Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 158: 158 I am also very good (1)

  Chapter 158 158 I am also very good (1)

   Jiang Mu slapped out a slap in a funny way, smiling brightly, and Xiao Hu’s teeth are white and lovely.

  Wen Ru was pleasantly surprised, "50,000! Earn 50,000 a day! You are too good!"

   Jiang Mu shook his head, "Guess again."

  Wen Ru looked at her suspiciously, "More or less?"

"not enough."

  Wen Ru was shocked, "Is it half a million??"

   Jiang Mu smiled and nodded, "550,000."

  Wenru was stunned, and even some suspected that her ears had a problem. This is really amazing!

   Seeing her not saying a word, just looking at herself so blankly, Jiang Mu pushed her arm, "I said you are not? Do you not believe it, or is it weird?"

Wen Ru seemed to have been pressed some key, and he hugged Jiang Mu with excitement, and kept patting her back with excitement, "That's great! You're so amazing! You're so amazing." That's it! Earn 550,000 a day! You are only sixteen years old! You are simply a genius! Tell me why you are so great!"

   "Calm, calm." Jiang Mu calmed her emotions with a smile.

Wen Ru then let go of her, and the excitement in her eyes has not subsided, "I think I am also very powerful! You said, the first time I did a business partnership with someone, I immediately selected a business genius, and you can earn money in a day. With a skill of 550,000, the garment factory will definitely make money! Do you think I am good?"

  Jiang Mu couldn't help but laugh, "Awesome! Awesome!"

  The two chatted again about the future development of the garment factory, as well as the styles and styles of the following garments before Wen Ru left.

After Wen Ru left, Jiang Mu turned into a salted fish and collapsed on the bed.

She closed her eyes and started to calculate. The manuscript was allocated 600,000 yuan, and this time she earned 550,000 yuan. It also owed Zhao Baomin and Zhao Baobao 55,000, including 100,000 invested in the garment factory and 70,000 compensation. , There should be more than 1 million left on hand.

  Buying a new house, door face, decoration, Wen Liyan’s treatment costs, Zhao Yue’s hospitalization costs, money is everywhere, and I still have to do some quick-paying business.

  But before that, I’d better pay off the debt first.

  While several people were resting, Jiang Mu took the bus to the long-distance bus station alone.

Zhao Baomin works at a long-distance bus station. Zhao Yue paid for this job at the beginning, and then left the relationship and gave him the job he found. At the beginning, he drove out of the gas welding factory. Thanks to Zhao Yue, otherwise, he still doesn’t know where to do. What?

Zhao Baomin is a dull person, not good at words, and can't do things like slacking off the horse. When he was in a gas welding factory, he knew to work hard. He was obviously the best skilled worker in the factory. When the factory couldn't continue, he was the first Laid-off.

  Being a driver is different. He just takes care of driving. The conductor is his wife. Zhao Baomin is comfortable, has a stable job, and has a harmonious family. Although his life is a bit more difficult, he is still pretty good.

  Zhao Baomin is really grateful for the sister of Zhao Yue, but he drives in the dark every day and counts four times a day, so there is really no time to see her.

  Zhao Baomin may not be doing very well on such small things, but when he heard that his sister was hospitalized and was going to be operated on, he said nothing, and took out all the money that his husband and wife had saved over the years.

   Such kindness, Jiang Mu remembered it in his heart.

  She waited at the station for half an hour before the bus driven by Zhao Baomin entered the station.

  The bus arrived at the station, and the people on the bus got off one after another. Zhang Qian lighted the change she received, and she looked good.

  "Second Aunt, Second Uncle." Jiang Mu got into the car, and the three of them were in the car.

   "Mu Mu, why are you here? Are you going out?" Zhang Qian put the money in the money box and asked.

"No, I'm here to pay the money. My mother is recovering well and will be discharged from the hospital in a few days." As Jiang Mu took out a bulging envelope from her backpack, she was inside. Order a good 5000 yuan at home.

  "We are not in a hurry to spend money. You can give it to us before Zhao Qing starts school. Your mother has undergone such a major operation, and when she is in need of self-cultivation, you usually buy more supplements for her to eat so that her body can recover quickly."

   Zhang Qian said.

"I know, second aunt, the compensation for the house has just come down. My mother asked me to come over. It’s not easy at home. You can also relax in your hands. Zhao Qing and Shujun are also growing their bodies. Nutrition is indispensable."

   Jiang Mu smiles very cutely, looks good and sensible.

Although Zhao Qing had some opinions about Zhao Yue’s divorce and some patriarchal thoughts, since the last time in the hospital, she saw Jiang Mu casually bought two gadgets and sold them for 140,000. She insisted on taking Zhao Yue’s operation. When Fei had enough, she began to slowly change, and even her opinion of Jiang Mu also changed.

   "When the compensation comes down, is it about to demolish the house? Have you thought about where you and your mother will live in the future? You gave us the money, where to find a house?"

   Zhang Qian asked worriedly.

  “It’s not about demolishing the house right away. They gave a deadline. Don’t worry, we won’t live on the streets. We will pay you back the money first. Thank you for helping us when our family is in difficulties.

   Jiang Mu is telling the truth. There are many people who are icing on the cake, but there are too few who give charcoal in the snow.

   "Thank you for your kindness. We are relatives. When anyone has no urgent matter, life is a major matter. It is necessary to help each other out. Your mother is your second uncle's sister."

  Zhang Qian took the money without counting, and put it directly into the wallet.

   "I'll go back first. If there is something difficult in the future, don't forget to tell me and my mother, maybe we can help." Jiang Mu got out of the car and didn't drag it any more. They were about to drive the next trip soon.

  After Jiang Mu left, Zhang Qian took out the money and counted it carefully, earning a lot of money.

"Big brother and his family are too unrespectful to do things, and so are their parents. They are eccentric. If they hadn't done it like this, Xiaoyue wouldn't have suffered such a crime! And spent so much money. Money!" Zhang Qian said with emotion.

   "So I was retributed, my leg was broken, and the factory was fired." Zhao Baomin said dullly, obviously also very disagreeable to Zhao Bao's family.

   "You said your eldest brother was laid off?" Zhang Qian was surprised.

   "I also heard the chatter from people in the car yesterday." Zhao Baomin said. .

"I bah! Deserve it! Let them bully Xiaoyue mother and daughter again, this is retribution! He doesn't look at who paid for his building? Who arranged his good job? That's the white-eyed wolf. If their home borrows money, I won’t borrow it!"

   Zhang Qian said.

  Zhao Baomin did not say anything.

"Do you think that the Zhao family has a bad year? Xiaoyue went to the hospital for surgery, and his eldest brother broke his leg and lost his job. I heard that the third family was not doing well recently. I heard that this trip did not make any money. Quite a lot. As long as our house is going well, I have to worship the Bodhisattva when I go back today. It must be the Bodhisattva to bless our home."

   Zhang Qian said with emotion.

  Zhao Baomin didn’t say anything. Since he drove, his family had offered to Bodhisattva, saying that he was blessed to come and go safely. He didn't believe this, but he didn't interfere with his wife, she just had peace of mind.

  When Jiang Mu arrived at Zhao Baobao's house, the sun was already setting, and you could smell the cooking in the corridor. However, Zhao Baobao's house was cold and the atmosphere was a bit scary.

    make up for yesterday~

     no longer set the flag, my face hurts~

     I will try to save the manuscript so that I don’t get too tight


     Weak, helpless, and pitiful~



  (End of this chapter)

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