Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 898: The mountain guard formation was broken

Chapter 899 The Mountain Guarding Formation Was Broken

"Ten spirit stones?" The ancestor suddenly smiled and shook his head, his expression suddenly became a bit fierce, "Is your star gate begging me? I have to decide the location of this star gate, or today You leave here, or wait for me to break your formation, but at that time, I will slaughter all of you and refine you into my corpse leader."

When a word came out, the expressions of the three elders Cheng Ying changed drastically at the same time.

It doesn't matter that they sacrifice, the key is that there are dozens of disciples in the school, and according to the character of the puppet corpse gate, they will never be let go.

"Our Star Gate is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Your puppet corpse gate is so aggressive, our Star Gate-don't hesitate to fight." Qiu Xingjian gritted his teeth, his pupils were red, and stared at the ancestor.

"Even if I die in battle, I will never back down." Dong Xiangyun said.

Cheng Ying sighed and used the aura to spread throughout the star gate, "Star gate disciples obey orders and guard the star gate!"

Many disciples echoed in unison: "Life and death star gate people, death is star gate ghost."

"It's stubborn, but the three elders are all monks in the foundation period. Maybe I can refine three top-quality corpses." The ancestor showed a cruel smile on his face and suddenly waved his sleeves, three blacks. The sword whizzed out.

The three elders each showed their magical powers to resist the three arrows turned into black mist, but they were beaten back again and again, and even the weakest Dong Xiangyun was beaten into the air.

"Mountain protection formation!" Cheng Ying squeezed a seal, and immediately threw a piece of jade on top of the mountain protection formation. The entire formation suddenly appeared. Thousands of stars formed a magnificent and fantastic pattern. The starry sky door is shrouded in it.

And the power emanating from the formation method increased the mana of every star gate disciple.

"Sword of Stars." Cheng Ying pushed a few hundred meters away, squeezing Fajue quickly in his hand.

"Elder Qiu, protect the law for Senior Brother Cheng!" Dong Xiangjun said, there were already a few more talisman in his hand thrown in the air, the talisman burned automatically, turned into a basketball fireball, and suddenly flew towards the ancestor.

Qiu Xingjian nodded, and there was a green ruler about half a foot long in his hand, which contained extremely powerful life force, turned into a green light, followed behind the fireball, and shot towards the ancestor.

The ancestor, who majored in magic techniques, was definitely unable to resist such an attack with his body. He immediately turned into a black mist and drifted hundreds of meters away, but the best corpse standing behind him remained motionless, like a rock blocking him. In front of.

The fireball and the green light hit the top corpse kui at the same time, the sparks scattered, the green light was like hitting an iron block, making a metallic sound.

"You can kill the three of you without me." Standing in the distance, the ancestor sneered with a serious expression.

Although the fireball and Lumang hit the best corpse at the same time, but the best corpse just shuddered, and there was not even a trace of damage on his body. For him, such an attack seemed to tickle him again.

Qiu Xingjian and Dong Xiangyun were stunned at the same time.

Just when they were in a daze at the same time, the top corpse suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of the two of them. Both palms were shot out at the same time. The huge power seemed to be hit by a fast-moving high-speed rail. The two elders Suddenly flew out a hundred meters away.

The two hurried to stabilize the chaotic aura and barely stood in the air, otherwise the slap alone could knock both of them down.

Blood spilled from the corners of the two people's mouths, their bodies were in disorder, their blood was boiling, and they looked at each other. They didn't expect that the power of the best corpse was so powerful, and the speed and strength were far beyond their imagination.

The ancestor stood aside, his face showing a jealous look, "I have collected a lot of materials such as mithril and precious iron in the past few decades. In order to refine this superb corpse leader, almost all the'savings' have been smashed in. With the three of you, they are not his opponents at all."

"Sword success!"

At this moment, the tactics in Elder Cheng Ying's hands were finally completed, and a group of golden lightsabers about three feet long hovered in front of him, exuding brilliant light like stars.

And the power contained in this lightsaber is extremely powerful, as if even a small mountain can be smashed.


Cheng Ying's face was ruddy, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but at the same time, he couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood, and the astral giant sword suspended in front of him trembled at the same time.

Qiu Xingjian and Dong Xiangyun flew to his side immediately, injecting the spiritual energy in his body into his body.

"Brother, the Starlight Giant Sword can't be controlled by your strength for the time being. This way you will hurt the foundation, and you won't have the chance to set foot on the road ahead." Qiu Xingjian frowned and said distressedly.

"If the Star Gate is not there, even if I continue to practice, what's the point?" Cheng Ying shook her head, a wry smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah." Dong Xiangyun nodded, "Me too, the star gate is not guaranteed, and I have no face to live anymore."

Qiu Xingjian also nodded, and the three of them gathered aura together and transmitted them to the astral giant sword at the same time. The light on the astral giant sword was even more brilliant, and the power contained in it almost cut the air into pieces. .


Cheng Yingshi put his **** together and slammed down. The star-shaped sword about ten meters long fell from the sky, drawing a golden star-like light curtain, as fast as rushing thunder and slammed into the best product. Shikui's body.

The ancestor couldn't help frowning, his face was worried.

The huge power contained in the lightsaber slammed down with the best corpse and hit the ground. The entire forest was chopped out with deep marks about 100 meters long. The dust was filled with all the trees and plants. Under the power of the sword, it turned into pieces.

"Did it fall?"

Cheng Ying's face was pale, and he spouted a mouthful of blood. This was the top-notch technique of the Star Gate, and it was too reluctant to use it with his strength.

"Brother." Dong Xiangyun immediately pulled out Cheng Ying and poured a spirit energy into his body to prevent him from falling from a high altitude.

The ancestor stared at the dusty and misty place with a sudden swish, and a figure rushed into the sky. It was the top corpse leader who had been chopped down.

Cheng Ying and the trio were pale, and a huge wound appeared on half of the shoulder of the corpse Kui, almost cutting him in two, but at a speed visible to the naked eye, the wound was constantly healing and recovering.

"How is it possible!" Cheng Ying clenched her teeth, if even the Astral Giant Sword couldn't defeat the corpse leader, then plus an ancestor, they were not opponents at all.

"Retract the Star Gate."

Qiu Xingjian immediately squeezed an imperial wind tactic, and the three of them fled back into the formation, but when fleeing, the ancestor slapped Qiu Xingjian on the back. Qiu Xingjian was beaten to spout blood and his face was pale as paper.

As for the other disciples, although Lu Xing and Shijian joined, the two were barely able to deal with the black elders and the three golden corpses, but they still fell into a disadvantage. Seeing that the three elders were retreated, the other disciples also withdrew to the stars. In the formation of the door.

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