Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 119: A Good Item

Coming closer to the front line, Liu Yang saw that there were thousands of little black dragons fighting against the groups that were in front. Due to the large numbers of people, the little dragons were killed easily, although there were thousands of deaths.

Liu Yang was hundreds of meters from the black dragon, he was attacking the skin of the black dragon with the Energy Blade enchanted with the element of light and metal, this would prevent the black dragon from regenerating the destroyed parts. It was not just Liu Yang who was doing this, others also had a way of hurting the body of the black dragon.

Not to attract attention and suspicions, he attacked not only the place where the core was but also other parts of the body several times, so the body of the black dragon had several holes.

Many people realized this, they began to think that someone or some group was doing it in order to locate a certain item. Thus, those who knew about a certain secret began to pay close attention to the body of the black dragon.

Liu Yang's pursuers were still guarding him cautiously. They realized that one of the groups that were chasing him was killed by the Black Dragon Energy Blow skill. Because of this, some began to hesitate, as some strange things were happening.

Some even began to curse the person who ran towards the dead group, they thought that this person had made the black dragon use their secret ability.

The reason them to be thinking this is because they saw a person close to Liu Yang start running suddenly before the black dragon began preparations to use the breath.

What they saw was an illusion created by Xillia Wolf, all the pursuers of Liu Yang saw the same illusion. What she did was use a special spell that made Liu Yang in other people's eyes have another face, so when they saw a person close to Liu Yang running, it was actually Liu Yang running. And the person next to him was somebody else, but what the pursuers saw, it was Liu Yang attacking the black dragon. The name of this spell was Sneaky Illusion.

Sneaky Illusion - The user can create complex little illusions to confuse their enemies. It does not cause damage.


The rounds of attack continued for a few hours, the dragon's body with many small and large holes. The battlefield was practically destroyed, filled with holes due to the breath, the Deep Impact only caused a gigantic bribe beneath the black dragon because it could not pass from a certain distance from where it came from.


"Rascal, when the black dragon uses the next Deep Impact, you must stay at a reasonable distance from it." Xillia Wolf's voice echoed in Liu Yang's mind as she realized it was time for her to act.

"Fine." Liu Yang took a deep breath and walked forward. He reached about two hundred feet from the crater caused by the deep impact.


After a few rounds of attack, the dragon finally prepared to use the Deep Impact, but this time the height at which it flew was much higher. With each use the Deep Impact, the height that the black dragon went up increased considerably, due to that, the crater created by its was increasing due to the impact caused. Although they had more time to run, there were still deaths by Deep Impact.

"Run !!!!!!!"

"Run away as fast as possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Out of the way !!!!"

Many screams began to echo on the battlefield; those on the front line began to run desperately behind. Many people were run over by the crowd for being too slow.

Looking at this scene, Liu Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes again, all the hesitation was gone, there was only a decisive and decisive look. As he was at a relatively safe distance, he would not suffer damage from impact.

Roar !!!!!!!!!!!!

The black dragon let out a great roar before it began to fall like a meteor falling from the sky.

Booooom !!!!!!!!!!!

When the black dragon fell into the hole, a great explosion was created. The previous hole, which was already large, became even larger.

Many people were killed due to the impact of the explosion, they were the slowest.

Roar !!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, inside the hole is heard a roar of the black dragon, it was not possible to know if it was pain or fury. Tens of thousands of little black dragons began to emerge from inside the hole like a nest of raging wasps.

"What is it??!!!"

"What is going on????!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Get ready!!!!"

"Battle formation !!!!!!!!"


Many screams cries of despair and doubt began to echo through the battlefield.

No one knew what was happening, for it was the first time in billions of years of the world's existence that this had happened. Because of this, many began to pick up communication devices and send messages to their superiors informing about this unexpected event.

"Rascal, keep fighting these little black dragons to avoid any suspicions." After doing what she wanted, Xillia Wolf advised Liu Yang to continue on the battlefield.

"Okay." Liu Yang did not mind that, because he could protect himself, but he was worried about Xiao Xi and Xinyue.

Picking up the communication device, Liu Yang sent a message to Fang Luoyang because he knew she would be watching the two women. Receiving the message that they were both well, Liu Yang calmed down.

