
Everyone is looking forward to it.

The horizon finally revealed a hint of whiteness.

Qi Mu and Zhuo Bufan have not yet come out of the holy pond. At this time, Xue Yuan's record of "three days and three nights" has been broken. The sun shines down, and the calm lake makes shallow ripples.

A column of white water rose into the sky.

The water splashed everywhere, and the water drops reflected the sunlight. In the eyes of everyone, a graceful and slender figure appeared in the spray, gently swept over, and returned to the shore.


"It's Senior Sister Qi Mu!"

"Senior Sister Qi Mu actually broke the record left by Senior Brother Xue Yuan."

For a time, the valley was completely noisy.

"Qi Mu, congratulations, I broke the Shengtan record, but I was the first one to come out." Chao Zhi walked up to Qi Mu and said with shame.

"Senior Brother Chao Zhi, the holy energy in Shengtan tempers the physical body, and it tests willpower. You don't focus on cultivating the flesh. The Shengtan test is definitely much more difficult for you than us." Qi Mu smiled calmly and said with relief.

Chao Zhi smiled and did not comment. Qi Mu's remarks saved him face, but he knew in his heart that Qi Mu's willpower was stronger and stronger than him, and the more Qi Mu was so'polite' to him, the more he felt at peace. The other party keeps a distance.

"Unexpectedly, among the three of us, Senior Sister Qi Mu persisted the longest." Xue Dao said surprisingly.

"There is one more person in Shengtan, did Junior Brother Xue Dao forget?" Qi Mu said.

Xue Dao and Chao Zhi's eyes instantly fell on Shengtan, and at the same time frowned. Although Qi Mu broke the record of Shengtan, Zhuo Bufan is still in Shengtan, he is afraid he will set the record again.

"That guy is still inside?" Chao Zhi frowned. In the holy pool, he noticed that Zhuo Bufan swallowed a lot of holy energy. The more holy energy he swallowed, the stronger the pain he suffered. Zhuo Bufan could still hold on for so long.

Xue Dao said: "I'm afraid we all underestimated him, maybe it was not luck that he killed the Ape Sui Realm Emperor."

Qi Mu and Chao Zhi were silent when they heard Xue Dao's words.

On the contrary, Qi Fu, who was standing on the side, couldn't help but glanced at his mouth when he heard the words, "Perhaps that guy could not bear the painful consciousness collapse and died in the holy pond.

Swallowing the holy qi causes pain, and the willpower will collapse first, and then the physical body will begin to disarm, so Qi Mu is not sure whether Zhuo Bufan's consciousness has collapsed, and the flesh is still continuing to swallow the holy qi.

Everyone's eyes were on the holy pond at this moment, wanting to see if Zhuo Bufan would appear, entering the holy pond to refine his physical body and vitality, there has never been a dead person, but this possibility is not ruled out.

"Will Zhuo Bufan deliberately hold on in for the sake of face, causing his consciousness to collapse?"

"There is such a possibility that he can hold on for so long, besides the collapse of consciousness, what other reasons are there."

"Even Senior Sister Qi Mu has come out. Can he be a realm king for so long? I don't believe it."

Most people suspect that Zhuo Bufan has collapsed in consciousness.

It is true that Zhuo Bufan is now suffering from huge pain and torture, almost crushing his posterior molars, but his consciousness has not collapsed yet.

"Chao Zhi and Xue Dao have already left. Qi Mu was the last one to leave, which was beyond my expectation."

Qi Mu is the only woman among the four. She has a kind personality and even looks a little weak, but she did not expect her willpower to be so tenacious that she persisted for so long.

Now Zhuo Bufan's situation was out of his control, the Chaos Sea was constantly devouring the holy energy, and it was slowly growing, and the pain of the holy energy to cleanse his muscles and bones made him suffer, but the benefits of this were obvious.

Zhuo Bufan can clearly feel that the internal organs and the hidden wounds in his body are completely healed, and his physical strength has made a qualitative leap. His Dragon Evil Waste has reached the Great Stage, and it is extremely difficult to move forward.

But after the baptism of the holy spirit, he can feel that his body is strengthening. What is it to endure more pain in the face of such a good thing.

time flies.

As the setting sun sets, the valley is covered with red clouds.

The calm lake made waves, a whirlpool slowly gathered, and a figure rushed away from it, bringing up spray in the sky.

The effect of holy energy tempering has begun to decrease, but the pain is increasing. Zhuo Bufan knows that the effect of continuing to use holy energy to cleanse the body is already very weak, and that the increasing pain can easily collapse the consciousness, so he chose it.

If Zhuo Bufan absorbs the holy energy at the same speed as Qi Mu, I am afraid that it will be no problem to stay in the holy pond for another week.

When Zhuo Bufan appeared, countless eyes suddenly showed shock. Most people thought that Zhuo Bufan was dead, but they didn't leave, and wanted to see the final result. They didn't expect that he was still alive.

The four entered the holy pond.

Zhuo Bufan refreshed the time record kept in Shengtan.

"How is it possible that this guy is still alive?" Qi Fu was the one who broke down the most. I don't know why, the more she looked at Zhuo Bufan, the more angry she became. She was insulted by Zhang Cheng, and she subconsciously blamed Zhuo Bufan on his head.

"Will he not absorb the holy energy at all in the holy pool, so he can hold on for such a long time?" Qi Fu doubted.

But Qi Mu, Xue Dao, and Chao Zhi didn't speak, because the three of them all knew that Zhuo Bufan was devouring holy energy in the holy pond, and no one would give up the opportunity to absorb holy energy for the sake of some face.

"Zuo Bufan actually persisted to the end?"

"Impossible, it's nothing more than a realm king pinnacle, how can it be better than Senior Sister Qi Mu and Senior Brother Chao Zhi!"

"He must have used some method, so he can persist in the holy pond for so long."

Some whispers rang out in the valley. Although many people were unwilling to believe it, the facts lay before them, and they could not tolerate their disbelief.

Zhuo Bufan moved his arms and arms, his bones crackled, and the sound of tiger and leopard thunder sounded inside his body. He could really feel the physical body becoming stronger, and he didn't know how many chaotic powers he could control now.

"Brother, it is actually an outsider who surpassed your record, or a pinnacle of the realm king." Lu Xin said to Xue Yuan.

"Let's take a look, this guy is not easy, but unfortunately from the Star Alliance." Xue Yuan smiled.

Zhuo Bufan saw two figures of a man and a woman coming in front of him, and he felt a strong aura from the two of them. Both of them were strong in the realm of the realm, but Zhuo Bufan didn't know them at all.

"You are the Shadow Killer, Zhuo Bufan?" Xue Yuan asked with a smile, looking at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned and felt an invisible pressure coming, but there seemed to be no hostility between the two in front of him.

"Here is the King of Shadow Killer, I don't know who the two are?" Zhuo Bufan looked at the two in confusion.

"My name is Xue Yuan, and this is my wife Lu Xin. We are the disciples of the Jiuli Saint. We have just returned to the Suzaku Mountain. I heard about the Shadow Killer from the master, so I came here to take a look." Xue Yuan said.

"The King of Shadow Killer, we are not hostile to you." Lu Xin said, taking a look at Xue Yuan, Zhuo Bufan just felt the pressure on his body disappear.

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