Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 120: Testing Greed

When they finished talking about the core, the three women started to discuss over who would bathe with Liu Yang this time, as the previous time was Fang Luoyang, this time Xiao Xi and Xinyue were talking about which of the two would go to the bathroom with Liu Yang.

The person who won was Xiao Xi, Xinyue did not care about it, because tomorrow would be her turn to bathe along with Liu Yang.

Xiao Xi dragged Liu Yang into the small bathroom to shower and do activities together. Leaving Xinyue and Fang Luoyang talking in the room.


Back a few moments before ...

After all the little black dragons were killed, thousands of participants jumped into the crater.

By the time the first reached the end of the crater, they were stunned by what they saw. Seconds later, more and more participants reached the end of the crater, everyone saw the same thing. This made them extremely angry.

The only thing inside the crater was only broken rocks and dust, there was no sign of the black dragon or the core.

"Who ... Who got the core ??? !!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Where is it?????!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the core ???? !!!!!!!!!!!! "

"What is going on????!!!!!"

The crater was as if a meteor had fallen straight into the ground, looked more like a gigantic well than a crater, the bottom of the crater was completely plain. If a medium-sized tower were placed inside the crater, it would be fully engaged.


Screams of anger and hatred began to spread among those who reached the end of the crater.

Everyone began to be cautious, each against the other because everyone began to distrust those around. Everyone began to think that someone had taken the core and hid it.

Each one began to be more cautious about your around, for no one knew who had taken the core. It could be the person's side or not. But nobody knew that the core was already carried by a teacher and disciple.

The weather began to tense and heavy, many began to sweat due to tension. Wary and sharp eyes were seen every moment. Looking from side to side with piercing eyes trying to figure something out.

The tension lasted for a few minutes, suddenly several people could not stand the tension anymore, they began to scream and take the weapons to kill, due to the madness.

"Ah ... !!!"

"Ah ... !!!"

"I can not take it anymore…"


Several screams of madness echoed inside the crater, followed by blood sounds coming from the bodies of those who were killed suddenly.

This sudden scene stunned everyone around, no one would imagine that would happen. But soon they calmed down and began to have the same thought, all who were looking at those who were attacking and killing madly: Some of them must have stolen the core.

With that thought in mind, everyone came together to kill the crazy people, despite the small number of participants that was crazy, they managed to kill a lot of participants.

Because of all those who were crazy, before they were killed, they self-detonated, because of this, hundreds died instantly along with the detonator. But it was not only one that killed itself by detonating its body along with its items, but also all those who had gone crazy.

That was dozens of people detonating their own bodies, so thousands of participants died instantly, some survived due to life-saving items and abilities, so it was possible for some lights to cover the bodies of some participants and after their bodies disappeared. All those who died were elites of the younger generation with levels between 100 - 250, losing one of them was a great loss to their respective clans.

This time several clans lost tens or even hundreds of members at one time, there were clans that lost even thousands. This was a difficult loss to recover. If those dead are branches of the lower worlds, those super and large clans would not care about that, but it was different if the member who died was from the three main worlds. Because of them, their own members were more important than the members of the branches. Due to this, these members would be carrying with them many rare and precious items. It would be a great loss if they were taken by other people.


Moments after the fight, the scene at the bottom of the crater was totally bloody, pieces of equipment and bodies were seen on all sides.

Those who were still in place, each had a dark face of hatred and anger. Because the core was lost, they did not know if those who left took or were with someone in the place, everyone who entered the crater was suspected of being with the core, no one suspected those who returned to the city because none of them were near the dragon black enough to catch the core without anyone seeing.

The participants began to leave the bureau slowly, but no one lowered their guard, each was still thinking of the person who took the core without anyone knowing.

For the tide of shadow beasts, there were two unwritten rules that were: Only the younger generation that has the level between 100 and 250 can participate, those who do not meet these two requirements can not enter the battlefield. For those of level 300 and above, they can go to the battlefield only to save their companions if necessary, if not necessary, they must stay inside the city, as was the case of Fang Luoyang.

These two rules were to prevent the weakest from dying in vain, and for the stronger to not interfere in the battles. Those who were above level 250 could not attack the shadow beasts, as their attacks would be absorbed by it, but that did not stop those of level 250 from killing other participants. After tens or hundreds of millions of years, these two rules were created to let the younger generation take the challenge of the tide of shadow beasts.

But no one knew that this time someone had broken those rules. As there was no one who had level 500 inside the city, it made it much easier for Xillia Wolf to steal the core without everyone knowing.

99% of the participants follow these two rules, only a few did not follow, but this small number of participants must follow the most important rule of all, that was not to interfere with the other participants, like killing some of them. For this would attract the wrath of the other participants.


After returning to the city, many participants began to report the oddities that occurred during the third stage of the tide of dark beasts, all received the same answer: We will send someone to the City of the Blood Wall to verify.


Xillia Wolf knew that after what happened today, those with an influential background would send messages to their respective worlds about the events of today. She was satisfied with the gain of only one core because there were a few hundred thousand participants battling the black dragon, being able to pick up a core was something to be satisfied with.

She just wanted to test Liu Yang's greed, she wanted to see if he would continue this way or change. That's why Xillia Wolf asked Liu Yang to go to the other three battlefields.

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