Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3047: Ten Thousand Thousand Vortex

Chapter 3048 Ten Thousand Thousand Vortex

"Incorporating the Sage Armed Fragments, although it is not a Sacred Magic Weapon, it is comparable to a Universe Grade Magic Weapon. You are lucky. You actually got four Armed Saint Fragments in the Burial Saint Abyss." Jiuli Sage. Looking at the silver gun floating in front of him, he nodded and said.

Zhuo Bufan has always had doubts in his heart, and asked, "Master Jiuli Saint, why are there fragments of Saints' armed forces in the Burial Saint Abyss?"

Saint Jiuli glanced at him and slowly said: "Actually, this is not a secret. Back then, the Flame Demon Clan invaded the Demon Domain, while the Extraterrestrial Supreme and other groups attacked the Star Alliance. At that time, the Star Alliance had Emperor Shang and Ice Emperor. Guarding, Emperor Shang gave the magic weapon he used in the time of the saint to the supreme Ye Bai, and let the supreme Ye Bai use the fragments of the armed saint to suppress the Flame Demon!"

"Although the monster and the human race have always been hostile, we chose the same enemy when facing the invasion of the strong outside the territory." said the sage of Jiuli, the jade palm lightly stroked, and the Qiankun spear returned to Zhuo Bufan.

"If an extraterritorial powerhouse strikes again, but Taiyi Universe no longer has the two emperors, Emperor Shang and Ice Emperor, who can resist them?" The Jiuli Saint frowned slightly, his tone of worry was in his tone.

"Dare to invade our universe, come and kill one, come and kill two." Zhuo Bufan held the Qiankun spear without fear, because there are some difficulties that can never be solved by evasion.

Zhuo Bufan took back the Qiankun spear and suddenly said, "Nine Li Sage, Zhuo Bufan has one more thing to ask for advice."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Jiuli Saint said.

"There are some strange things in the boy's dantian, I can't solve it." Zhuo Bufan said with a frown.

If in the Star Alliance, he could ask the three saints of Xia Ling, Jiuqu, and Blood Palace to help him check, but this is the monster race, he really can't find a second person to help him.

The Nine Li saints heard that divine consciousness directly entered Zhuo Bufan's body, and Zhuo Bufan did not resist at all. It is actually very dangerous to let others divine consciousness enter his dantian, because only one thought can destroy his dantian.

But Zhuo Bufan believed in the Jiuli Saint, because the other party really wanted to kill himself, so he just moved a finger.


Countless bright vortexes of Yuanli are like nebulae, densely covered in the dark dantian, there are tens of thousands of them.

When the Burial Saint Yuan killed the Flame Demon King, Zhuo Bufan's body had accumulated a lot of violent vitality. Originally, he wanted to use the holy pond to eliminate these violent vitality. However, unexpected happiness occurred. All these vital powers actually condensed into one. Yuanli vortex.

The Yuanli vortex in Zhuo Bufan's Dantian changed from 7,000 to 10,000, achieving the goal he set for himself.

"It's no wonder Jiang Chen called you the first genius of the Starry Sky Academy, and you have gathered 10,000 Yuanli vortexes. Just like that guy Jiang Chen is a pervert." Jiuli Saint's face was moved, unable to maintain his composure.

It is estimated that if you dare to turn Jiang Chen into a pervert, there are not many of them in the entire Taiyi universe.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Saint Jiuli and Jiang Chen knew each other, but she did not expect that she also knew that Jiang Chen had condensed 10,000 Yuanli vortexes.

Now Jiuli Sage finally understands why Zhuo Bufan, a realm king pinnacle, can kill the ape Suihou, and can even trample many realm emperors under his feet.

Dantian is like a vast starry sky, ten thousand Yuanli vortexes are like nebula, but in the middle of all Yuanli vortices, there is a gray ocean, and I can faintly see terrifying gray thunders swimming inside, extending a long river of thunder, and the other end is connected with thousands of Yuanli vortex.

It seems that the gray ocean suppresses the vortex of tens of thousands of yuan.

