Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 139: Questions(1)

A loud ringing of a bell echoed across the square, looking toward the sound, they saw that there was a group of people floating in the air, there were a total of nine people, each of them had an embroidered symbol on clothes.

Looking at those symbols, everyone in the square knew immediately who they were. These nine were from the nine supreme clans of the Nine Worlds. Many private conversations began to emerge at the time those nine appeared.

When the sound of a bell being knocked out ended, the crowd began to quiet, none of them wanted to offend these people. Those who lived in the first worlds, recognized these nine people, no one ever imagined that they would be the ones sent.

The person in the middle of the group stepped forward, it was an old man with gray hair, on his chest was a symbol of a dragon and Phoenix intertwined, he was a member of the Song Clan.

The old man looked at the crowd on the floor before speaking slowly.

"Hello everyone, my name is Song Mu, but everyone knows me as elder Mu. I thank everyone who came to this meeting, I would like to ask everyone to collaborate for our investigation. "When he finished speaking, the old man signaled to an old woman who was by his side.

Those in the first three worlds knew who this old man was, he was a person famous for his talent for tracking and gathering information. Many realized that the Song clan was really interested in knowing what had happened.

"Nice to meet, my name is Long Xuefeng, but you can call me elder Xuefeng. As the elder Mu had said, we need your help with our investigation. I have here with me a list of the names of the people we want to come to the platform. "When she finished speaking, the old woman waved her hand and a large scroll appeared in the air, and a few hundred names were written on it.

The crowd looked at the list, they found some famous names in the first worlds.

Liu Yang was using Phantom Vision to see the information of those nine people, he saw that each of them were around the 400-500 level and they were all of a tracker class or had an innate talent that helped in gathering information.

Looking at the list after some time, Liu Yang and his women found his name on the list. He did not care what these envoys could do, he believed in the words of Xillia Wolf, she was not a woman who did things without being sure.

But the situation was different for the three women, they knew that Liu Yang was from the Explorers' Faction, but they did not know if he had done something wrong or not when he was alone on the battlefield. At that, the three women became worried.

"If your name is on the list, please climb on the platform. Do not worry, we'll just ask a few questions, once you answer, you can leave, unless we find something suspicious. "The old woman waved her hands and a large ladder leading to a large platform appeared in the middle of the square.

Those people on the list had no choice but to go up the stairs. One by one began to rise, and Liu Yang was no exception, despite the concern of his women, he just spoke a few words to try to calm them before heading down the stairs.

When the last person climbed, the ladder began to disappear, leaving only the floating platform with people on top.

"I thank you all for cooperating with us in our investigation." Elder Mu spoke a few words, but everyone on the platform knew what the elder Mu meant when he spoke in the investigation, these envoys were investigating what had happened to the four core, but the reason they were called, nobody knew.

"You just have to answer some questions that we're going to ask, just that." Without giving the participants time to think, the old woman spoke.

A piece of paper with some written questions appeared in front of each one.

"Use your magic power to respond"

Each began to use its fingers with magic energy as a pen to respond.

Liu Yang looked at the questions on paper, he understood more or less about these issues, it was like a psychological test.

1 - What were you doing before the first stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

2 - What were you doing during the first stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

3 - What were you doing before the second stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

4 - What were you doing during the second stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

5 - What were you doing before the third stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

6 - What were you doing during the third stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

7 - What were you doing after the third stage of the tide of shadow beasts?

Liu Yang did not know how these tests worked, so he responds in the best way he found it. He was as honest as possible.

The nine envoys were looking at the faces of each one who was answering the questions, they were analyzing every change of expression on the faces, even the slightest change could not escape their eyes.

In less than half an hour the questions were answered, each handed the paper back to the old woman. The nine envoys began to analyze the information of each, each envoy saw all the papers.


A few hours later ...

After a few hours, the nine envoys finished analyzing the information. The young people sitting on the platform were nervous as they were wondering if there was anything wrong with what they wrote.

The silent climate was almost killing the young, but this silence was broken by the elder Mu.

"We have finished analyzing the information, and we have achieved some results for our investigation. Those who have the name on the list can descend from the platform "With a wave of one hand, a parchment appears before the young people.

Looking at that parchment in search of their name, the young people were sweating, for they wanted to leave this platform. Those who found their name on the parchment began to descend from the platform, while those who could not find their name could only regret it.

Liu Yang was one of those who did not have the name written on the parchment, the three women were worried about it, they did not know what could happen to their man.

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