Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3625: Temporarily stable


Zhuo Bufan's words made Zhuo Bufan think of Ding Hua. Both the human race and the monster race have Ding Hua's scum. They even colluded with the Chaos Beast, tricked and kidnapped the practitioners to the Chaos Realm, and sold them to the Chaos Beast.

Coming to the suspended island, in a steep, rocky place, many attic buildings were built, and streams flowed through them. Compared with Xingtian's bare site, this place was obviously much more refined.

"Master Dark, this place is all arranged by the villain, and Master Xi Ling also took a fancy to this point, and just left the villain by his side." said the mouse.

Pointed to the middle one hundred feet high, stone and wood attic, with a stream flowing underneath.

"Master Dark, this is the Shui Si Tower. It was originally the residence of Master Xi Ling. Now that you master this, this is your place."

The yellow mouse said again: "There is a mountain on the other side. The inside of the mountain is hollowed out and a water prison is built. Some practitioners and monsters who have made mistakes are detained there."

Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows, and the ground squirrel told himself these things on purpose.

"Let's take a look." Zhuo Bufan said.

Immediately, a group of four, followed by several chaotic beasts, flew towards the mountain.

Sure enough, there was another Shimen tens of feet high under the mountain, and there were two chaotic beasts crawling on the ground to sleep.

Sensing that someone is coming, these two fierce beasts opened their eyes, revealing fierce light in their eyes.

"This is Lord Dark, who has taken over the position of Lord Rhinoceros, and is now the owner of this place." said the rat.

The two fierce beasts were obviously very low-wited, and they were arranged to be guarded here, still revealing fierce light staring at Zhuo Bufan in their eyes, because Zhuo Bufan had the aura of a practitioner.

"Don't even know the master?" Zhuo Bufan's eyes were cold, and two flying swords from his wrists directly pierced through the heads of these two fierce beasts, destroying their souls.

Two fierce beast heads left a blood hole with a big mouth, completely killed, the huge body collapsed, and a cloud of dust was splashed.

The few fierce beasts that followed saw it, and their hearts were stunned. Although they were a bit dissatisfied, they had seen Zhuo Bufan's strength, and no one dared to show dissatisfaction.

Pushing the stone gate and walking into the belly of the mountain, it turned out to be a prison. Many human races, including the cultivators of the monster race, were detained here.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan, An Lan, and Wu Shi, the three human practitioners walking in, the demon and human beings all showed strange eyes, and it seemed that these three people did not seem to have been caught in.

"Release them all and shorten the time to refine Hunyuanli by half." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Master Dark, I am afraid that this is not in compliance with the rules. Master Puxiang Tianwang has a rule to hand in enough Hunyuan Li every year, shortening the time by half, and not getting it together!" A fierce beast stepped forward and said.

"Now I am the master here. Do what I said. As for the Puxiang Heavenly King, I will explain it myself." Zhuo Bufan glanced at the other party, his eyes sharp as a knife, and the latter immediately lowered his head and dared not speak any more.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's complexion changed, and he walked forward, and stopped at the door of a prison where some demon cultivators were held inside. He looked tired and breathless, and he had obviously suffered a lot.

There was a thin young girl curled up in the corner of the prison. The girl was wearing a purple shirt with a weak breath. Her two slender arms hugged her knees and her head was buried. There were tiny snake scales on her arms.

"Take her to the Shuishi Tower, and the rest of them temporarily let them rest." Zhuo Bufan told the rat.

With a teasing smile on his face, the yellow mouse whispered in a whisper: "Dark lord, I understand that it will definitely be arranged for you."

Zhuo Bufan knew at a glance that the squirrel wanted to be crooked, but he was too lazy to explain. After leaving the prison, he flew to the Shui Si Tower and settled in a hall with An Lan and Wu Shi.

"Brother Qin Tong, thank you for your rescue this time, otherwise we may die at the hands of those beasts. Even if we do not die, we will be caught and tortured." Master Wu bowed and saluted Zhuo Bufan respectfully, sincerely thank you Tao.

"Brother Wu, why bother to be so polite, you and I are both human races, in the Chaos Realm, naturally you have to help each other." Zhuo Bufan said.

Master Wu was a little embarrassed, "Before I said that you are good at attacking, so I only let you divide it into a treasure..."

"Brother Wu, these things are not mentioned. The most important thing now is to think about the things at hand. The Puxiang Heavenly King is staring at me. I can't leave for the time being, but I can send you away from the Chaos Realm." Zhuo Bufan said.

He also wanted to see the thoughts of An Lan and Master Wu. If the two wanted to leave, he would naturally send them away from the Chaos Realm and return to the Taiyi Universe.

"As for Hun Yuanli, I will get some for you then." Zhuo Bufan continued.

An Lan lowered his head, bit his thin lips and hesitated, and said, "Big Brother Qin Tong, I invited you to take Hun Yuanli and I got into this situation. Now that you are in trouble, I can't just ignore it. As for Hun Yuan Li, I can send it back to the tree clan and then come back."

"Send it back, come back?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Well, I have to work with you to find a way to get rid of the control of King Puxiang." An Lan said firmly.

Master Wu smiled and said: "I have lived enough for a long time. I like to study formations and talisman most in my life. Otherwise, I won't go to the chaos realm to sharpen it. I don't want to go out. Stay here. I guess there is no safer place than here. "

Since An Lan and Master Wu chose to stay, Zhuo Bufan did not reluctantly, and ordered the ground squirrel to arrange a place for the two of them. An Lan was going to wait for his cultivation to recover, and then leave the Chaos Realm for a trip to the Huishu Clan.

At night, Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged and beaten in the small courtyard of the water building where he lived, frowning his sword eyebrows, and finally opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, there is no way to force the blood source aura of'Puxiang Heavenly King'!" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

If he couldn't force the blood source left by the Puxiang King, he would not be able to return to the Taiyi Universe. Once he did, the heavens would obliterate him.

But no matter how hard Zhuo Bufan tried, various methods were in vain.

"Lord Dark, the things you confessed have been done, and I have sent the woman to your room." The squirrel said with a smile.

"Well, you go down first, come to me tomorrow morning, I still have many things to ask you." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Yes, Lord Dark." The ground squirrel backed away a few steps before leaving the courtyard.

Zhuo Bufan sighed. Is it true that as the Puxiang Heavenly King said, he must have his physical bloodline to reach his level before he can force the bloodline injected into his body, and that would have to reach the realm of physical sanctification.


Pushing open the door, there was a sudden scent.

In the room, there stood a woman with a graceful figure. After taking a bath and changing her makeup, she became attractive and beautiful. She was not as embarrassed as she saw in prison. Her long purple hair fell on the fragrant shoulders, and Xin had a long neck on both sides. , Growing with fingernail-sized purple-gold snake scales, full of exotic style.

"My lord, I am willing to serve you. I hope you can let my father and my mother go." The woman looked at Zhuo Bufan and pleaded.

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