Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 201: 201 Don't spend money randomly (2)

  Chapter 201 Chapter 201 Cannot spend money randomly (2)

  Jiang Mu’s apricot eyes curled slightly. This young lady is really interesting. Seeing that the middle-aged saleswoman is angry, she is almost angry.

  In this situation, the other party can’t get angry yet. It’s just as irritating as it is.

The middle-aged saleswoman grinds her teeth and endures this resentment. Fortunately, she has almost introduced it, and it depends on whether the guests are moved by her. "This mahogany bed is absolutely superior in terms of workmanship and texture. The top choice, high-end atmosphere, will be used by people like you."

   Cai Xiaoling also really likes, "How much is it."

  "For this bed, it's a good deal, only 5,000 yuan." The middle-aged saleswoman said with a smile.

Cai Xiaoling did feel a little bit in her heart. It was not that she couldn't afford so much money, but that she was still a little bit reluctant to spend so much money on buying a bed. Although she was a workshop director with a high salary and very good benefits, It's just that money can't make her so waste.

Seeing her hesitation, the middle-aged saleswoman continued to lobby, “This mahogany bed is very popular, and many rich people in Shanghai like it. Even the manager of our mall bought one home, and now there is only one left here. This one is next. If you like it, you can order it, or it will be bought by someone else, and it will be difficult to find such a well-made mahogany bed."

  Cai Xiaoling had made up her mind a long time ago, but she didn’t hesitate, “Forget it, let’s go look at the electrical appliances. We just used the welfare vouchers issued by the factory.”

  What can Li Jiaying say, she can only follow the other person and go to the next door to look at the electrical appliances.

  In fact, all the workers in their workshop came here today. Welfare vouchers have an expiration date, so let’s just come and have a look.

  The middle-aged saleswoman watched the customer who had been intercepted halfway leave and sighed with regret. If the mahogany bed is sold today, the bonus this month will definitely be won.

The young saleswoman kept introducing her. The noise made her upset. The more she looked at this group of people, the more unpleasant she became. If they weren't around here, maybe this bed would have been sold. .

  It must be these people who disturbed the emotions of the guests, so the other party did not buy it.

  The middle-aged saleswoman directly vented her anger, "Okay, don't say anything, even if you say that you have a broken throat, people can't afford it. What are you doing with that effort?"

  "Team leader, they are customers. If they want to understand this mahogany bed, whether they can afford it or not, as a salesperson, I should perform my duties and answer their questions."

  When the young saleswoman said this, she saw that the other's face was hard to look at to the naked eye. Her words were undoubtedly hitting her in the face, but, the other party was right, even if she was angry, she couldn't find an excuse to reprimand.

   "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, I don't know good people! Since you like to waste your time, like to do useless work, no one stops!" In the end, she could only vent a word, and returned to the counter angrily.

  Jiang Mu looked very relieved, looked at the joy in Sun Hongfen’s eyes, and said immediately, “We want this mahogany bed.”

   "Mu Mu, how are your children spending money indiscriminately!" Sun Hongfen stopped immediately after hearing this.

  "Not only this mahogany bed, but also this mahogany wardrobe, sofa, chair, dining table, etc.," Sun Quan added.

   "Koizumi, I didn't even ask about the price!" Sun Hongfen turned around to stop his grandson.

"Grandma, if you like this, you can buy it all. Don't care about the price. We are a new house. We have to live in for a lifetime. Naturally we have to choose what we like, otherwise the new house is not happy. That would be bad. "

Sun Quan persuaded that he knew the two elders very well. They raised him frugally. Now that he has the ability, he naturally wants to repay them, not to mention a set of furniture, as long as they want, he will do everything he can to satisfy them. .

   "Daughter, how much does my grandson said cost?" Sun Hongfen asked quickly.

  The salesperson was also shocked and didn't return to her senses. She just said one thing. She has been working here for a year, and this is the first time she has met such a large customer.

   "Girl, how much money will this set cost?" Sun Hongfen repeated it once, and she came back to her senses.

   "20,000, a set of purchase is more favorable than a single purchase, and each single product adds up to 20,000."

   "No, no, no, it's too expensive. 20,000 yuan!" Sun Hongfen immediately refused.

   "Grandma! It's okay, I have money. This is the first time I buy something to be filial to you. You don't need to save money. We don't look at the price today, just whether we like it or not." Sun Quan said with a smile.

   "That's right, grandma, I bought the house for 260,000 yuan. What is 20,000 yuan of furniture!" Jiang Mu agitated.

  "The house is property. What is this furniture? You were lucky last time to make money. There will certainly not be a second time. The remaining money is reserved for you to go to school and marry a wife. How can it be so wasteful?"

  Sun Hongfen has a firm attitude.

   "Godmother, then I will buy it, as I am filial to you." Zhao Yue said.

   "No, Mu Mu still has to go to school. Xiaoyan is not in good health. You have just been discharged from the hospital. There are a lot of places where you need money. You can't spend it randomly."

   "Then I buy, I haven't given grandma anything yet." Jiang Mu said.

   "No, no one's money is blown by the strong wind. You can't spend it randomly."

  Several people looked at each other, everyone saw the like in the eyes of the old man, but no one could buy it, and this matter was difficult to handle.

   Jiang Mu glanced at Wen Liyan: think of a way.

Wen Liyan curled his lips, walked to Sun Hongfen, and whispered in her ears, "Sun Quan sold a Han Dynasty jade cicada a few days ago for 650,000. He is holding back his energy today and thinking about it Filial piety to you. If the money is not spent, he will definitely be disappointed."

  Sun Hongfen heard it and waved his hand, "Koizumi, go and pay."

  Sun Quan's eyes lit up, and he responded with a crisp voice, "Okay!"

  When the young salesperson opened the ticket, they were all wandering in space. It was not until the other party actually took out the money from the backpack that it felt a little real.

  This scene happened to be seen by the middle-aged waitress, her face was even more ugly, blue and red. She did not expect that these inconspicuous people could really afford it.

  If she had a better attitude just now, if she did not let go of this group of people and grab other guests, then the sales of 20,000 yuan should be counted on her, and she won the bonus this month.

  Thinking of the 100 yuan she was about to get, she flew like this, and the middle-aged saleswoman regretted that her intestines were blue.

  However, thinking that there is still an advanced employee, this is also a bonus of 100 yuan, fortunately she can still get one, which is quite comforting.

  It's just that she was wrong, this is just the beginning.

    Daily ticket request la la la~



  (End of this chapter)

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