Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 897: The ancestors leave

Chapter 898: The ancestor leaves the customs

Inside the nineteen-story tower.

Although Zhuo Bufan can still feel a kind of compulsive pressure, this pressure is no longer enough to cause damage to his body. At least his bones and muscles can feel the pressure, but they will not rupture and be hurt.

However, to Zhuo Bufan, the pain and torture experienced in the tower these days is like harvesting a treasure.

It can be said that his physical strength has reached another level, which is almost equivalent to the physical strength of Wu Xiu in the world of cultivation, at least the physical strength of the three-star star wheel mirror.

However, on the nineteenth floor, Zhuo Bufan did not punch his body any more. Instead, he sat in the tower peacefully, carefully feeling the changes in his eyes. He felt that every cell was reborn. Previously had more powerful power contained in it.

There is a saying in the realm of comprehension that if you want to ask about longevity and reach the state of elder elders, you are strengthening your physical body, breaking through the shackles of heaven and earth, and using your physical body as a ship to cross the bitter sea and reach the other shore.

There is another saying that abandons one's own body, and crosses the sea of ​​suffering with the misty soul, surpassing the shackles of the world and the earth.

But Zhuo Bufan had his own sentiments. In his previous life, he practiced ascetic techniques and hardly tempered or forged his body. Although he also possessed earth-shattering power, he could not take any advantage in close combat.

Since he was born again, Zhuo Bufan naturally wanted to polish his body and spirit to the extreme and lay the best foundation.

Zhuo Bufan sits in the tower, his naked body exudes green vitality. The cells, bones, meridians, and blood all seem to be glowing with more vigorous vitality. He is confident that he now punches casually, twice as strong as before. even more.

Everyone in the Star Gate is not so happy.

The three elders repaired the formation overnight again, and distributed the magical instruments of the martial art to the disciples, as if they were facing a major enemy.

The puppet corpse gate is in a certain resident in the forest. The black elders led many disciples sitting on the spot to rest. Everyone is surrounded by a gloomy black mist. The puppet corpse gate cultivates the power of evil and is good at building corpses. Kui, but in the battle last night, the puppet corpse gate also lost several disciples and ten silver corpses.

Refining corpses is not a difficult task for them, the key is the level of these refined corpses, but it is very important.

The corpses of ordinary people can be refined into top-notch zombies. If they are martial artists or magicians, they can be refined into bronze corpses. The corpses of martial arts masters and magic masters can be refined into Yin corpses or golden corpses. The corpse leader is even stronger than before, but he has lost his mind and will only be manipulated by others.

Ten silver corpses were lost last night, which is also a heavy loss for the puppet corpse gate.

Moreover, even the three golden corpses controlled by the black elders were traumatized in their eyes and needed some materials to repair them.

In front of these people, there is a deep gully, in which the black earth evil spirit is constantly exuding, like a blowout, and with the passage of time, the earth evil spirit that erupts becomes more and more intense.

The black-clothed elder suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes, "It is the ancestor who is about to leave."

Many disciples immediately knelt down on one knee, staring at the "wellhead" that the earth evil spouted out with scorching eyes.

Suddenly, the evil spirit of the earth spewed out like a blue whale drinking water, about a hundred meters high, like a black wave, a shadow of evil spirit and dead energy radiated at the same time. After hundreds of plants in the surrounding area were contaminated with these dead energy, it was all. withered.

Two figures flew out of the gully and stood in the air.

The elder in black also immediately knelt down on one knee, and shouted in unison with the many disciples:

"Welcome the ancestors to leave the customs."


The old man standing in the air gave a muffled sigh, his eyes fell on the black-clothed old man, "Did you fail to attack the Star Gate last night?"

The black-clothed old man lowered his head and said: "Return to the master, I don’t know how two yellow-haired girls came out of the star gate, they are not weak, I can only involve the three elders of the star gate, but there are two more people. The disciples couldn't support it a little."

"Hehe, everything in the Star Gate is mine, follow me." After the ancestor finished speaking, he flew forward immediately, and the ‘person’ behind him was like his shadow, following him every step of the way.

Including the black elders, everyone saw the ‘Shadow’ behind the ancestor, and everyone’s eyes were filled with surprises.

Because that figure is exactly a well-preserved corpse of the emperor dug out from the ancient tomb a year ago by the ancestors. Although the emperor is not a martial artist or a master of spells, he has an extremely powerful imperial spirit. If he trains to become a corpse kui fighting, then he is the best corpse kui.

Even the three golden corpses who were staying behind the old man in Heiyi faintly showed fear when they saw the emperor's corpse again.

"Everyone keeps up with the ancestors, this time the ancestors left the customs, and refined the best corpse leader, what does the star palace use to fight us?"

The black elder shouted coldly, and a group of people rushed towards the star gate.

In a short time, the ancestor flew to the sky above the star gate formation with the corpse quib behind him, a black breath burst out, and when he left, the mountain guard formation was revealed, and the entire star gate seemed to be protected by an inverted bowl.

"A few elders of the Star Gate, come out and meet." The ancestor's expression was a bit greedy and gloomy, and he looked down at the Star Gate under his feet.

The guarding formation trembled, and the three elders Cheng Ying, Dong Xiangyun, and Qiu Xingjian left and flew into the sky. The disciples in the star gate also gathered in the star gate martial arts field. Everyone’s face was dignified. This may be the star gate. The catastrophe, I don't know if I can escape it.

"It turns out that it was the ancestor of the puppet corpse gate who came in person, so I missed it." Cheng Ying took the two elders and flew to the ancestor, arching his hands.

The old ancestor snorted coldly, "I don't like to engage in yours. Needless to say, we have any grievances. Now I will give you a chance to leave the star gate, otherwise you will be killed."

Cheng Ying, Dong Xiangjun, and Qiu Xingjian looked at each other, and they all saw a bit of anger and helplessness in each other's eyes.

As soon as they came out, they found the corpse behind the ancestor like a shadow. It was about 1.8 meters tall. There was no expression on the whole person, but an extremely powerful force and momentum exuded from the body. A kind of domineering emperor looking at the world.

This is the superb corpse knight refined by the ancestors. It is of a higher level than the golden corpse. It is almost equivalent to a monk in the late foundation building period. The body of the key corpse leader is strong, almost comparable to some monster beasts in the late foundation building period. Plus an ancestor, far from their star gate can resist.

Cheng Ying arched his hands and said: "Old ancestors, we Xingmen have lived here since ancient times, and we don't have any deep hatred, why are you aggressive, if you want anything, we Xingmen are willing to give you ten spiritual stones."

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