Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 140: Questions(2)

The square was totally silent looking at the group of young people who were coming down the stairs, everyone had doubts about the questions they answered. When the youth returned to their respective groups, the other members began to ask what kind of questions they asked.

The nine envoys waited a few minutes before all those with the name on the list left the platform.

"Let's start the next step, this time we need you to answer a few more questions." The old woman waved a hand and a new piece of paper appeared.

Looking at the paper, Liu Yang saw the following questions.

1 - What do you know about the City of the Blood Wall?

2 - What do you know about the tide of shadow beasts?

3 - What is your purpose in coming to the City of the Wall of Blood?

4 - What is your purpose in going to the tide of shadow beasts?

In looking at these questions, Liu Yang knew that it was still some strange test that could give subtle information to the investigation of the envoys. He just answered the questions honestly.


After a few minutes of answering, the young people returned the papers to the old woman. It took some time for the nine envoys to analyze the information. When they have finished their analysis, the nine of them look and nod.

A new list was made of a few hundred people who were in the beginning, less than three hundred people remained on the platform, the rest were excluded from the investigations.

Eight of the nine investigators were looking strangely at Liu Yang who was sitting on the platform before looking at the old Mu. They noticed a few things after they had thought it over.

"Now will be the last step, this time we will ask the questions orally. The person named Liu Yang will come "The tone of the old Mu's voice changed as he called for Liu Yang as if there was some enmity between them.

Hearing these words, Liu Yang realized that there was something wrong, but when he remembered that the elder Mu was also part of the Song clan, he remembered the person named Song Shui, he thought there might be some things behind the actions of the elder Mu.

Liu Yang put his thoughts aside and walked toward the nine envoys. He came within three paces of them.

"Nice to meet you, sirs envoys." Liu Yang put his hands together and spoke a few words. The nine just waved back.

"So you're the one named Liu Yang, let's get started. First question: What were you doing before the first stage of the tide of shadow beasts? "Elder Mu did not let Liu Yang think too much, before beginning with the questions.

The crowd in the square also realized that it seemed that there was some kind of enmity between Liu Yang and Elder Mu. As the crowd had no information about Liu Yang's past, they could only use the information about what Liu Yang had done in the city, so they began to wonder if there ever was a time when Liu Yang offended the Song Clan.

"I was inside a room at Aunt Mei's Hosting with my wife." Liu Yang realized that this elder Mu had something against him, but he did not know what it was, so he thought about answering the questions as vaguely as possible.

Everyone heard Liu Yang's response, they wanted to laugh, but they had to hold their laughter, no one wanted to offend the envoy of the Song clan, but it was possible to see some tremendous bodies in the square. Elder Mu's face went dark, he never imagined anyone would make him lose face in front of a crowd. That made him very angry.

"I see ... Second question: What were you doing during the first stage of the tide of shadow beasts?" The elder Mu's appearance was normal, but inside he was burning with rage.

"I was fighting against the shadow beasts with my wife" Liu Yang replied vaguely again, some could not hold back the laughter and began to go. This further enraged the Elder Mu.

"Third question: What were you doing before the second stage of the tide of shadow beasts?" Elder Mu was holding himself to not beat Liu Yang.

"I was fighting against the shadow beasts with my wife, after me and my wife returned to Aunt Mei's Hosting, the next day, my wife and I went to the alliance-hosted auction and also participated in the forging competition, after that, my wife and I returned to Aunt Mei's Hosting, and later, my wife and I went to fight the shadow beasts. "Liu Yang had an innocent look on his face as he answered the questions vaguely.

"Fourth question: What were you doing during the second stage of the tide of shadow beasts?" Elder Mu gritted his teeth and continued with the questions. What irritated him most were not the vague answers of Liu Yang, but that innocent look he was doing. Elder Mu knew Liu Yang was doing it on irritate him.

"I was fighting the shadow beasts with my wife." Liu Yang continued to play innocent.

"Fifth question: What were you doing before the third stage of the tide of shadow beasts?" Elder Mu already realized that getting angry would not get you anywhere, so he calmed down and focused on the questions. He would make Liu Yang pay for this humiliation another hour.

"I was with my wife in Aunt Mei's Hosting room." Liu Yang showed an embarrassed face when he spoke those words. He was just pretending, but to others, it was hard to know if it was true or not.

At the sight of that embarrassed face of Liu Yang, everyone looked toward Xinyue, which made her blush with shame, for she remembered what they were doing inside the room. The crowd noticed that the couple had a red face when it was said that the two were inside the room, which caused the imagination of the hot-blooded young men to explode.

Many began to imagine Liu Yang and Xinyue doing activities within the small room for several months. This aroused the jealousy and envy of many young heroes. The nine envoys realized the suggestive things that Liu Yang just said, it made the environment a little strange.

"Sixth Question: What were you doing during the third stage of the tide of shadow beasts?" Elder Mu did not mind this, for to him the important thing was to fulfill his mission.

"I was fighting in the tide of shadow beasts, and my wife was also fighting the shadow beasts." Liu Yang did not need to talk about him being alone on the battlefield, while Xinyue and Xiao Xi were with the Xiao clan group and the alliance. He knew these envoys already knew that.

"Seventh Question: What were you doing after the third stage of the tide of shadow beasts?"

"I was in the Aunt Mei's Hosting room with my wife, and sometimes I was visited by Princess Xiao Xi and Fang Luoyang. I also cooked the food for the three of them. "Liu Yang continued to respond vaguely and innocently.

The nine senders were no longer struggling with these vague and strange responses that Liu Yang was giving, these responses were the same as he had written on paper, exactly the same.

In the end, the nine envoys clenched their teeth and released Liu Yang. It was for him to have descended earlier, but for some reason, Elder Mu had made his name stand on the list.

"You can come down"

Hearing the old woman's words, Liu Yang slowly descended the stairs that appeared. He walked slowly under the strange looks of the crowd and sat next to Xinyue.

The interrogation continued slowly, after several hours questioning each one on the platform, there were only fifty youths remaining on the platform.

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