Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 138: 138 Who is your brother! (1 more)

  Chapter 138 138 Who is your brother! (1 more)

Wen Ren said with a smile, "This is also training you, a challenge, and an opportunity. Didn't Lao Zhang also say? You are the director of this garment factory. As long as you manage well, the profits are amazing. "

  Wen Ren gave her the milk, and encouraged, "Opportunities and challenges coexist."

  Wenru took the water glass, and drank most of the bottle of milk with a sigh of relief.


The glass touched the table, and Wen Ru's bloodshot eyes flashed with amazing light, "You are right, the black hearted man named Zhang wants me to be in the dark? No way! Grandma will show him this costume. How did the factory come back to life!"

   "Sister, why are you a gangster? It's the same as someone's temperament." Wen Yan frowned and said.

  In exchange for Wen Ru's disgusting gaze, "You should hurry up and beg Mumu to accept you as an apprentice? You can't grow up without being beaten up by the society!"

  Wen Yan: "...I admit that Jiang Mu is very good in some aspects, but I am not that bad, am I?"

   "It's not bad. Our young master also has a day in which we admit that others are excellent. It's really not easy." Wen Ru said with emotion, "Knowing that a mountain is higher than a mountain is better."

"I tell you, Mu Mu is outstanding! Even better than what you see, know, and experience! You just follow her and study hard! Your mind is smart, but there are many things that are not smart. , You need to learn and understand a lot of knowledge before you can solve problems."

  Wen Ruyu said earnestly, this is her personal experience of entering the company and entering the mall.

  She is very smart, smart enough to be admitted to Beijing University, but she is so smart, it is still very difficult to deal with things in the company, so many things need to be learned.

  Wen Yan was said to be a little unhappy, "Sister, you are almost deifying Jiang Mu! She seems to be proficient in everything."

   "Then I ask you, can you handle the inventory in this garment factory?" Wen Ru asked.

  Wen Yan knew about this matter. After Wen Ru returned to China, he had been busy with this matter. He often complained and complained at home. It was difficult for Wen Yan to understand the situation.

  My sister encountered a problem, Wen Yan naturally wanted to help, but although he was smart enough, things about factories, shopping malls, studying, and identifying antiques are not the same thing.

  He also couldn’t think of a good way to deal with the inventory that had been backlogged for a year.

   "You mean Jiang Mu can handle it?" Wen Yan asked.

  Wenru's eyes brightened, and she was proud, "Of course, Mumu is amazing!"

  Wenyan’s eyes twitched, that’s also amazing. What does it have to do with you? She is not your sister. Why are you so proud?

"What can Jiang Mu do?" Wen Ren is also very interested in this. A half-year-old child with good grades, filial piety, cleverness, and knows antiques. Now he can help his daughter with advice. Wen Ren has never seen such an outstanding person. Child.

"Mu Mu didn't say anything specifically, so let me count the inventory to see how much money is appropriate to sell, and tell her the result this morning." Wen Ru suddenly felt excited, "Mom, it's all this point, I have to go to the hospital to find it. Mu Mu."

   "No, you need to rest now! Look at your eyes, they look like rabbits." Wen Yan stopped her immediately.

This time I went to a foreign country for a medical examination. Wen Yan’s health was not serious. On the contrary, Wen Ru’s health was a little worse, some overworked, and anemia. Everyone knows that she must be tired from working with the company during this time. Therefore, all of this time. Watch her and let her rest as usual.

   "I have an appointment with Mu Mu for the morning." Wen Ru insisted.

  "You can call the nurse's desk first, and then ask the nurse to go to the ward to call her over. You said on the phone that you don't need to go there in person." Wen Yan insisted.

   "But I still have to deliver medicine. Aunt Zhao is also undergoing a heart surgery operation. I think the medicine my father took should be no problem for her. I will show the medicine to the doctor." Wen Ru insisted.

  "Leave this to Dad. Dad knows the director of heart surgery. Dad must know more about medicine than you." Wen Yan continued.

  Wen Ru looked at Wen Ren.

   "Leave it to me, if you can use it, you can bring two boxes directly after you wake up." Wen Ren readily accepted the task.

  Wen Ru still feels a bit bad, "but—"

"It's nothing, but I'll call you." Wen Yan was very firm on this matter. "Jiang Mu just asked you to clean up the inventory to see how much the inventory is sold for, and he didn't say that he would be able to handle it for you. Inventory, what do you say you do so hard for?"