The battle against the small black dragons had already begun, thousands of participants died immediately when the tens of thousands of small black dragons left the crater.

In spite of a large number of small black dragons, it still had not surpassed the number of people of the great army. Whenever a black dragon died, five participants died together. Those who died were only the weakest.

Liu Yang was being aided by Xillia Wolf and the combat experiences of Arthur Pendragon. Xillia Wolf was guarding his surroundings, she was watching over his pursuers and possible assassins, while Liu Yang fought black dragons.

The number of black dragons seemed to be infinite, the more they died, the more they appeared. Luckily there was a light at the end of the tunnel, after several hours of fighting, the little black dragons were finally completely exterminated.

When the last black dragon that came out of the crater was killed, tens of thousands of influential entrants started frantically crawling toward the crater, everyone started jumping when they reached the ledge.

Many were in doubt about this sudden action that made those less fortunate in doubt about this, but they did not have time to think about it, due to the fatigue, they began to walk back to the city.

Liu Yang's pursuers were also among those who jumped into the crater. Liu Yang did not care about it, he just started walking towards the city, picking up the communication device, he sent a message to the three women.


Returning to the room of Aunt Mei's Hosting, Liu Yang just lay in bed, he was panting and totally sweaty, because it was very dangerous what happened moments ago. After a moment of rest, he asks Xillia Wolf the reason for her request.

"Xillia ..." Before Liu Yang could ask, a system sound comes to everyone who was partaking in the tide of shadow beasts.

Ding ...

Ding ...

"Shadow Beast - Black Dragon: Successfully Defeated"

"Shadow Dark Beasts Remaining: 3"


When this announcement was heard, all participants on the four battlefields and in the city were totally shocked. For no one imagined that this happened, it was the first time in the history of the tide of shadow beasts that the black dragon was killed in less than a week. This feat will be remembered forever in the history of the Nine Worlds.

"Xillia, this is ..." Liu Yang did not know what to say, he just knew that this was something related to Xillia Wolf's request.

"Let's say I just gave a little help to defeat the black dragon"

"Did you get the black dragon's core?" When Liu Yang thought back to her request, he managed to connect some things.

"Yes, rascal, you're lucky, with this item you can increase your powers faster again"

"What is the effect of this core?" Liu Yang had doubts about what that sphere was that was inside the black dragon's body.

"This is not the right time to talk about it. Rascal, you still have to work hard because I need you to take the other three spheres "

"What ??? !!!" Liu Yang shouted in shock, he never imagined that he would have to go to the other battlefields.

"Just do it, you just have to repeat what you do today"

"It's easy for you to speak ..." Despite the difficulty of this task, Liu Yang would still have to complete this, as this could be of great help to him, in the words of Xillia Wolf, another reason that made Liu Yang accept to do that was curiosity. He was curious about these spheres.

Finishing the rest, Liu Yang began to cook because he knew that the three women were coming back. While they did not return, Liu Yang prepared some things for Xillia Wolf, because she also liked the food he made and found it extremely delicious.

Sometime later the Xiao Xi, Xinyue and Fang Luoyang arrived at the room. After they finished eating, Liu Yang asked Xiao Xi and Fang Luoyang about what that large group of people was doing. He asked just to show that he was curious.

According to the words of Xiao Xi and Fang Luoyang, within the four shadowy beasts, there was a ball of energy that was known as the Energy Core of the Shadow Beasts. This core was made of pure energy accumulated by the blood and energy of those who died on the battlefield. To get this item it was necessary to defeat the shadow beast and then search your body until you find it. This was common knowledge but was broken by Liu Yang and Xillia Wolf.

If someone absorbed this core, your level, statistics, and even skill level could be increased in a frightening way. From the information they received from the matriarch, each core could give twenty-five levels, +5 in all statistics and a level in all skills with a level of less than 5.

The effects of the core were similar to the juice of the Reconstruction Fruit, the difference being that the juice worked only in those that had the level below 100, increased the statistics and removes impurities from the body. Already the core increased the level of those that were between level 100 and 200, and also increased statistics and the level of the abilities.

(A good item) These were the only words that Liu Yang found to describe this item.

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