Soon, the Jiuli saint withdrew his spiritual thoughts, but his complexion was slightly solemn.

Zhuo Bufan looked at her, he didn't know why the Chaos Sea would stretch out a long river of thunder to connect the Yuanli vortex. Although there was no discomfort in his body, this kind of thing beyond his own knowledge still made Zhuo Bufan a little worried.

The Jiuli Saint also knew what Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask, but even she didn't know what the Chaos Sea was.

"What is the gray ocean in the middle of your dantian? It seems to be a very strong force." Jiuli Saint asked.

Zhuo Bufan told the Saint Jiuli about how to condense the power of Chaos, "Don't even Saint Jiuli know what that power is?"

"How vast is the universe, let alone me, even the Emperor Shang and the Ice Emperor cannot fully understand the entire universe, but that kind of power is extremely powerful and it should be no harm to you, but the Chaos Sea in your Dantian is a bit similar to the universe. Round'." Jiuli Shengzhe thought.

The Universe Wheel is something possessed in the Realm Emperor's Dantian, and the Universe Wheel is condensed into the realm of the Realm Emperor!

"I'll show you the situation inside the Realm Emperor's Dantian!" said the Jiuli Saint, waving his bare hand, and the bright light condensed a picture above the palace.

In the picture, there are hundreds of Yuanli vortexes, and in the middle is a round of black and white roulette, which also extends a line of light, connecting the Yuanli vortex.

"Essential force vortex is the foundation of the practitioner's power. As long as the dantian is strong enough, the more primal vortexes can be condensed, but these primal vortexes are disorderly. Only the cultivation of the'universe wheel' can completely master the primal vortex. Only by combining them in sequence can the Yuanli Vortex stabilize and exert its most powerful power."

"The same Yuanli Vortex will gradually provide power to the Universe Wheel after being connected to the'Universal Wheel'. Once the Universe Wheel is broken, it will be able to create the inner world and enter the realm of the realm!"

Jiuli saint explained patiently for him.

"So, my Chaos Sea is equivalent to the Universe Wheel?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

The Jiuli Sage shook his head, "It's not exactly that, Chaos Sea should be a domineering and powerful force, temporarily helping you to stabilize the vitality vortex, it is not harmful to you, but you condense a 10,000 yuan force vortex, Do you know how difficult it was for Jiang Chen to break through to the Realm King realm after condensing 10,000 yuan in the Realm King Realm back then?"

The more the Yuanli vortex, the stronger the Yuanli, but with all the advantages and disadvantages, the thicker the egg shell, the more difficult it is for the chicken to break out of the shell.

"I have always regarded the leader of Jiang Chen as my goal. No matter how much hardship I put in, I think I will also become the emperor of the world." Zhuo Bufan said firmly.

Jiuli Saint was taken aback for a moment, because Zhuo Bufan called Jiang Chen the leader rather than the master, Jiuli had always thought Zhuo Bufan was Jiang Chen's disciple, but now it seemed that it was different from what she had guessed.

"Are you not Jiang Cheng's disciple?" Jiuli Saint asked.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, but didn't say that Jiang Chen was his junior. Anyway, Jiang Chen was the leader of the Star Alliance, so he still wanted to save him some face outside.

"I still think you are Jiang Cheng's apprentice, but you are ranked 38th in the world's emperor's list with your strength, but you are a talented person. Do you want me to raise your ranking to the top ten?" Jiuli Sage smiled slightly.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said, "Sage Master Jiuli's kindness is appreciated, but I don't want to make too many enemies for myself invisibly."

"Okay, go back, I hope you can become a strong in the future, at least when you are outside the domain to respect the return to the Taiyi Universe, you can do more." Jiuli Saint said.

Zhuo Bufan arched his hands and retired. He stayed at Zhuque Shenshan for almost one month. His injury has been completely healed. Zhuo Bufan also plans to leave Zhuque Shenshan and return to Ten Thousand Monsters Valley. It is estimated that Princess Hongyun and Zitian will not get news from him. in a hurry.

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