  Wen Ru rubbed his head, "How do you speak? It's affection if people are willing to help, and it's duty if they don't help. How can you dislike things? Xiaoyan, do you know that your thoughts are dangerous?"

  Wen Yan explained the situation to the nurse, and then called Wen Ru, “I didn’t mean that.”

   "Know that you are not, otherwise you must be cut!" Wen Ru said with a smile.

   "Sister, why did you have a Northeast accent? Do you remember that you are Miss Wen Jia?" Wen Yan was speechless.

  Wen Ru straightened her back, a little embarrassed, "Ahem! There are a few female workers from the northeast in the factory. I've heard too much these days, so I'm conditioned!"

Wen Yan wanted to say something more. Wen Ru had already made a gesture of silence, and then smiled and said to the phone, "Mu Mu, it's me. I stayed up all night yesterday, and I did some statistics with the accountant and several directors in charge of sales. , Just came home in the morning."

"There are a total of 10031 pieces of clothes in the factory, of which 8006 are winter clothes, 1003 are spring and autumn coats, and there are only 1022 summer clothes. It is summer now. Even if it is sold at a cost price, those shopping malls and self-employed people will not want it, even if they do. , You can only buy summer clothes. Winter clothes and spring and autumn coats are definitely not available."

  Wen Ru said with emotion.

  "How is the quality of the clothes?" Jiang Mu asked.

"I don’t say this. I took the female workers to sort out the inventory one by one. The winter jackets, coats, spring and autumn sportswear, leather jackets, and thick coats are all good materials, and the styles are all the same as those on the street. Almost."

   Jiang Mu was very puzzled, "Since it is so good, you shouldn't be left in the warehouse and can't sell it?"

“I’m angry when I mention this. It’s not that Lao Zhang who made me take the blame. He has been managing the clothing factory’s business for the past few years. The business in the previous years was really easy to do. No tricks or materials are needed. Everyone was rushing for a piece of clothing. At that time, materials were scarce, and many people had no way to buy things. It was controlled by the state, and there were very few clothes circulating on the market."

"No, Zhang's appetite has been raised. He doesn't look at what the situation is now. The current social situation must have improved as much as a few years ago. When he closed his eyes, he continued to produce as much as he produced in previous years. As a result, what I did last year couldn't be sold."

"I heard that department stores go to Hong Kong City to pick up goods, or Guangzhou and Shenzhen to pick up goods. They simply look down on a garment factory of our size. No, there is a backlog of goods. There has been no decent reception this year. He must be very good for his order, so he asked me to take the blame, and his heart is really too bad!"

  Wen Ru continued to despise.

  Jiang Mu understands the basic situation, "How much do you plan to sell these goods?"

  "It cannot be less than 150,000. There is still a debt outside the factory! I can't say it, or I will definitely be **** off!" Wen Ru was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone.

  Jiang Mu smiled in a low voice, “Don’t be angry, you will lose your horse, and you won’t be blessed. You sleep first, and when you wake up, go to the hospital to find me. Let’s talk about inventory in detail.”

   "Mu Mu, don't force it, I'm better than many buyers, but they all fell apart, so forget it." Wen Ru was still a little worried.

   "Don't worry, you should rest first, and talk again when you are full. You can't lose your body if you are busy with work." Jiang Mu's tone didn't seem embarrassing at all, and Wen Ru hung up the phone with confidence.

"I advise you not to report too much hope. 150,000 yuan. This is not a small business. She is only 16 years old. It doesn't matter. There is no way. Where can I find a buyer for you? Be careful that the higher the expectation, the disappointment. Bigger!"

Wen Yan reminded.

Wen Ru felt confident, "I have confidence in Mumu. If you can't think of a solution, it doesn't mean that others can't! The teacher is waiting for me at home, and when I wake up, I will go to the hospital together and let you witness your master's experience with your own eyes. Great!"

  Wear the Banquet: "..."

   Suddenly remembered that he still had such an arduous task as a teacher, Wen Yan was a little suspicious of life, but he must be going this afternoon!

  He wanted to see what Jiang Mu could do to deal with such a large amount of difficult-to-handle inventory!

    Wen Yan: Does the young master do not want face?



  (End of this chapter)

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