Chapter 3627 Sand Fantasy

"Serve me?" Zhuo Bufan was startled, and immediately understood that the girl had misunderstood what he meant, fearing that there was also a hint of chinchilla.

The girl hadn't noticed the strange expression on Zhuo Bufan's expression, and nodded vigorously, "Well, as long as the adults can let go of my mother and daddy, I am willing to serve the adults."

"I don't want you to serve me, but I want to ask you about something." Zhuo Bufan sat down on the stool, took a sip of water, and asked.

"Ask me about it?" the girl questioned.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, "I feel a familiar aura in you. Are you from the Burning Sky Purple Python family?"

"Ah!" The girl was surprised when she heard the words, but Zhuo Bufan didn't expect to discover her true identity.

Zhuo Bufan knows that the Burning Purple Python is talented at finding treasures. It has always been a treasure that has been contested by the strong from all sides. In the ancient times, the Burning Purple Python clan has been extinct. It is also because of the constant accumulation of abilities in his body. Come back slowly.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that in Chaos Realm, he would actually see another girl with the blood of Burning Purple Python.

Before in prison, the familiar breath he felt came from the girl, which is why he asked the chinchilla to bring the girl back.

Because this girl should have something to do with Zitian.

"Don't be afraid, I am a human race, not a chaotic beast. I have a brother who is also a family of Burning Heaven and Purple Mang." Zhuo Bufan said when seeing the girl nervous.

The girl hesitated and looked at Zhuo Bufan. Seeing Zhuo Bufan's eyes were clear and without the slightest desire, she chose to believe him and nodded gently, "Sir, my name is Sha Huan, I belong to the Burning Purple Python family because of us. The group is special, and it has been hiding in the chaos world to hide its identity."

"Sha Huan?" Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself.

From Sha Huan's words, it is not difficult to judge that the Burning Purple Python line has also been very fortunate to have lived in the Chaos Realm, otherwise they would not be caught in the Chaos Vortex and tortured.

Zhuo Bufan immediately ordered the yellow squirrel to bring her parents over. After a while, a man and a woman walked into the room, both of them with tired faces. Obviously, they were distilling Hunyuanli in the chaotic vortex, which was a drain on the two of them. Quite big.


As soon as she came in, the woman saw Sha Huan, her eyes reddened, and she even hugged her daughter in her arms.

"Mother, Daddy, we are safe, this adult is a human race, and he knows the people of our Burning Sky Purple Python family." Sha Huan said.

The couple looked at Zhuo Bufan with a trace of fear in their eyes. The two of them were not strong, otherwise they would not be caught by the Chaos Beast.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm, and the palm condensed a purple snake-like aura. It was the unique aura of the Burning Purple Python. Zi Tian stayed with Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan was naturally tainted with some purple sky aura, and this This kind of breath can help Zhuo Bufan find treasures.

Seeing the "Purple Snake" appearing in Zhuo Bufan's palm, the couple only believed their daughter's words.

"I have a brother, he belongs to the Burning Purple Python family. I don't have the right to let you go for the time being, but you don't have to go to Chaos Maelstrom to work in the future. I will temporarily arrange an address for you." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Thank you, sir."

"Thank you, sir."

The family was grateful to Zhuo Bufan, and they were grateful, because once caught in the vortex of chaos, they were doomed to death, and when they lost their value, they would be eaten by the beast of chaos.

"Now, can you tell me why the Burning Purple Python family is in the Chaos Realm. In the Taiyi Universe, the blood of your family has been extinct." Zhuo Bufan asked.

The man hesitated when he heard the words, and said: "My lord, I was born in the Chaos Realm. I only heard the clan elders say that there was a devastating war in the Taiyi universe in the ancient times. Treasures, various forces invaded and wanted to capture us. The Burning Purple Pythons suffered heavy losses. In the end, only a part of them managed to escape into the Chaos Realm to avoid hunting down."

"So that's it." Zhuo Bufan nodded in thought.

Everybody is innocent and guilty of his guilt, the Burning Purple Python's talent for searching for treasures is enough to make any strong jealous, and naturally want to capture a Burning Purple Python from a slave.

"Well, I will arrange for you to stay temporarily, maybe one day, I can save you out, after all, I can't protect myself now." Zhuo Bufan's mouth showed a bit of bitterness.

Isn't he also a prisoner of King Puxiang now?

Called the Yellow Squirrel and arranged a small courtyard for the Sha Huan family to stay temporarily. Zhuo Bufan frowned. I don’t know what happened to Zitian. It seems that the Fentian Purple Python family is not doing well. If they are caught by Chaos Fierce Beast It was discovered that he was also a family of Burning Purple Pythons, which might be dangerous.

Three months passed in a flash.

During these three months, Zhuo Bufan has also learned a lot. Puxiang Heavenly King's originally 36 generals, now with himself, a total of 37 generals, and he manages 36 chaotic vortices. .

Every year, a large number of mixed element glazes are produced in the vortex of chaos. These mixed element glazes can be used by the generals at will, but some of them need to be handed over to the King of Puxiang.

During these three months, Zhuo Bufan also used Hun Yuanli to cultivate his physical body madly. If he truly believed in Puxiang Heavenly King, he would set himself free, then Zhuo Bufan would be too stupid.

It was a stupid practice to hand over the safety of life to a chaotic beast.

However, there seems to be only one way to get rid of the control of the King Puxiang, and that is to become a holy body and force him to keep the blood source in his body.

On a mountain peak, Zhuo Bufan held a long spear and used his marksmanship without using any primal power. The pure physical power swung the spear, tearing open the void again and again.

"It's so difficult to be holy in the flesh." Zhuo Bufan retracted the spear.

At this moment, the void in the front, the void was distorted, and a water mirror appeared, showing the image of the King of Common Elephant.

"The spear of darkness, come to my palace." After the King Puxiang finished speaking, the water mirror disappeared.

After Zhuo Bufan spoke to An Lan and Master Wu, he took the ground squirrel and a few chaotic beasts to the palace of King Puxiang. Because he could not travel through the void, he could only fly slowly.

It took a few days to arrive at the residence of King Puxiang. On a floating island, there is a palace made of jade cutting and casting. It is extremely luxurious, and it is dozens of times larger than the island on which he is located, equivalent to the size of a star.

"You are the gun of darkness, the practitioner of the human race!" A cold voice suddenly remembered.

Zhuo Bufan saw several figures flying behind him, the first two guys, one was the Great Rhinoceros, and the other was a guy with blood-red squats on his head and dark skin like iron, staring at him with cold eyes.

"Ge Dao?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

He has seen a list of the most famous beasts in the Chaos Realm, and he naturally understands the generals under the Four Heavenly Kings. The Ge Dao general is the fifth strongest under the Puxiang Heavenly King.

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