The next day, Su Qi woke up early in the morning, still feeling a little uncomfortable, and staggered to open the door. Su Shuiping and Song Mei, who were eating in the living room, were startled. The old couple looked at each other, and only realized it after seeing the surprise in each other's eyes. Their baby son's college entrance examination was over, and he would not go to live in the school, so they had to call him for breakfast in the morning. They were a loving family last night, how could they sleep and forget their baby son? They were not used to it, and they were a little embarrassed, but Comrade Song Mei reacted quickly. "Son, are you up? I thought you were tired from studying recently, so I told you to sleep a little longer, so I didn't call you."

Su Shuiping also echoed: "That's right, since you got up early, come and eat, your mother bought you some dumplings."

Yesterday, Su Qi wrapped himself in a coat and braved the June heat in the middle of the day, all the way from the north city to the south city. When he returned home, he felt like he was going to die of heat stroke.

He felt so uncomfortable that he chatted with his parents for a few words and went to bed. He didn't even have dinner until now.

His stomach was flat and he was so hungry.

After hearing what Su Shuiping said, he walked over quickly and couldn't wait to take a look at the table...

Uh, it was embarrassing again~

Where are the dumplings that were specially bought? Why are there only three left?

Who will eat them? Feed the birds?

Su Qi reacted in an instant. Well, the old couple forgot their precious son again.

This is not the first or second time. Su Qi has been used to it since he was a child.

After all, it was the 6th birthday of my beloved son, so I had to take him out to celebrate, and then leave him in the cake shop. After dinner in the restaurant, when I was eating the cake, I remembered that it was my son's birthday.

Su Qi had experienced such things, so what else could he not understand?

Seeing her son's silence, it was still the mother who felt sorry for her son first, and felt distressed. She took out 50 yuan from her pocket, glanced at it, and changed it into 20 yuan, and handed it to Su Qi.

With a guilty tone, she said, "It's all your dad's fault. He ate so much this morning, like a pig. Son, why don't you go downstairs and buy another portion, and the rest of the money will be your lunch."

Su Shuiping was drinking porridge with a bowl, and a black pot fell on his head. His hand holding the bowl shook again and again, but he didn't dare to say a word.

He took the money out of the door, and saw that there were pancakes on the roadside, so Su Qi consciously bought three.

Su Qi took a taxi to Feicuishanju. After finishing two Jianbingguozi in the car, he looked at the third Jianbingguozi in his hand and fell into doubt.

Hmm~ Why is there one more? Didn’t I just eat two...

At the entrance of Feicuishanju, Su Qi, who was holding a Jianbingguozi, saw from a distance that Yu Qishu, who was still wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag, was holding a pony piggy bank and standing quietly on the roadside at the entrance of the community, looking around.

After seeing Su Qi coming over, Yu Qishu’s cramped expression disappeared a lot, and the whole person seemed to be lively.

"Have you eaten?" Su Qi asked, and Yu Qishu shook his head.

Su Qi handed over the pancake in his hand and said, "I can't eat this, I'll give it to you."

Looking at the round stone pillar at the entrance of the community, Su Qi sat on it, twisted his butt hard, stood up and said to Yu Qishu, "Sit down and eat, we'll talk about investment after eating."

At the same time, he silently said in his heart: "The revolution has not yet succeeded, and everything we do is to curry favor."

In the early morning of summer, the sun was not hot, and the beautiful girl sat on the stone pillar and ate silently. Su Qi saw it and felt that it was pleasing to the eyes and dangerous.

Fortunately, I have seen through the women of this world, otherwise I would definitely die on this little fool.

Although the little fool doesn't know anything now, she definitely has the potential to become a top white lotus.

Get the money, stay away from her as soon as possible, and withdraw safely. Making money is the kingly way!

After eating, Yu Qishu took out a tissue from her schoolbag to wipe her mouth, and then took out a piece of paper from her schoolbag, which was the "investment agreement" that Su Qi gave her yesterday.

