Chapter 213 213 Grand Opening (1)

  God is still very generous. The next day, the weather was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

  The so-called opening is also simple and terrible.

  It is Zhao Yue who bought a string of firecrackers, clicked it and let it go, and told everyone that their supermarket was open.

  Yes, it’s that simple, let the whip and open the business.

  This is a new community. If you can buy a house here, your family will definitely not lack money. The quality of the people living here will be higher, and there should be no petty theft.

Based on this consideration, the two families directly opened up the walls when decorating, and the area is more than 200 square meters. Plus, the supermarket directly uses free purchase, not the kind of counter in the store now. Customers can only look at it, not get started. Rows of neatly arranged shelves are placed inside, and there is a space for pedestrians in the middle. Looking at it this way, I really feel that the store is huge.

  This kind of supermarkets can be purchased freely in Hong Kong and abroad, but it is really not available in China. Even in the fast-growing Shanghai stock market, it is the first one.

  At the beginning, everyone was worried that the merchandise would be displayed like this. If someone wanted to steal it, they couldn’t prevent it. A thief would succeed in accidentally, and they disagreed with Jiang Mu’s proposal.

  However, after Jiang Mu analyzed the situation in the surrounding communities and what kind of people live in their own community, everyone reluctantly agreed.

  After all, there are rich people who can live here, and no one lacks this bag of washing powder and a bottle of soy sauce. On the contrary, if this is a steal, it would be too shameless.

  So, basically no one will steal it.

However, having said that, we can’t be unprepared at all. Under Zhao Yue’s proposal, they still put big items in it, such as rice, noodles, oil, etc., even if they want to steal it. go.

  Place some small things near the door, such as soap and the like.

  Beside the checkout counter, there are also various kinds of candies, one with a dime. If you can’t find the change for a while, you can directly give the candies. Presumably many customers are also very willing.

  Everyone's plan is very good. On the opening day, the two elderly people of the Sun family were still very nervous wandering around the supermarket, worrying about the villain stealing things.

   Jiang Mu didn’t stop after watching it, just sighed: “If only there is a monitor, grandma and the others don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

   "Monitor? What is that?" Wen Liyan asked.

  "It’s a situation where it’s installed higher and can be photographed within a certain range. These images can be put on a TV or computer. When we sit at the cash register, we can see everything in the store."

   Jiang Mu explained as much as possible in her own words.

   "There is such a good thing?" Sun Quan on one side exclaimed.

   "Yes, it should already be available in Country M. I seem to have seen it when I was reading, but it seems to be for national use and very little personal use." Wen Liyan said.

   "I just sighed, don't you two be lazy, aren't you both sensitive to numbers? Go and help my mom to check out." Jiang Mu directly regarded the two as a person's calculation.

  Zhao Yue has more important tasks!

  Who made the mental arithmetic abilities of these two people perverted? Every time before she finishes thinking, the two people have already told the results. Such talents should be used on the blade!

  It may be that the sound of firecrackers is too loud. There are still a lot of guests in the opening today.

  After all, everyone can see the decorations here in the past few days. In the small talk on weekdays in this community, they have long known that a shop is going to be opened here, and it is open now, so naturally come to join in the fun.

  I saw that I can walk into the shelf and choose freely. I feel more novel and interesting. Anyway, I want to buy it. It is close to home and you can choose by yourself. Of course, everyone will choose more convenient.

  For a while, whether it’s a real need at home, or just come to join in the fun and see the new supermarket, all have arrived in the store, just opened, and very popular.

Customers who were originally pure-hearted to join in the excitement, as they walked through the rows of shelves, looked at the neat and tidy goods, clean and tidy, and there were all kinds of snacks. They couldn't help but take a look and watch others. I filled it into the basket, and subconsciously took a few, as if I was buying snacks for the children at home.

  Sun Quan and Wen Liyan, one person is in charge of the other, they don’t need a calculator at all, they read out the price, and when all the goods are put in the convenience bag, the total price is also out.

At the beginning, there were still people who didn’t believe that they could calculate so quickly without using an abacus. The other party was still not convinced. After personally verifying that a dime was not bad, then they were really convinced. , No more doubts.

  The brains of the two were running fast, and this didn't make the customers who check out queued up.

  Wen Liyan suddenly remembered that they had just started pounding Teng Guo bonds and calculating how much money they would make. Jiang Mu’s smile was just like asking him to stand in the middle of the market, work as a signboard, and sell counseling materials.

   is really calculated again.

  It seems that his premonition at the time was not wrong at all, but the time interval calculated this time was a bit long. If it were not for his good memory, he would really not remember such a thing.

  Humanoid computer Wen Liyan glanced at Jiang Mu, who was standing at the door with a smile, and couldn't help bending his lips. This was a cunning little fox at all.

  Looking at the customers, Wen Ru couldn’t help feeling, “Mu Mu, you really did it. Unexpectedly, when I said that, you actually put it into practice. You are a natural business talent.”

   "That's natural, otherwise we won't be good sisters! We are also cooperating to open a garment factory!"

   Jiang Mu is not modest.

As early as when she told everyone that the store would be a free shopping model, she explained to her family that this was what she had heard from Wen Ru, and Wen Ru did say it, but she just said something casually, Jiang Mu Simply put the inspiration for opening the store onto Wen Ru.

   "You are right, we are all business geniuses!" Wen Ru smiled brightly, "Your business must be booming this time!"

   "No, no, our business is booming." Jiang Mu smiled brighter.

  Wen Ru had some doubts in his eyes, “Is it really okay to sell clothes in a supermarket? Even abroad, there is no such thing.”

   "Is it okay? Try it and you'll know." Jiang Mu said casually.

  More than 200 square meters of space, just opening a supermarket is too wasteful, now they can only sell daily necessities, tobacco, alcohol, sugar, tea and the like.

  In addition to the merchants that Zhao Yue personally went to talk about, these goods supply also some imported goods, taking the way of Wenjia.

  This is the thread that Wen Ren personally helped lead. Jiang Mu knew that Wen Jia should return the black pottery figurines she gave to Wen Yan before, otherwise he would not take the initiative to help introduce so many imported sources.

  Even with so many imported goods, there is still a large space in the shop. Simply, Jiang Mu put the original idea of ​​opening a clothing store on the agenda.

  (End of this chapter)

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