Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 157: 157 How to say how, or you (2)

  Chapter 157 157 If you want to say how, or you (2)

"No, you have capital, you are smart!" Wen Ru straightened his back with a proud look, "Moreover, there are no so-called partners in the company now. The company is now my dad's decision, and he has returned. I’ve been in charge of the overall situation. I heard that it seems that some reforms have been made, and the ownership has been clearly defined. The company belongs to our family. My dad has the final say.

Jiang Mu understood a little bit. It is estimated that it should become a shareholding system. He should find a professional to make a clear division of shares, so that even if something happens to Wen Ren next time, the company will not rely on the old and sell the old, relying on oneself. It is the partner of the company that rejects the situation of Wen Jia's junior.

  It should be this accident that made Wen Ren aware of the shortcomings of the original partner model. Only after he recovered and returned to the company, he was reorganized.

   "If you think about it, do you want to run a garment factory with me?" Wen Ru shook her arm, interrupting her contemplation.

   "Since the company is in charge of Uncle Wen, does he agree that the garment factory will have one more partner inexplicably?" Jiang Mu reminded.

   "I agree, my dad has already given me the garment factory, and he thinks I have the ability to run a factory now!" Wen Ru said proudly.

   Jiang Mu's mouth twitched: Do rich people give gifts like this? Just a factory or something at every turn.

   "Aren't you going back to school? Where can you run a factory? Also, don't you have any interest in doing business?" Jiang Mu asked.

"That was before, and it's not that I'm not interested in doing business, I'm not interested in talking to the company's partners!" Wen Ru explained, "Since I came into contact with the garment factory, I think it's interesting to make clothes. of."

  Come on, this is a person who doesn't like office politics, but likes doing business and doing business. No, maybe she just likes making clothes.

   "Then you are not going to school?"

  "Go on, why not? I can sell the clothes made by the factory in the capital, isn't that enough?" Wen Ru said with a smile.

  Jiang Mu has something else that he doesn’t understand, “Dare to love you already thinking about everything.”

   "That is! I tell you, as long as the clothes you make are good-looking and beautiful, you don't have to worry about sales. I have a few classmates who happen to be family members of several state-owned shopping malls in Beijing." Wen Ru said excitedly.

   Jiang Mu couldn't help but slapped her, "The premise is that you must have good-quality, fashionable and exquisitely crafted clothing."

  Wenru immediately smiled and sat down on the bed, "So, isn't this going to cooperate with you?"

   Jiang Mu couldn't laugh or cry, "You mean let me make clothes? I really don't know this. I can't even use a sewing machine."

  Wen Ru waved his hand repeatedly, “You don’t need to do it. The female workers in the garment factory are all experienced. You only need to draw the clothes, and you don’t have to worry about making a board or anything.”

   Jiang Mu understood, "Do you want me to design clothes?"

  Wen Ru nodded, "Yes."

   Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled at the end of his eyes, "Sister Wen, how are you sure I can design clothes?"

   "I don't know." Wen Ru said.

   "Then you let me design?" Jiang Mu was speechless.

"You paint beautifully. I've seen your art work. You paint so beautifully, and the clothes you paint must also be beautiful. As long as there are good-looking design drawings, the female workers in the factory will definitely be able to make them, even if they are The Shanghai stock market cannot be sold locally. With my relationship in Beijing, there will be no problem with sales!"

  Wenru is full of confidence, as if he has seen the flourishing scene of all the clothes in the factory being sold.

   Jiang Mu helped her forehead helplessly, “Sister Wen, no matter how you say you are a top student at Beijing University, don’t you know that painting good-looking and designing clothes are two different things?”

  Wen Ru doesn’t feel that there is anything wrong with her logic, “You paint Xiao as well as sketches. You just need to shift the focus from the five senses of the person to the clothes, isn’t it all right?”

Jiang Mu really doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Although she is really good at drawing, she has liked drawing since she was a child. Her academic performance is messed up, but she is very good at drawing. In her previous life, she wanted to please her family. She put down her paintbrush and didn’t read it. I majored in fine arts, but studied finance, but in the end, I don't like it or I don't like it. No matter how good she is, it is useless.

   "You design, I'm responsible for selling, and we make half of the money, how about it?" Wen Ru's eyes are amazing. This is the first time Jiang Mu has seen her interested and passionate about something.

   "Sister Wen, you can't make a lot of money in this business. A designer can split half of the profits. What do you think?" Jiang Mu was helpless.

   "You are not someone else, aren't you the sister I recognize, of course I have money to make together! If it were someone else, I would certainly not divide so much profit!" Wen Ru said.

  Jiang Mu was stunned, and then he felt warm in his heart. A warm current flowed down the blood all over the body, from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, it was warm.

She also thought about it seriously. She has a foundation in art. Although she has never drew a design drawing, she doesn’t know much about clothing design. However, she is still very confident in her aesthetics. Now, whether it is women's clothing or men's clothing in China, Then several styles and slightly more novel clothes will sell well.

  Furthermore, after my mother is discharged from the hospital, she will definitely not be free. Instead of letting her go out to find a job and be disciplined by others, it is better to open a clothing store and sell clothes than a part-time job.

   Jiang Mu made a quick decision, "Happy cooperation."

  "Happy, happy, and definitely happy! We are striving to produce a batch of clothes during the summer vacation. We will have summer and autumn clothes. When I start school, I will be able to go to the capital to sell them."

  Wenru is very happy.

  But Jiang Mu became serious, “Since it’s a cooperation, then you have to sign a contract. I will invest 100,000, accounting for 40% of the shares, you account for 60%, the factory is still yours, and the profit is six and four."

  Wen Ru frowned, "You still have to invest money, don't you?"

Jiang Mu sighed and said seriously, "Business is business, and human affection is human affection. It must be distinguished. However, in any business, no matter which line you are in, no matter who you are cooperating with, the contract must be signed clearly. It depends on the relationship. People's minds, once the business changes, these are unreliable, only the contracts in black and white are reliable!"

  Wen Ru stared at her blankly, "Your tone is exactly the same as my dad! It's really exactly the same! That's what he said to me when he gave me the garment factory yesterday! The meaning is the same."

"So, you go back and prepare the contract. After we sign, I take the money to buy shares, and then draw the design drawing. When I finish it, the order from the clothing factory should also be over. I will not participate in the distribution of the profit from this order. ."

   Jiang Mu tried to explain everything clearly.

"Leading! I'll go back and prepare right away, but are you okay with one hundred thousand yuan? You just settled my money here." Wen Ru was more worried about this, "By the way, I have been busy with the garment factory these past two days. I forgot to ask how much money you made? Do you want me to lend you first?"

    is over, I’m late, I can’t put the flag! ! !

     Wednesday night 20:30

     Do you think it’s okay?



  (End of this chapter)

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