Su Qi also took out the investment agreement from his pocket, and the two exchanged it.

Su Qi pretended to be formal and opened Yu Qishu's investment agreement, and said while looking at it: "We have exchanged investment agreements, and now you have to pay the money..."

Seeing the beautiful handwriting on the paper and the dark red handprint, this handprint seemed to be no different from his own.

Su Qi realized something, grabbed Yu Qishu's hand, and suddenly

's action startled Yu Qishu.

She wanted to hide but failed, so she could only lower her head and let Su Qi grab her smooth, tender, white jade-like hand.

There was a red wound on the belly of her thumb, which looked quite deep and had not healed all night.

This little idiot was very cruel to her. Su Qi's breathing became heavier and she felt inexplicably irritated.

She was stupid. She took the money and left. She was a little colder and harder!

Abandoning the bottom line and destroying conscience!

Yu Qishu stood obediently. She felt her face getting hot when her hand was held. She didn't understand what was wrong with her.

She didn't struggle, but her eyelashes trembled slightly. She opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Su Qi who was staring at her hand motionlessly.

"Su Qi seemed very angry, but I was just imitating him." Yu Qishu thought weakly.

She was just stupid. Don't worry about her. Let go of the complex of helping others and respect her fate.

She will understand in the future, you are just enlightening her!

Yu Qishu will understand in the future, she will die in the future?

Su Qi suddenly thought of Yu Qishu's ending before his rebirth, and his heart suddenly seemed to be clenched.

The beautiful girl in front of him seemed to wither before she bloomed.

Thinking of this, Su Qi became even more angry, not knowing what he was angry about, and then let go of Yu Qishu's hand and stared at her again.

Yu Qishu was frightened by Su Qi's fierce eyes and wanted to lower her head, but she felt that she had done nothing wrong, so she turned her head to the side, pouted her little mouth, and her eyes were crystal clear.

Unhappy! (╥╯^╰╥)

"Give me all the investment agreements, our investment agreement is invalid!" Su Qi said after a long breath.

After hearing this, Yu Qishu did not choose to listen to Su Qi's words, but hid the investment agreement in his hand behind his back.

Seeing this scene, Su Qi was overwhelmed. What the hell is going on!

I'm kind-hearted and will give you a chance. You should listen to me!

Do you have to let me cheat you?

What a sin!

"We won't invest anymore, Yu Qishu. I'll write you something again." Su Qi took Yu Qishu's schoolbag, found a pen and paper, and wrote an IOU.

"Give me the money in the piggy bank, and I'll write the amount. This money is considered a loan from you. I'll pay you back later."

Su Qi didn't plan to borrow money before because he thought Yu Qishu was easier to cheat, and cheating a little money was just to make it easier for him to start his money-making plan.

With Yu Qishu's personality and family conditions, he wouldn't pursue it at all. Besides, he would just make a quick buck and leave, so Su Qi wouldn't have too much entanglement with Yu Qishu.

If you borrow money, you may not get it. Even if you get it, Su Qi feels that he owes Yu Qishu a favor, and he must pay it back in the future, not just the money but also the favor.

Cheating is your own skill.

Borrowing money is owing someone else a favor.

The skill is your own, don't worry about it.

The favor is someone else's, you need to pay it back.

This is Su Qi's idea, it's awkward, but this is his idea.

Yu Qishu didn't move, but turned his head and looked at Su Qi, sniffed, and tears almost rolled down.

He said weakly and aggrievedly: "Borrowing money, will you listen to me?"

"Borrowing money is a simple debt relationship. You are not a loan shark. You took my photo, I can pay it back, why should I listen to you?" Su Qi was a little impatient and spoke aggressively, but he still explained.

"Oh." Yu Qishu said nothing, but put the investment agreement neatly away and put it in his schoolbag, then picked up the pony and held it in front of Su Qi.

"I don't want to borrow money, I want to invest."

This is what the little fool meant, and Su Qi understood.

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