Qi Mu, Senior Brother Xue Dao, and Zhuo Bufan are still cultivating at the bottom of the lake."

This result also surprised and surprised countless disciples of Zhuque Shenshan. They all thought that Chao Zhi could persist to the end. They didn't expect that Chao Zhi was the first person to come out. Even Senior Sister Qi Mu was still receiving the baptism of holy energy in the holy pond.

"I didn't expect that Chao Zhi, the big brother of the contemporary Zhuqueshan, would be the first person to come out." Lu Xin said.

"It's not impossible. I have entered Shengtan. It is not a test of personal combat ability, but a test of willpower. Xue Dao's ability to persist until now makes me a little surprised." Xue Yuan smiled and murmured. Tao.

Chao Zhi stood on the grass, glanced at the lake, and finally sighed and walked to sit down nearby.

Although many disciples were a little surprised, they did not dare to transgress or discuss themselves in front of Chao Zhi.

Time passed, and at night, another figure flew out of the lake.

"Hey!" Xue Dao sighed deeply. This is already the longest time he can hold on. If he persists, his will will collapse and people will fall into endless darkness. It is very difficult to wake up.

"It's only three hours before I can break his record." Xue Dao squeezed his fist, his face flowing unwilling.

Perceiving that the mountain top was staring at him, Xue Dao raised his head and looked face to face. He just happened to see Xue Yuan standing on the top of the mountain. He simply turned around and walked to Chao Zhi's side and sat down.

"Senior Brother, Xue Dao failed to break the record you left. It seems a bit unwilling." Lu Xin said.

"People in the Xue family have strong personalities. If you want to beat me, you have to work harder." Xue Yuan said lightly.

At this point, among the four people who entered Shengtan, Chao Zhi and Xue Dao have come out. Neither of them could break the record left by Xue Yuan, but there are two people in Shengtan, Qi Mu and Zhuo Bufan, as long as the two can persist. It will break the record set by Xue Yuan at dawn.

Although Qi Fu was in a bad mood because of Zhang Cheng’s affairs, seeing that Qi Mu was still in Shengtan, his thoughts immediately shifted to Qi Mu. Tan’s record, but why does Zhuo Bufan stay in Shengtan? Is it already dead in it?"

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