Chapter 990: Feng Lei Men

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan does not think that the combat uniforms worn by Qiao Jianjun and others are the strongest equipment in the martial arts alliance. This time Lop Nor has gathered a large number of hidden people, as well as masters in the magic and martial arts circles, and there is even a lot of international strength mixed in. .

The eyeliner is complicated, and the Budo League will not reveal all of its hole cards.

The combat equipment worn by Qiao Jianjun and others is likely to be the first-generation equipment.

"Brother Jian, I don't think that guy is pleasing to the eye at all. I will find a reason later if I want to give him some color." Taurus squeezed his fist and said in a low voice.

Along the way, he saw Zhuo Bufan not pleasing to the eye, with a little white face, because he was promoted to an S-level elite in the martial arts alliance, didn't he just know the two women Long Geyue and Luo Yu?

This kind of man looked the least pleasing to his eyes.

Qiao Jianjun frowned and said with a solemn expression: "Don't forget that we are here to perform the task. Don't be arrogant."

Taurus and Mad Lion looked at each other, and completing the task was the first goal.

"But if I have the opportunity, I will try to see if he is qualified to be an S-level elite." Qiao Jianjun squeezed his fist and added a sentence.

Everyone walked along, and there was a vast yellow sand along the way, like an endless sea of ​​sand, only some sand piles and ancient earthen walls appeared in this desert, giving people a feeling of deep desolation and even fear. .

As if someone has deep sea phobia, no hope can be seen in the endless desert, and it will also bring people a feeling of fear.

In particular, Lop Nur is known as the sea of ​​death, and has buried civilization, as well as countless modern explorers and scholars.

Along the way, the two teams were speechless. But Qiao Jianjun's gaze turned towards Long Geyue, and when he saw Long Geyue and Zhuo Bufan talking and laughing, an anger rose in his heart.

At this moment, several people stopped.

"What's in front?" Tang Suo dilated his pupils and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

The yellow sand in front of me forms a wall like a whirlpool, blocking the road ahead. In terms of natural phenomena, this is generally not the case because it is too ‘magical’.

"Can you go around?" Lomon asked.

Araki shook his head, "If you go around here, there is a quicksand area ten kilometers away, which is very dangerous. If you want to go inside, you need to travel farther. It is estimated that even if you can get in, it will take a day and a night."

Hearing Araki's words, Long Geyue frowned and said, "Can't we go in?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't speak, looking at the ‘wall’ formed by the yellow sand storm in front of him, he frowned slightly. Obviously, this wind wall was not formed naturally, but a formation in which the wind and earth formations were combined.

If a sheep breaks in, it will instantly be blown into a pile of bones by the wind and sand. Even if you are like a master warrior, you can use its true essence to fight against the wind and sand, but there is still a magical array inside, even if you walk for a few days and nights. Come out, will eventually run out of true essence and die.

"It's not that there is no way to get in, it just takes a little time." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

With his strength, it takes a certain amount of time to crack this formation, but if only one channel is opened to enter, it only takes a little time.

"Bringing bragging and not drafting." Taurus glanced at Zhuo Bufan, with a look of disdain.

"Head, or let's go directly in, anyway, we have the latest equipment, which should be able to resist the wind and sand." Mad Lion said.

"Don't take risks, no one knows what's in the sand." Peacock said with a calm personality.

Just as Qiao Jianjun was about to speak, suddenly the sky shrank slightly, his eyes fixed on the sand wall.

Other people stared at the wind and sand, faintly seeing two figures slowly coming out of the wind and sand.

What came out were two young men, about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with Eguan Bo belts and blue robes, just like ancient beautiful men.

"Those who are good at Lop Nur die." One of the men said coldly.

"Who are they?" Taurus asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Qiao Jianjun faintly knew some ‘secrets’, and said, “We are members of the Budo League, the Iron Soul Team, why can’t we go in?”

The two young people looked at each other when they heard Qiao Jianjun's words.

"People in the Blue Star Martial Arts Alliance?" one of the men murmured to himself: "The head has ordered, don't conflict with the people in the Martial Arts Alliance for the time being."

"I don't care if you are from the Budo League or not, Lop Nor does not allow anyone to enter right now. Go back." Another person said.

Taurus has the hottest character, gritting his teeth and glaring at him, "Who are you?"

The two young men narrowed their eyes slightly, looking at him with a little disdain, as if staring at an ant.

"We are disciples of Feng Lei Sect, I am Chen Xu." The taller young man said.

"My name is Liu Er." Another person said.

Qiao Jianjun squeezed his fist and grinned at the corner of his mouth, with a cold expression, "How come I haven't heard of Feng Lei Sect."

Along the way, Qiao Jianjun held a fire in his stomach, and was unable to find anyone to vent.

Chen Xu and Liu Er frowned, and there was a trace of coldness on their faces.

"Do you want to push hard?" Chen Xu said, squeezing a magic trick in his hand, and with a light shot, a khaki light shot into the yellow sand.

The yellow sand squirmed and turned into two giants about three meters high. The yellow sand was flowing down from his body, and he squeezed his huge fist and looked at Qiao Jianjun and the others.

"What kind of monster is this?" Taurus' eyes widened.

"Whatever it is, smash them."

Qiao Jianjun squeezed his fist and suddenly turned into a phantom. The man was already a few meters away and hit the sand man with a fist.


The huge sandman shook, and a gap was smashed into his chest, but the yellow sand on the ground was flowing and gathered, and the gap was repaired again, and it was as good as before.

Qiao Jianjun's eyes widened. With his punch, even a tiger couldn't bear it, but when he hit the sand man, it was like hitting steel. Not only that, but the opponent also had a repair function.

At the moment Qiao Jianjun was stunned, the Sand Man moved and waved his arm to hit him. The speed was not proportional to his figure, and his speed was as fast as lightning.

In a hurry, Qiao Jianjun only had time to raise his arm to resist. After being beaten by a huge force, Qiao Jianjun withdrew, pulling out two long khaki marks on the desert.

"Be careful." Qiao Jianjun didn't suffer much damage, because the clothes on his body almost spread the force of the hit all over his body, and then leaked into the soles of his feet.

The Taurus, Mad Lion, and Peacock also moved, drew out a dagger or boxing gloves, and rushed towards the Sandman.

"Brother-in-law, shall we help?" Lomon squeezed his fist, fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

Although they don’t deal with the Iron Soul people, these two Feng Leimen have a low-looking look at the people, which really makes the dragon python a bit of atmosphere. Besides, everyone is a member of the Budo League. bully.

"Wait a minute."

Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

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