Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 139: 139 Always feel like you are calculating me (2 more)

  Chapter 139 Chapter 139 Always feel like you are calculating me (2 more)

  Jiang Mu hung up the phone, and Wen Liyan asked, "More than 10,000 pieces of clothes, do you want to eat them all?"

   "I have this idea, but I still need to confirm one thing." Jiang Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, shining with crystal light, "Let's go to the monkey's house."

  Hou Liangliang's summer vacation life is very wanton, and the exams are good. Hou Zhenhua bought a new game console, and has not had homework for nearly two months in the summer vacation. Such a beautiful day, it is a fairy tale!

  He was drinking soda at home, pressing the game handle fiercely, and the villain watching the screen hopped through the level, his spirits tense, seeing that the level was about to pass, and Dangdang knocked on the door.

  He made a mistake and the villain fell into the abyss.


   Hou Liangliang was very upset, so he threw the handle and went to open the door.

  "Who? My dad is not here--" Before the family character was spoken, I saw the three Jiang Mu standing outside the door. Their impatient expressions disappeared instantly and turned into surprises.

   "Brother Mu, Brother Yan, Sun Quan, come in! Come in! Why don't you tell me, I'm ready to prepare."

   "What are you going to prepare?" Jiang Mu asked?

  "Snacks and fruits, but fortunately there are ice cream in the refrigerator." Hou Liangliang greeted his friends in a hurry.

   "Are you alone at home?" Jiang Mu asked without seeing Hou Zhenhua.

   "My parents are all going to work, aren't I the only one?" Hou Liangliang is very used to this situation and doesn't think there is anything. "It's just right, let's go to the American man to have a meal? French fries, chicken wings, and hamburgers are the same."

   "It's only a few hours before you want to eat? Are you too idle, and there is nothing else but eating all day?" Sun Quan relentlessly complained, "Brother Mu has serious business looking for you."

  Hou Liangliang looked at Jiang Mu suspiciously.

  "Where does uncle work? I'll talk to uncle about business." Jiang Mu expressed his intention.

  Speaking of this, Hou Liangliang suddenly became interested. Yesterday he saw with his own eyes how Jiang Mu made 1.2 million. Such an exciting thing, who still plays games?

   "Walk around, let's take a taxi, it's not far from here." Hou Liangliang quickly returned to the house and took the wallet, took three small partners, and headed for his company.

  It may be that the three words “talking about business” hit Hou Liangliang. He was very excited, “Brother Mu, what business do you want to do with my dad? Which is more exciting than yesterday?”

  Jiang Mu raised his jaw slightly, smiling freely and freely, "Same as exciting."

  Hou Liangliang’s eyes are bright, sitting in the co-pilot, he turned directly, clasped his fists, "Brother Mu, please be sure to take the younger brother to meet the world, and broaden your horizons!"

   Jiang Mu held back his smile, "No problem, I'm afraid that I will be tired and pick my son."

   "How is it possible? I promise, absolutely not!" Hou Liangliang was confident.

   "Okay, if the business is really negotiated, you can stick to it and pay you a salary at that time." Jiang Mu's eyes were sly, showing his cute white tiger teeth.

Hou Liangliang's eyes brightened. "A word is for sure!" He has never made any money on his own. Yesterday, he saw Jiang Mu earn 1.2 million without saying anything. He was impressed. He didn't expect. He can also make money so soon. I feel more excited when I think about it.

  "Monkey, are you at home alone on vacation? If your parents both go to work, you will be left alone." Sun Quan asked suspiciously.

"No, this time is a special situation. Didn't they go on business before? They came back with a large number of pagers, it seems that there is a performance competition in the headquarters, depending on sales. Ignoring that there are two companies competing with my dad and the others. , My parents have been busy with this matter these days. Yesterday I went to school to fill out the examination form. It was all the time my dad squeezed out."

  Hou Liangliang still understands his parents’ work very well. When he was a child, he had a bad family life. He couldn't even eat an egg. Now that he can live so well, it all depends on his parents' hard work.

   Jiang Mu smiled brightly after listening, "Monkey, then you can help your parents solve big problems this time! You can ask for more pocket money."

  Hou Liangliang was misunderstood and didn't understand what Jiang Mu meant.

  Hou Zhenhua’s company is really not far from their home, not all in minutes.

  The so-called company is actually not large. The office area on the upper and lower floors seems to be very busy. Everyone seems to be very busy. Shuttle back and forth in the hall, and the sound is a bit noisy. There are several people who move goods.

This is the first time Jiang Mu has seen a self-employed in 1988. Hou Zhenhua belongs to the more successful group of people who went to the sea to do business. Jiang Mu can see it just by looking at the number of employees and the spirit of the company. This company is very profitable, and the benefits of employees are also very good.

  Otherwise, so many employees will not work in such a hurry, with a smile on their faces.

It's just that Hou Zhenhua's expression on the second floor is not very good.

  When a few people came over, they heard him shouting to the phone, "How is this possible? They have sold 1,000 copies in just a few days? They have digested it internally, right?"

   "What? They are really insidious. They are even engaged in distribution. They are really rushed to do it. Those small vendors are not afraid that they will not be able to sell?" Hou Zhenhua was itchy.

  The other party didn’t know and said again, Hou Zhenhua became more angry, "I'll find a way! I will definitely win them this time! I will definitely win them! I am not afraid of selling goods than selling goods!"

  (End of this chapter)

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