The ninth chapter is cut off at will

Zhuo Bufan watched Qiao Jianye and the others fight, and wanted to see the effects and capabilities of the combat uniform developed by Wumeng.

As for the Fengleimen, both of them are about the peak strength of Qi training. Not to mention, they can use this kind of magic that can only be used during the foundation building stage, relying on the storm formation behind them, and extracting some power from it to use it. .

Qiao Jianye, Taurus, Mad Lion, and Peacock, the two of them dealt with a sandman. Although they didn't have much trouble, Chen Xu of Feng Lei Zong did not have idle hands. Various spells were thrown over. Wind blade, fireball, and malaise curse slowed it down. The ability of the four people to act.

It also made it difficult for four people to deal with two sand people.

As for the other disciple of Feng Lei Sect, he stared at Zhuo Bufan and others vigilantly, fearing that Zhuo Bufan and others would intervene in the battle.

Zhuo Bufan watched quietly, and his divine sense carefully observed Qiao Jianye and others.

Finally discovered some secrets of combat clothing. The material of this combat clothing is the same as that of grade clothing. It is very soft to wear on the body, but it is also very rigid, a bit similar to the feeling of non-Newtonian water fluid.

But there is a more precise involved. There is a very special magnetic field in the clothes, which keeps the cells active, and even stimulates the cells to increase, so the fighters can restore the peak fighting state in the first time to meet the battle.

Moreover, it can greatly increase the fighter's strength, movement speed, etc., and even help the human body to make unconventional movements and avoid some attacks.

Taurus accidentally slashed his shoulder with the wind blade sent by Chen Xu, and stepped back a few steps to stabilize his figure.

Chen Xu faintly frowned. His wind blade technique can cut off ancient trees with thick legs, but when he cuts it on the shoulders of the golden bull, only a mark is left. Even the clothes are not torn, and the mark is slowing down. Smooth out slowly.

At the same time, the mad lion was slapped out by the sand man and hit hard. The mad lion flew more than ten meters upside down and smashed into the sandpit with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Zhuo Bufan's divine sense could see that the mad lion was broken by two ribs this time. Although this special material of combat clothing can defend against ‘sharp weapons’ attacks, its defense against brute force collisions is still too small.

But at the same time, the place where the crazy lion was injured turned blue, and Zhuo Bufan's divine consciousness could clearly see the needle-pointed thing deep in the costume, like a blue liquid injected into the wound of the crazy lion.

The painful color on the face of the wild lion slowly dissipated. This liquid is similar to the ‘cold curing agent’ which can quickly numb and relieve pain, but it still needs treatment later.

Through observation, Zhuo Bufan is still a little surprised. If these researched combat uniforms can be popularized, then there will be a lot more safety for people working at high risk in the future.

"Senior Brother Chen, don't waste time, kill these people." Liu Er said suddenly, his hands crackled, and his palms gathered lightning, like the **** of thunder and lightning.

Tang Suo, Dragon Mang, Araki, and others were already dumbfounded.

Because Liu Er and Chen Xu hadn't seen the things they showed at all, and they didn't look like supernatural beings.

Only Long Geyue can maintain her composure. After all, she and Zhuo Bufan have the closest relationship, and she has even seen Zhuo Bufan fight against Qingxuan and others in Qinghai. The strength shown by them far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people.

"They are cultivators." Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

"A cultivator? What is a cultivator?" Long Mang clasped his scalp and looked confused.

Liu Er used thunder and lightning spells, and Chen Xu also increased his mana, controlling the two sand men to attack. Qiao Jianye and others could no longer support it.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan turned his hands back and walked slowly towards them, leaving footprints under his feet. If you look carefully, you will find that the distance between these footprints is exactly the same.

When Qiao Jianye and others saw Zhuo Bufan coming, their eyes widened.

What does this guy want to do?

If you want to help, don't watch the drama for so long?

"I'm going to help too." The dragon python squeezed his fist, his pupils burning with flames.

"No need, Zhuo Bufan can solve it alone, maybe he will take care of you when you go up." Long Geyue gave Long Mang a white look.

Longman's face blushed, "I'm your brother anyway, you haven't passed the door yet, just so belittle your brother's strength."

Even though they said that, no matter it was Dragon Mang, Tang Suo, Araki, they knew very well in their hearts that if they were replaced by Qiao Jianye and others, it would be even worse. They would not be able to support even ten minutes.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan approaching, Liu Er and Chen Xu narrowed their eyes slightly, "Here is another one to seek death."

"Little guy, if you don't want to die, just roll back." The thunder and lightning in Liu Er's hand gathered more and more, and the thunderbolt jumped more and more fiercely, exuding a powerful force.

Zhuo Bufan didn't seem to hear him.

"court death."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's words, Liu Er dared to ignore him. The thunderball in his hand suddenly threw towards Zhuo Bufan. There was a screaming sound in the air. The silver thunderball almost broke the air.

The eyes of Qiao Jianye and others widened, and the power contained in this thunderball made them all feel terrified, probably no less than a bomb.

Zhuo Bufan stood there, without even moving.

Except Long Geyue thought, Tang Suo also stared at Zhuo Bufan with wide eyes.

But in the next moment, Liu Er and Chen Xu were stunned, and the jaws of Qiao Jianye, Taurus, Mad Lion and others almost fell on the ground.

Zhuo Bufan actually stretched out his palm slowly, and the speed of the lightning ball that came quickly slowed down and slowly flew into his palm.

"Only this ability?" Zhuo Bufan shook his head, but his face was disdainful.

"how can that be?"

Liu Er opened his mouth, only his throat interfered.

Chen Xu also turned pale, knowing that he had met a master.

"Is he a supernatural person?" Qiao Jianye clenched his fists and looked at Zhuo Bufan in surprise.

Only the Thunderbolt controller can hold the Thunderball in his hands unscathed like Zhuo Bufan.

"Friend, we are Fengleimen, who are you?" Chen Xu narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Zhuo Bufan with extremely sharp eyes.

He has now discovered that Zhuo Bufan seems to be different from the group of people. There are spiritual fluctuations in his body at this moment, indicating that he is a cultivator.

"Didn't you two just want to kill me? Now I will kill both of you."

Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

Both pupils dilated at the same time.

Liu Er clenched his fist and said angrily: "We are from Feng Lei Sect. If you dare to kill us, are you not afraid that Feng Lei Sect will seek revenge from you!"

"Yao Lei of Feng Lei Sect is all dead in my hands, it's not bad for you two."

"you are……"

The two opened their eyes wide, and at the same time thought of a terrifying person, numb all over.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan threw the thunderball with his hand. The thunderball became bigger in an instant, and finally suddenly changed into a thunderbird. The silver thunderbolt flashed and the air vibrated. Liu Er and Chen Xu even returned the magic weapon and the magic trick. Without showing it, he was immediately swallowed by Thunderbird, and his body and soul turned into nothingness between heaven and earth.

Deathly silence in the audience!

Qiao Jianye opened his mouth wide enough to hold a duck egg. He finally understood what Luo Yu said, ‘he can protect you’.

At the same time, the two sand people also turned into a pool of quicksand and piled up on the ground.

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