Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3048: Back to Ten Thousand Demon Valley

Chapter 3049 Back to Ten Thousand Demon Valley

Returning to the small courtyard of the mountain bamboo house, Zhuo Bufan prepared to say goodbye to Qi Mu. After being seriously injured and unconscious, he has been living in Qi Mu. The former took care of him more or less.

In the small courtyard, two cups of tea were placed on the stone table, and the two teams sat looking at each other.

"Young Master Zhuo is ready to leave in such a hurry? Are you planning to leave directly to the Ancestral Demon restricted area?" Qi Mu asked.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said: "I have to go back to the Ten Thousand Demon Valley. My friends are in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley. After dealing with the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, I will leave for the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Area."

"Then Lord Zhuo and I should not be able to travel together. It's a pity that we should still be able to meet when we reach the forbidden area of ​​the Ancestral Demon." Qi Mu nodded, a touch of sadness passed in his eyes.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "I have a relationship with Miss Qi, and I believe that I can meet even in the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Area. The days when I was seriously injured, I still troubled Miss Qi Mu to take care of her. I want to leave the Vermillion Bird Mountain, so naturally I want to thank Miss Qi Mu.

"It's just a matter of hand, it's not enough. Actually, I didn't do anything. Zhuo Bufan came to thank me specially and made me ashamed." Qi Mu smiled slightly, "Fuer is my maid and has been by my side since childhood. She was too indulgent and made her arrogant and arrogant to offend Master Zhuo, and please forgive Zhuo Bufan."

Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently and waved his hand, "Miss Qi Mu, you are serious, Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of man with a small belly."

"Master Zhuo drink this cup of tea before leaving?" Qi Mu's eyes fell on the stone table.

Zhuo Bufan took a sip from his teacup, put it down, and glanced at Qi Mu, arching his hands and leaning back to stand up.

Qi Mu sat on the stone bench and looked at the figure disappearing into the sky. If there is a sigh, "I have been in contact for a short time, and the friendship is still too shallow. I want him to help me go to the ancestral demon restricted area to find the emperor. Hao Bloodline', it's too difficult."

"Ape Sui Jiehuang is under the Five Emperors. The Five Emperors should have noticed him. Sooner or later he will join hands with me." Qi Mu glanced at the teacup on the stone table, half of the tea was left in the teacup.


Zhuque Shenshan, on a lonely mountain.

Xue Daopan was sitting on the top of the mountain. He suddenly sensed something. He suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"Still so vigilant?" A faint voice sounded, and two fuzzy figures in front of Xue Dao gradually emerged, one man and one woman, it was Xue Yuan and Lu Xin.

"What are you doing?" Xue Dao stared at Xue Yuan in an unfriendly tone.

Replaced with other people, if there is a strong man in the realm of the realm, I am afraid that it will be very happy to be the brother, but Xue Dao is not happy. The light of the Xue family since childhood has covered all his efforts. In his heart, Xue Yuan even It is an'enemy', an object he wants to surpass.

"Xue Dao, brother, he also cares about you." Lu Xin said, she was also quite helpless about the situation between the two brothers.

Fortunately, Xue Dao still respects her sister-in-law. Hearing Lu Xin's words, Xue Dao didn't say anything, just snorted softly.

"I'm going to the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Zone soon, you know it's not a good place." Xue Yuan put his hands behind his back, looked at Xue Dao, and said lightly.

"I'm not a fool. It doesn't matter if you don't look down on me, but I will prove it to everyone one day. My Xue Dao is no worse than your Xue Yuan." Xue Dao gritted his teeth and said.

Originally, Xue Yuan and Lu Xin were here to care about Xue Dao, but they didn't expect that Xue Dao's character was so stubborn that they would ridicule themselves as Xue Yuan.

