Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 825: Wood Emerald Necklace

Chapter 826 Wooden Jade Necklace

Soon, the auction began.

However, Zhuo Bufan has no interest in the auction. He came here to find people from the Black Witch Cult. However, he covered the entire auction scene with his divine consciousness. He discovered the breath of several warriors and magicians, but he did not find out. People of the black witches.

"Is it possible that when I killed two disciples of the Black Witch Cult at the train station, I have already exposed my traces?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

The items at the auction were all antiques, famous paintings, or jewelry and necklaces made by some masters. Zhuo Bufan didn't have much interest, but the last auction item made him shine.

"The last item at auction was a jade necklace from the ancient Greek royal family, with a starting price of 10 million."

As the auctioneer's voice sounded, the entire auction house took a breath at the same time. The starting price was ten million. Although the people present were worth tens of millions, most of them were fixed assets.

Even if you can come up with 10 million of working capital, it is buying land for investment, and there will be a return in the future. If you spend 10 million to buy a necklace, it must be the courage of the super rich.

Even Zhang Mengmeng opened her lips slightly, revealing a look of surprise. Tong Ling next to him and a few young girls beamed their eyes, looking at a green jade necklace on the auction stage. They have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of property in their family, but they often spend 10 million to buy a necklace, but There is no such courage.

"What a beautiful necklace, but it's too expensive."

"Yes, ten million is almost one-tenth of my family's property."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the necklace, and a brilliant color flashed in his eyes. The necklace was not an ordinary necklace, but an energy stone, which contained very pure wood energy.

It's just that the wood energy contained in the necklace doesn't have much, but after all, it is the energy of the wood energy, so extraordinary for the current desire to grow, it is definitely a treasure.

After all, no matter how little the text is, it is still a piece of meat. It is no wonder that there will be several warriors and magicians on the scene. It seems that they are all for this wood energy stone. Ordinary people treat it as jewelry, but they are warriors. And the energy needed by the magicians to practice.

"This necklace is so expensive, I'm afraid there is not much bidding, it is estimated that there are no more than five people, after all, the rich people in Linshi are not present today." Fu Shengjie muttered to himself.

He is a native of Linshi, and a young man from the Fu family. The rich and upper-class circles of Linshi are only so big. He naturally knows how many people are capable of bidding at the scene.

"Twenty million." At this moment, the auctioneer suddenly exclaimed, "Ms. Fang Muwanqing, the Tianzi brand, bid 20 million. Is there any higher?"

Everyone at the entire auction site took another breath of air-conditioning. As expected, the Mu family, the No. 1 wealthy family in Lin City, made a big shot. Without blinking, the price was doubled. Those warriors and magicians who originally wanted to compete for jade were She frowned slightly, or sighed.

Not to mention whether they can put out 20 million, or whether the jade is worth 20 million, Mu Wanqing's identity alone is an existence that ordinary people dare not offend, openly bidding with Mu Wanqing, maybe jade is also If he couldn't get it, he offended the Mu family, and in the end the gain was not worth the loss.

"It's no wonder that Miss Mu's family will come here in person today, it turned out to be for the jade." Tong Ling whispered.

Fu Shengjie Zhizhu said: "Hehe, Miss Mu's move is really proud, and now even Miss Mu's move, I am afraid that no one dares to fight with her at this auction, right?"

"thirty million."

Suddenly, there was a soft sound, like a slap heavily on Fu Shengjie’s face. The face that was still a little smiling was suddenly stiff, frowning, and staring sharply at the front. Zhuo Bufan.

The speaker is actually this kid.

Tong Ling opened her delicate lips slightly, revealing an incredible expression. The rest of the boys and girls who came with Zhang Mengmeng looked at this ordinary boy in surprise.

They were sarcastic just now. They didn’t expect that at this time he would directly bid 30 million. This is not the most terrifying thing. The key point is that he is bidding with Mu Wanqing, the eldest of Mu’s family. Isn’t that right? Give Mu Wanqing face.

In a word, Zhuo Bufan attracted the attention of the audience, gathered on him, and began to guess his identity.

"This kid actually has 30 million in the Chu family. Where is the local tyrant from?"

"No, if you dare to grab something with Miss Mu's family, you must be the son of a princely family."

"But looking at him like this, he doesn't seem to be a young man from Linshi, and I know the young man from Linshi very well. Is it possible that he is from a different place."

When everyone was discussing, Fu Shengjie clenched his fists and stared at Zhuo Bufan angrily, "Zhuo Bufan, what do you want to do? This is not a game of play, let alone whether you have thirty million, just offend it. Mu Wanqing, there is no good fruit to eat."

Fu Shengjie was so angry not only because Zhuo Bufan slapped him just now, but also because Mu Wanqing was the underground queen of Linshi with superb methods and outstanding ability. If she offends her, the consequences are unimaginable. It might even implicate their group of people.

Tong Ling and the other boys and girls seemed to have also reacted, this guy shouldn't...because we were ridiculed by us just now, so let's deliberately look for a sense of existence now.

This is too naive and low-level!

"Zhuo Bufan, don't cause terrible misfortune for the sake of face. Hurry up and say you called it by mistake." Tong Ling said hurriedly, because she was afraid that Zhuo Bufan would hurt her best friend.

Zhuo Bufan's expression was indifferent, let alone his other local industries, even the Chaofan Group can now contribute nearly 10 billion to him every year, and a mere 30 million to buy jade necklaces, he can't even blink his eyes.

Inside the Tianzi box.

Mu Wanqing stood in front of the glass window, Dan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, but a light of extreme dissatisfaction appeared from the gap between her eyes.

"Miss, do you want me..." Fu Shengxue stood aside, frowning as well.

"No, let's pay forty million." Mu Wanqing opened her eyes, her face returned to the plain color, she still has this little money in the Mu family, and she is also bound to win the emerald.

The price of jadeite was raised to 40 million. In the face of the chattering Tong Ling and Fu Shengjie, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand indifferently:

"Fifty million."

At this time, even Mu Wanqing, who is excellent at raising Qi, had a slight look on her face. No one had ever dared to bid with him in this scaled market.

"Go down and call Xiaojie up for me." Fu Shengjie instructed one of his subordinates.

Soon, Fu Shengjie came to the box and shouted in awe:

"Miss Mu, eldest brother."

"Is the person bidding with you?" Fu Shengxue asked, frowning.

Fu Shengjie cursed Zhuo Bufan in his heart, and said the matter as it was. He didn't want to be harmed by Zhuo Bufan.

"It turned out to be a college student, asking me a price for the sake of face? Huh." Mu Wanqing snorted softly while holding the wine glass, with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

"Miss, we don't have to bid, anyway, he doesn't have the money to give it, and Jiashi will naturally give us the things when the time comes." Fu Shengxue said.


Mu Wanqing took a sip of red wine and nodded gently.

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