Chapter 212 The Joy of Housewarming

  Everyone took a lot of effort to move the things in the car to their homes and began to organize them.

  Wen Liyan has the fewest things. He just moved here not long ago. In addition to school uniforms, Zhao Yue buys him the clothes on weekdays. If he says there are the most things, it’s books.

  The books that Jiang Mu had bought for him several times, the textbooks of junior high school, and the various papers he had published.

  He organizes things the fastest.

   Holding a stack of books and pushing the door open, there was a big white man on the desk that was empty at midnight and nothing.

  Wen Liyan was shocked at first, and then ran forward in surprise, the book in his hand had been put aside by him, he carefully touched the edge of the big man, excited.

   Thinking back to the photos he saw in the book, he couldn't believe it.

  Computer, he actually owns a computer!

  After reading so many books, he does not lack theoretical knowledge, and there are some vague ideas in his mind, but because there is no real computer, he can't implement it.

  Unexpectedly, the computer he had dreamed of for a long time really appeared on the desk!

  Wen Liyan immediately got up and wanted to go out to find someone, but saw that Jiang Mu didn’t know when he had already come in. He gnawed an apple in one hand, and leaned against the door with a smile in his eyes, “Happy birthday.”

  "How do you know?" Wen Liyan was surprised.

   "There is your case in the hospital, and what is written on it, how about it? Do you like this gift? If you don't like it, you must like it, but I worked so hard to get it, how about it? Isn't it interesting?"

   Jiang Mu Meiyu is a bit proud.

  For a while, Wen Liyan was very excited, the feeling of being remembered, caring, and caring spontaneously, and it flowed through the blood flow throughout the body.

  "I like it very much, I like it very much. It is the best birthday gift I have received in 16 years."

  The black eyes of the teenager were surging with waves, and the thin lips were smiling, like ice and snow melted, and the original facial features became more and more handsome.

"Just like it. Although you learn quickly, there are some things that you can't do, you have to do it, so you can master it solidly. There is still a period of time before the school starts. In the future, you should not follow us to Anhui. , Just study hard at home, don’t waste time."

   Jiang Mu said.

   "No, I can't worry about the three of you going." Wen Liyan's smile suddenly constricted, but his attitude was unusually firm.

"What's not to worry about, I and Quan'er are not as good as you, but it is enough to deal with ordinary people. Moreover, we don't have as much money as before. After paying for the house and decoration, we still have to pay. Part of the business is hundreds of thousands all over the body. It doesn’t matter if you don’t punch your eyes."

   Jiang Mu persuaded.

   "No, you three are only how old, if you really encounter something, it will be too late to regret it. I won't let go of studying, you don't have to worry about this."

  Wen Liyan's attitude is resolute, it is simply that oil and salt will not enter.

   Jiang Mu was also helpless, and finally glared at him, “Since you don’t worry about wasting time, then go together. When you think about it, don’t blame me for delaying your study!”

  Looking at her turning around to go to the living room to pack up her things, Wen Liyan's dark eyes became deeper and deeper. Why do you blame you? If you really encounter any danger, he will regret it.

  Compared with before, what is the wasted time?

  The two families moved smoothly and quickly. After a few people were invited for a meal, they got busy again, not for anything else, but tomorrow, their store is finally about to open!

  (End of this chapter)

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