The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

Wallace Restaurant.

Su Qi and Yu Qishu sat face to face by the window.

This was the first time Su Qi saw Yu Qishu's real face so completely.

Before, he had only seen her ID card or a simple profile.

But it had never happened before.

In an instant, cracks appeared in some places.

Tremors always come unexpectedly. Su Qi tilted his head to look out the window, reciting the "Dog Licking Sutra" to strengthen himself.

Yu Qishu leaned forward, pressed tightly against the table, with her arms against the table, revealing only two small fists pressed against her white jade chin.

Thick hair draped over his face, and his beautiful eyes stared at Su Qi curiously.

His little head had many questions. Is this place very expensive?

Does Su Qi have to sell his bicycle to treat himself to a meal?

If I had known I would have brought the pony out today, the money in the pony's stomach should be enough, right?

After the hamburger, fries and juice came up, Su Qi finally turned around, picked up a hamburger, opened the paper package and handed it to Yu Qishu.

This damn sense of déjà vu is here again!

Alas, why can't I control my hand?

Watching Yu Qishu take it, holding it in both hands, chewing it in small bites like a little hamster.

Flattery, this is all flattery. Su Qi strengthened his belief, picked up the straw and inserted it into the juice, and handed it over. After opening the fries, he poured ketchup on them, and put the napkin where Yu Qishu could reach it at any time.

Then Su Qi started eating.

"Thank you, classmate Su Qi, I'll treat you to a meal next time, I have money too."

Yu Qishu's mouth was full, and after taking a big sip of juice, she said to Su Qi.

This was the first time she took the initiative to talk to Su Qi, and it was such a long sentence.

After hearing this, Su Qi stopped talking and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who was obviously in a very happy mood.

I know you have money, isn't that why I came here, I even took a ride in the car.

After thinking about it, Su Qi said: "You don't have to treat me to a meal, Yu Qishu, if you have money, do you want to make some investments?"


Yu Qishu's expression was a little silly.

"To put it simply, investment means giving your money to those who can make money to help you make money."

Su Qi tried to sound calm, drank a sip of juice, and the silly look of the little fool was a bit foul.

After hearing this, Yu Qishu looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and then nodded: "Aunt?"

What is an aunt? Yu Shuo, well, she seems to be able to make a lot of money.

"No, Yu Qishu, I have to criticize you. We are all adults, how can we rely on our parents?"

Hearing Su Qi criticize her, Yu Qishu was a little unhappy. She put down the hamburger in her hand, folded her arms and placed them flat on the dining table, and lowered her head obediently, as if I was sitting upright, you can criticize me.

"Well, don't take it seriously, you should eat it, I'm just talking, that's what I mean." Su Qi was a little helpless.

After hearing this, Yu Qishu immediately became happy again, quickly grabbed the hamburger and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Yu Qishu, in fact, I am a person who is very good at making money. Do you want to consider investing in me?" Su Qi decided to get straight to the point.


"To make money through investment, it comes down to one sentence: investment is made by people.

"You are right about this person, and the money is right. Do you think I am a bad person?" Su Qi said sincerely.

"Of course, you will not believe me if I just say it without any evidence. We can sign an agreement. You see, I have prepared the agreement." Su Qi took out two handwritten A4 papers from his schoolbag.

This is the tool that Su Qi prepared overnight after knowing that he would send Yu Qishu home today.

Su Qi handed over the investment agreement, pretending it was real.

"Look, this is my signature, with a handprint or blood print." Su Qi accidentally cut his hand while sharpening a 2B pencil to fill in the answer sheet, and he took advantage of it and fooled around at this moment.

"As long as you agree to invest in me, you will be my angel investor."

"What does an angel investor want? "Yu Qishu asked tentatively.

"You become my angel investor, which is equivalent to you investing in me. You can get my equity, you can supervise me in doing things, supervise me in making money, and I will give you dividends after making money, etc."

As Su Qi explained, Yu Qishu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Will you listen to me?" Yu Qishu thought.

After a long time of examination, he said this.

Su Qi was stunned. What kind of understanding is this? However, he still patiently explained: "Well, your question is very good. In fact, this is a very deep question. The competition for the right to speak between the entrepreneurial team and the investor has always been common. It involves the distribution of equity. But we should discuss it."

"Oh~" Yu Qishu was a little bored. He lowered his head and drank juice silently without saying anything.

Su Qi saw that it was quite warm just now, why did it suddenly become cold?

After thinking for a while, okay, this is to fight for the right to speak right away. If you want me to listen, you will have to fight for the official seal with me in the future.

Tsk tsk, little fool, you understand investment.

"I can listen to you. It's not a big deal. Who told you to be my first investor." Su Qi hurriedly made up.

Before Su Qi finished speaking, he saw Yu Qishu's eyes shining again.



Su Qi nodded, first cheat the little fool's money, the rest is trivial.

"Then I'll invest!

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*"

I don't know if Su Qi saw it wrong, when the little fool said this, although his voice was still very low, there was a sense of heroism in his tone.

"Okay, then you take one copy of the investment agreement back, I will go to the gate of your community tomorrow, you sign and stamp it, give it to me, I will give you mine, don't forget to bring the money."

Su Qi solemnly instructed, but there was a trace of reluctance in his heart.

Will I be punished for cheating the little fool like this?

Yu Qishu also nodded solemnly, folded the investment agreement neatly and put it in his schoolbag.

After the two finished their meal, they still had 5 yuan left. Su Qi took a taxi to send Yu Qishu back. When he left, he did not forget to remind him: "Don't forget, Yu Qishu."


As night fell, in Villa No. 3 of Emerald Hill Residence, in a pink room decorated very girlishly.

Yu Qishu was wearing pajamas, lying on the bed, with two crystal feet dangling behind her.

Yu Qishu was signing his name on the investment agreement, and then he saw Su Qi's bloody handprint, and his face was frightened.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, took out a pencil sharpener, and cut hard on his round thumb.

After Yu Qishu quickly pressed his handprint, he frowned and blew on his thumb.

"Sign, press handprint, and take the money."

Well, Yu Qishu got off the bed, stepped on the floor barefoot, and glanced at the foals in the room.

Then she made a decision. She would pick the heaviest one and give it to Su Qi tomorrow.

If that was still not enough, Yu Qishu bit her thumb, licked the wound on her fingertip, and thought for a moment.

Then, give them all to him.

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