"Beyond me? You can't even beat a realm king, and you talk about surpassing me? Your little effort is just ridiculous to me. You really think I am a peerless genius, and I never put in less effort in practice than anyone else. "Xue Yuan suddenly coldened his face, "I want to defeat me, not just by talking."

Xue Dao was so angry that he gritted his teeth, his complexion flushed.

"I don't need to say how dangerous the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Area is. The Xue family is dead, and you can't hurt your bones." Xue Yuan said, waving his hand, and a golden streamer flew to Xue Dao quickly.

Xue Dao gathered his vitality in his hand, and suddenly grabbed the golden streamer that burst out. When he raised his head, he found that Xue Yuan and Lu Xin had already left.

"This Red Fire Phosphorus can be integrated into your knife to increase its power. If you don't want to throw it casually, I'm still waiting for you to surpass me." Xue Yuan's voice sounded from the top of the mountain.

Xue Dao lowered his head and looked at a fist-sized piece of metal in his palm. The whole body was red, and the inside seemed to be flowing like flames. If it were not wrapped in Yuanli, the skin and flesh would immediately be burnt when touched.

His swordsmanship followed a violent and violent route, but the treasured sword was always a little violent, and the fusion of red fire phosphorus would definitely increase the power of the treasured sword.

Moreover, this Red Fire Phosphorus had always been the treasure Xue Dao wanted, but it was a pity that it was very scarce, even if there was a monster crystal, it could not be bought.

"Don't look down on people. Sooner or later, I will surpass you." Xue Dao clenched the red fire phosphorus in his hand, his eyes firm.


Within the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

One month has passed since the exploration of the Holy Abyss of Burial, and the life of the Silver Fox tribe is proceeding in an orderly manner. Because Yinyue has been inherited by the ancestors of the Yinguo, all the Warriors of the Silver Fox tribe are now practicing hard.

Next to a cold pool in the territory of the Silver Fox tribe, several sly-faced girls of the Silver Fox tribe hide behind a big tree and secretly look at a handsome young man with naked torso in the cold lake.

The young man holds a blood moon scimitar, and his feet are floating on the surface of the water.

The few girls hiding behind the tree were haggling.

"So handsome, if only he could marry me!"

"Just as you can match the young master, don't dream."

"If Young Master Tian could talk to me, I would be satisfied, how dare I want to marry him."

"The speed of the knife is good, but the strength control is not precise enough, and a lot of strength is wasted. The master moves, and the details can often determine the outcome." A calm voice suddenly sounded in the cold pool.

But besides Master Zitian, they didn't see anyone else.

Zi Tian, ​​who was practicing the sword technique, heard the sound, and suddenly stopped. Soon that cold face burst into immense joy. A familiar figure appeared in the sky above Han Tian. Zi Tian took the sword and swept over, excited. Eyes flushed, "Brother, you are finally back!"

"I'm not kidnapped." Zhuo Bufan looked at Zitian and smiled, and immediately fell behind the tree. "When I was away, you seemed to be liked by the silver fox girls."

Zitian followed his gaze and saw several silver fox girls hidden behind the tree. He just practiced the sword technique with all his heart. Besides, this is the territory of the silver fox, so he didn't worry about being attacked at all, and he didn't notice someone stealing it. Look.

The silver fox girls are like frightened deer, hurriedly carrying their skirts and ran toward the dense forest.

Zitian took the back of his head with his hand, his face flushed, showing a shy look.

"Is there a girl you are looking at, eldest brother will help you propose marriage?" Zhuo Bufan quipped.

"Brother, I, I...I just want to be by your side, what do you want a woman to do." Zi Tian looked confused.

"I don't want you to follow me in the future, waiting for me to get the'reincarnation stone' and go back to help you find a wife, so that you can get married and start a business." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Big brother, are you going to drive me away? How can Xiaotian not do well? Is it because Xiaotian is not strong enough to drag him down, Xiaotian will work hard in the future, and he will definitely be able to help him." Zitian said with a look. Tight, said quickly.

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