Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 202: 202 It's too difficult to receive a little brother (1)

  Chapter 202 202 It is too difficult to accept a younger brother (1)

  Sun Hongfen and Sun Zhengde’s house is finished, but the other people’s rooms have not been settled yet.

  Everyone started looking for furniture they liked.

  Jiang Mu pushed Wen Liyan's arm and asked curiously, "What did you say to grandma? What happened to her and she agreed?"

  "Want to know?" Wen Liyan asked, raising an eyebrow.

   "Nonsense, I don't want to know what I am asking." Jiang Mu rolled his eyes.

   "Guess, I'll tell you if you guess it right."

  Jiang Mu: "...Are you a kid in preschool?" Why are you so naive!

   "What kind of bed do you like? I'll give it to you." Wen Liyan said.

   "How can I do? The people in the world call me Brother Mu, how can I let my younger brother give me something? Am I not saving face?" Jiang Mu immediately refused.

  Wen Liyan was speechless, "I am older than you."

   "Look, what kind of bed, wardrobe, desk do you like, I'll give it to you." Jiang Mu didn't answer his question, and directly attributed Wen Liyan to his younger brother like Sun Quan.

   "I'm still taller than you." Wen Liyan didn't give up.

   "I think this leather bed is good."

   "My grades are better than you."

  "How about this pine wardrobe? It's big enough to hang a lot of clothes, and it matches the color of the bed."

   "I am also better than you."

   "The desk should also be of the same color. It doesn't need to be too big. We still have a study room anyway."

   "I also teach you fights and give you homework guidance."

  Jiang Mu paused, facing this persevering person very helplessly, "Okay, you are my teacher, right? Just be a student to respect the teacher, take a look, how about my proposal just now?"

   "It's good, just buy it as you said." Wen Liyan didn't even look at it, his black eyes flashed with a smile.

   Once again failed to accept the younger brother, Jiang Mu is very sorry, Wen Liyan is really too smart, too bad to fool you.

   "Mom, what do you like, don't feel sorry for the money, I will make money if I don't know anything else now." Jiang Mu came to Zhao Yue and said with a smile.

  Zhao Yue touched her hair and smiled softly, "Mom knows that my girl is capable!"

   "How about that set of red sandalwood? It's the same as when it was at Jiang's house." Jiang Mu asked.

   "Okay, listen to you." Zhao Yue did not entangle, all the displays here, she really likes that set, graceful, simple and elegant.

The young saleswoman is just like sleepwalking. The order is soft, one after the other, the price is amazing, but these people don’t take the money in their eyes. She has all eight orders. , But they still have no tendency to stop.

  The middle-aged female sales clerk was dumbfounded. Looking at the shipment orders one after another, she seemed to see the excellent staff waving goodbye to her.

  No, it can’t be like this. She is already in pain after losing the highest sales bonus of 100 yuan. If her outstanding employees miss out every month, wouldn’t she have only salary left this month?

  The middle-aged saleswoman stared at the list, and immediately beckoned to a saleswoman, whispered a few words in her ear, and the saleswoman trot away immediately.

   Jiang Mu has bought enough items for five bedrooms, two living rooms, and two kitchens, leaving two study rooms.

  The elders in the study did not participate in the opinions, and the three young men got together to discuss, after all, the study was still the longest time they used.

  The sales clerk was finally free and started to calculate the amount of these orders. It was too busy just now, and they were together again. The sales clerk opened the order and didn't let them pay. After they had chosen, they paid together. This is more convenient.

However, after she had counted all the lists, the whole person was confused. Now it is 90,000. Although 20,000 of them have been paid, there is still 70,000. This is a huge sum of money. If you put it in an ordinary home, you can buy a bungalow.

  Seeing that the three of them are still choosing, the after-sales staff can't help but feel anxious. Do they know how much money they have already spent? Still continue to choose!

  What if they can’t pay for it for a while?

  "This floor-to-ceiling bookcase requires two, and two desks." Jiang Mu's words interrupted the salesperson's guess, and she could only continue to place the order.

  "Should we have three or six chairs?" Sun Quan asked.

   "Of course there are six." Jiang Mu said.

  Two houses and two study rooms. The three of them study together and do homework basically every day. It is better to put three in each study room, so that they will have chairs to sit on no matter where they go.

  The salesperson who just wanted to remind them of the amount of consumption began to bow their heads and write the list again.

   "Think about it, is there anything left? Although the service attitude of someone here is not very good, the quality of the stuff is still acceptable. We'd better solve it once, and save it twice."

   Jiang Mu looked at the two and reminded.

The middle-aged saleswoman who has been paying attention here changed her face. Isn’t it her that someone said? She walked over a few steps and said, “If you can’t pay, you can’t pay. Now, is it interesting to spend so much time?"

Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows. Someone took a pole and brought her face to her. Why couldn't she think about it so much. She smiled slightly, "I really doubt that employees like you who like to provoke customers have not been fired by the mall? "

  The other party put his hands on her chest, watched her change the subject, and became more sure of her guess, "Okay, you have been air-conditioned for an hour, so don't delay our employees' time."

  "It’s not that I said, you are too wicked, just blow the air-conditioner, the mall is so big, you just walk around and no one cares, why waste our employees’ time? I took our employees to entertain you for an hour."

   Jiang Mu gave her a look at Are you an idiot, looked over her, and said to the young saleswoman, “That’s the shoe cabinet plus two.”

  The young saleswoman lowered her head and started to write.

  The middle-aged saleswoman smiled even more sarcastically, "I said you are stupid? People are blaming you for it. Didn't you hear me just now? You even gave them an order!"

   "Team leader, customers want to buy things. As a salesperson, it is my job to make orders. If they can't get the money in the end, it's their problem and it has nothing to do with me."

   Jiang Mu's eyes lit up. She is really a smart young lady with potential.

  The middle-aged saleswoman pressed her lips tightly. What she disliked the most was her attitude.

It just so happened that the salesperson who had gone out before came back, and Fang Daqing also came here. She gathered the anger in her eyes and greeted him with a smile. "Manager, we have ushered in a big owner. Tens of thousands of orders, this is a good customer in our mall."

  She glanced at Jiang Mu. The manager was there. If she couldn't get the money, things wouldn't be so easy.

  (End of this chapter)

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