Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 140: 140 peeking at the captured packet (1 more)

  Chapter 140 140 peeking at the captured packet (1 more)

   "Dad, why is there such a big fire?" Hou Liangliang came in and asked.

  Hou Zhenhua hung up the phone, motioned a few people to sit down, then changed their expressions, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here? Are you going to play nearby together?"

He took out his wallet and took out a few hundred yuan bills, "Liangliang, wait for the students to go around. There are so many new and interesting things in the newly opened department store. I heard that there is a bookstore nearby. You can go to the new department store. Take a look, Mu Mu, uncle, can you pick a few books for this stinky boy, otherwise the bookshelf is so long, it's crazy to play."

   "Dad, we came to see you for a serious business." Hou Liangliang, who was exposed, interrupted his words, and then, where is his face?

   "Oh? What's the business? Tell me?" Hou Zhenhua didn't quite believe it. He knew the virtues of his son best. Anyway, with him, except for going to school, basically everything else is business.

   "This is Uncle Hou. I heard that you are selling pagers on behalf of me. I am a little interested in this. Isn't this summer vacation coming? It's a work-study program," Jiang Mu said.

Speaking of pagers and work-study programs, Hou Zhenhua became serious, "If you are working-study programs, I suggest you do something else. Pagers are too expensive, affordable, and not easy to sell. Now a pager on the market costs 800 yuan, even if If you go out and sell, you may not be able to sell it."

   "If you don't get a good work-study job, you can go to your uncle's company to help, which can be regarded as contact with social work in advance, and experience." Hou Zhenhua said.

Jiang Mu knew the other party’s kindness, and smiled gently, "Uncle, a pager is such a fashionable thing, although it is expensive, but in the Shanghai stock market, many people can still afford it. Moreover, it sells such a small pager. , The profit margin is definitely greater than selling other things."

"That's true. The cost of a pager is really not high. However, this thing is a representative of science and technology. It is the most advanced personal communication facility in our country. A lot of investment in the early stage of research will naturally not lower the price. ."

  Hou Zhenhua talked a series of things, and said that his son was blinded.

   "Dad, did I know you are so educated?" Hou Liang looked at him blankly.

  In exchange for a stern look in Hou Zhenhua, "Smelly boy, expose your old dad! I have sold a pager for such a long time, the doorway inside is naturally better than you."

"Actually, our family got rich by selling pagers. The profit is indeed high, but the pressure is also quite high. Although the Shanghai Stock Exchange is currently a relatively well-developed city in China, there are many rich people, but the paging As soon as the machine came out, these wealthy people bought everything that they should buy. Now it is more difficult to pursue sales."

  Speaking of this, Hou Zhenhua sighed.

   "Uncle Hou, if you don't retail and buy in bulk, what's your lowest discount?" Jiang Mu immediately entered the state of talking about business.

  "You are talking about distribution. The prices are different for those shopping malls and self-employed businesses. If you really want to rely on this work-study program, no matter how many you take, your uncle will give you the cost price."

Hou Zhenhua especially likes his son’s classmates. Since his son became friends with them, his grades have improved rapidly. Before, he still wanted to take some money and send his son to a key high school. Now, he doesn’t need to spend the money at all, and his son passed the exam. .

  He is just such a son. His son can make progress and become talented. Compared with this, it is nothing to make a few dollars less.

   "That's not good, uncle, we are doing business, we don't need cost price, it's not easy for you, the company is so big, and the expenses must be a lot, we can cooperate and win-win."

   Jiang Mu is very insistent on this. She did not come to take advantage of it. Taking advantage of it is not a long-term solution for business, nor does it conform to her principles of doing things.

   "That's OK, how many do you want?" Hou Zhenhua admires Jiang Mu more and more. The little girl is young and does things well. He glanced at his son, a little disgusted, he is also a child, how could he be so good!

   "If the price is right, I expect to have 10,000 units." Jiang Mu said.

   Then Hou Zhenhua was dumbfounded.

   "Brother Mu, how many do you want?" Hou Liangliang asked in shock.

   "10,000 copies." Jiang Mu said with a smile.

   "Mu Mu, are you kidding me?" Hou Zhenhua asked earnestly. This is really the first time he has such a big order.

   "It's not a joke, if the price is right, it will cost 10,000 units." Jiang Mu emphasized the word price.

Hou Zhenhua also took the attitude of a businessman and put Jiang Mu as a customer. "For such a large quantity, I will give you 150 yuan. This is the lowest price, which is more than the price for shopping malls and those self-employed. Be low."

The price Jiang Mu was quite surprised. It was lower than she had imagined. However, thinking about the content of his phone call, Jiang Mu could also understand that her 10,000 copies should reduce his great sales pressure. He currently maintains the leading position.

  "I’ll pay a deposit of 300,000 yuan in advance, uncle, I need to pick up your company’s car and help me transport it to the designated location, otherwise I can’t sell it." Jiang Mu began to make terms.

   "No problem, you will be assigned a driver at that time. You don't need to bring up all of these 10,000 pagers. I can keep them for you temporarily, and I can get them from the warehouse as much as they are sold."

