Chapter 827 The Miss is Angry

When Fu Shengjie returned to his seat with an iron face, everyone leaned over.

"What did Miss Mu say?"

"Is Miss Mu angry?"

"You didn't tell Miss Mu that we are not familiar with this guy?"

Everyone was chattering, for fear that Zhuo Bufan angered Mu Wanqing, and then angered himself.

"Shengjie, what did Miss Mu say?" Tongling asked, looking at Fu Shengjie nervously.

"Humph." Fu Shengjie snorted coldly. He lifted his chin slightly, with a haughty look on his face. He looked at Zhuo Bufan and said: "Fortunately, it is Miss Mu who looks at the face of my brother and our Fu family and will not hold you accountable for the time being. What, but wait a while and hand over the things to Miss Mu obediently, and then explain to Jiashi's staff."

Fu Shengjie said this, undoubtedly raising his identity.

"Why should I give her my things?" Zhuo Bufan frowned and said coldly.

"Do you know who Miss Mu is? The jewel of Mu Chaozong's palm, you won't have any good results if you offend her, and what's more, do you give out 30 million to Jiashi?" Fu Shengjie dismissed.

Thirty million is not a small number after all.

When other boys and girls heard Fu Shengjie's words, they nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it's definitely not good for you to hit the swollen face and fill up the fat man."

"I will apologize to Ms. Mu, and Shao Fu will help you to say a few good things. At most, I will be humiliated. Otherwise, I will be repaired. I heard that there was a little gangster who molested Ms. Mu before, but he was thrown at him. Feed the fish in the river."

Everyone was gloating at Zhuo Bufan. This guy showed a noble appearance as soon as he came. There was nothing, so he didn't put them in his eyes. These people didn't like him. Now I see him offending Mu Wan. Qing, naturally want to see him make a fool of himself.

"Let me apologize to her, is she qualified to let me apologize?" Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

When a word came out, the few people looked at each other, as if they had heard some big jokes.

The Kendo League has gathered a lot of warriors and mundane powers. The martial arts power is quite strong, but in the end it was beaten by Zhuo Bufan. Now, a Miss Mu family, can he compete with the Kendo League?

"Xiaomeng, you classmate, he..." Tong Ling frowned, meaning clearly, he wanted to say whether Zhuo Bufan had a brain disease.

Zhang Mengmeng also opened her small cherry mouth in surprise, enough to hold a fear.

Of course she is different from others. She knows that Zhuo Bufan will never lie, so what he said is true. What has Zhuo Bufan done in the past six months?

"It's normal for boys to love face, but is your cowhide a little too big?" Fu Shengjie shook his head and said, "No matter what you say, you are now photographing jade, I don't know if you have 30 million for Jiashi. "

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit walked over and came straight to Zhuo Bufan, bowed for ninety degrees, his face was filled with a flattering smile:

"Mr. Zhuo, hello, my name is Chu, the branch manager of Jiashi in Linshi."

Fu Shengjie, Tong Ling and the others were stunned. Jia's family is very powerful in Lan Country. At least even Mu Chaozong in Linshi dare not touch Jia's easily, even if their parents saw Jia's manager of Dechu. They are also polite, but the usual arrogant Manager Chu is now like a grandson seeing his grandfather, and he's treating Zhuo Bufan!

Zhuo Bufan has no sorrow or joy, and his expression is indifferent.

"Mr. Zhuo, I have wrapped the jade you just bought for you, and Miss Duanmu said that there is no charge for anything less than 100 million Mr. Zhuo wants."

After speaking, Manager Chu beckoned, and the female staff in cheongsam behind presented a beautiful wooden box and opened it by the way. It turned out that there was a jade necklace lying inside.

I didn’t see it very clearly just now from a long distance. Now everyone can see it very clearly. The jade is crystal clear, even with a fresh taste of nature, which makes people feel refreshed after getting close. Obviously it’s not a normal product. .

"Xiaowen, accept it." Zhuo Bufan cherishes words like gold.

Liao Wen nodded and accepted the wooden box.

Manager Chu breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I won't bother Mr. Zhuo. If there is anything else, please do not hesitate to tell me. I will leave now."

After speaking, Manager Chu still bends down respectfully and backs a few steps before turning and leaving.

Fu Shengjie, Tong Ling and others were once again dumbfounded, their faces were dull, and they were completely unable to think.

Zhuo Bufan ignored them. With the auction of the last item, the auction was over, but the people at the auction seat did not leave, and everyone was waiting.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, a group of people came out of the Tianzi box. Mu Wanqing's face was very ugly. She walked like the wind, and behind a group of serious-looking bodyguards, she was indeed a queen.

Mu Wanqing was indeed very angry. No one had ever dared to **** what she wanted from her.

Seeing Mu Wanqing coming out, everyone in the audience suddenly felt the spirit. This was Miss Linshiwang's daughter, and the other one didn't know what it came from. Anyway, there was a good show to watch.

Fu Shengjie and Tong Ling, the rich second generation in the Linshi circle, suddenly paled, knowing that Mu Wanqing was really angry.

"Give me things." Mu Wanqing walked to Zhuo Bufan and said straight to the point.

"Why?" Zhuo Bufan looked at her with a smile.

Mu Wanqing frowned Liu Ye's eyebrows vigorously, and her beautiful face showed an icy air.

"Miss Mu first took a fancy to the jade necklace, let you take it and hand it over obediently, otherwise..." Fu Shengxue stood aside, the lens reflecting the cold light in his eyes.


Only after Fu Shengxue had finished speaking, her whole body suddenly flew out, and everyone was frightened by the sudden scene.

"Big Brother." Fu Shengjie reacted, staring at Zhuo Bufan with wide eyes.

"When I speak, it is not the turn of others to interrupt." Zhuo Bufan looked cold.

Mu Wanqing's expression suddenly changed, and the rest of the bodyguards were also stunned. Fu Shengxue was a capable person under Mu Ye, who was trained by Mu Ye himself and was also a master. Did not get up.

Zhuo Bufan was about to set his gaze on Mu Wanqing's body, and Mu Wanqing suddenly felt that her whole body was pressed down by a mountain, her body was uncontrollably stiff, and then she knelt on the ground with a puff.

"Ms. Mu family?" Zhuo Bufan glanced at her, then snorted softly before turning around and walking towards the auction house with Liao Wen.

"Miss!" The other bodyguards looked at each other, wondering why Mu Wanqing knelt.

Mu Wanqing's white hands clenched her fists, her chest burned with anger, and her eyes stared at Zhuo Bufan's back with raging anger. She knew that Zhuo Bufan would make trouble again. When did Mu Wanqing suffer such humiliation? Her daddy has run the site for decades.

"Well, Mu Wanqing has written down this hatred. One day I want you to kneel down and apologize." Mu Wanqing bit her silver teeth, secretly resenting her.

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