   Hou Zhenhua said.

  Jiang Mu smiled Xiaohuya, "Thank you Uncle, then."

  Hou Zhenhua waved his hand, "No, no, we are a win-win situation! If you can't sell it out and your uncle will return the goods, don't put too much pressure on you. Your body is the most important thing."

  Jiang Mu got up and thanked him, and the deal was done with a deal of 1.5 million.

  When making the payment, Hou Zhenhua looked at the deposit of 300,000 yuan in the contract, and suddenly thought of Jiang Mu's family situation, and immediately said, "Otherwise, you sell first, and wait until you get the money, and then give me the money?"

   "No need, uncle, if I came here yesterday, I might have done this, but I just made a little bit yesterday, and I have the money to pay the deposit." Jiang Mu said.

   "So, you sold 1.2 million pieces of paper yesterday, is it true?" Hou Zhenhua looked at her in surprise. Hou Liangliang went home last night but described it vividly, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was his son bragging.

   "Of course it is true, Dad, didn't I say it all? Moreover, it is not paper, but manuscript! Manuscript! Very precious antique!" Hou Liangliang emphasized.

  Hou Zhenhua took a breath, she was only 16 years old, right? When he was this old, he was still cultivating in the fields, and the little girl made 1.2 million without making a difference! This is too capable!

  This is so great at a young age, and the future is limitless!

  In his heart, he is more confident that Jiang Mu can sell the 10,000 pagers.

  On the way back to the hospital, Hou Liangliang was still worried, "Brother Mu, 10,000 pagers, this is 1.5 million! Can you really sell it out in a summer vacation?"

   Jiang Mu’s apricot eyes were bright, "Who told you I want to sell it out in a summer vacation?"

   "Could it be that you want to wait for the start of school to sell to students in key high schools?" Hou Liangliang asked.

   Jiang Mu stretched out three fingers.

  "Three months? Brother Mu, are you saying that they are sold out in three months?" Sun Quan guessed.

  Wen Liyan: "It's three days."

   Jiang Mu: "Three days."

  The two said in unison, in exchange for the surprised look of the other two.

  Sun Quan was shocked, "What did you two do with my back?"

   Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, "Why do I hear what you said? What did we do with your back? We didn't do anything, OK?"

   "That can only say that the two of you are too close." Hou Liangliang said with emotion.

  Wen Liyan smiled in a low voice, "That's natural."

   Jiang Mu was puzzled, "How do you know that I said three days?"

   "If it weren't for an amazing time, you wouldn't be so terrible." Wen Liyan's black eyes filled with a smile.

   Jiang Mu: "..."

  Xingba, I have to say that this person's power of observation is really amazing, and learning God is worthy of learning God.

"Ahem! We are still in the car!" Hou Liangliang reminded, and then he felt someone's sharp eyes, as witty as him, and immediately changed the subject, "Brother Mu, you can really sell 10,000 copies in 3 days. Pager? My dad now estimates that 1,000 units will not be sold out in three days!"

  Sun Quan was full of confidence, "Monkey, don't worry, if you can, Brother Mu will definitely be able to do it. What Brother Mu says will always come true."

"I have nothing to worry about. If I can't sell it, I will return it to my dad. He has agreed, can I still regret it?" Hou Liangliang gave him a roll of eyes, and then looked at Jiang Mu, "I am curious about what to use. Ways to achieve this goal!"

   "If you follow along, don't you know?" Sun Quan said.

   Hou Liangliang: "...I just want to know now!"

   "Hey, you can't be so impatient, you can't eat hot tofu."


  The two started the daily bickering mode. Jiang Mu listened with a smile. In half a year, Sun Quan seemed to have changed himself. The previous inferiority complex, introversion, and timidity all disappeared.

   Now he is outgoing, sunny, confident, and even the kung fu on his lips is making rapid progress in the daily quarrel with Hou Liangliang, the whole person is full of spirit, and he is full of enthusiasm and yearning for life.

  Seeing that the younger brother can make such a change, Jiang Mu feels a sense of accomplishment, and everything is developing in a good direction.

  The future can be expected.

   Thinking of another younger brother, Jiang Mu turned his head, but ran into Wen Liyan's gaze, staring at her. His dark eyes were deep, less cold and indifferent, more gentle and mysterious. Come on, don't worry, just with his face, there will definitely be a little girl rushing forward, so she won't be bachelor!

   Jiang Mu blinked, a little confused, “ask any questions, don’t hesitate.”

  Wen Liyan's hands were sweaty, and the roots of his ears became red. However, his cold white face was still full of posture, and it was really the first time that he peeped at his bag.

  However, he has a strong heart. He doesn't blush or breathe when he talks about lies. "I also want to ask you how you can sell these 10,000 mobile phones in three days."

   Jiang Mu smiled brightly, "You'll know this afternoon."

    Hou Liangliang: What did I do wrong? ? Why is it always threatened by Brother Yan's eyes, and the baby feels bitter!



  (End of this chapter)

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