Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 215: 215 Beat someone if they don't agree (1)

  Chapter 215 215 If you don’t agree, beat someone (1)

   Jiang Mu is a little helpless, here again, here again, what is the matter with this instructor, every time a classmate performs badly, she is taken out.

  I really don’t know whether the instructor wants to praise her, or want the whole class to hate her?

The military posture of the morning was finally over. The class two classmates almost slumped to the ground, fanning the wind with one hand, feeling that the whole person was full of water, staring at the back of the instructor, one by one, just like the little cabbages that had lost their moisture. .

   "Jiang Mu, aren't you tired? Persevering with such hard work?"

  Zhao Huan was full of admiration and was able to be assigned to a class with Jiang Mu. Zhao Huan was happy for a long time. However, as the military training became more and more severe, she was not happy anymore, and it was too late to deal with military training all day long. Where is the mind to do other things.

"How is it possible not to be tired? Look at the sweat on my head? What can I do if I don't insist? During the military training, the instructor said the final decision. People say that the training will last as long as possible! Can the arms be twisted over the thighs? ?"

  Jiang Mu picked up the water bottle, poured his head up and took a big sip of water, and sat directly in the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool, but some people just didn't want to see her resting peacefully.

   "Jiang Mu, did you do it on purpose? You can die if you don't show up?" The classmate who had just been slapped by a wicker said angrily.

"What's showing? There is evidence to speak! Qin Hongfei, you have poor health, no perseverance, and can't persist. That's your incompetence. Jiang Mu can stick to the instructor's standard actions from the beginning. That's because she has the ability. You can't just because If you are incompetent, ask everyone to be as incompetent as you, right?"

  Zhao Huan directly opened her mouth. She was the kind of person who couldn't stand the fire. The weather became so hot again, her temper became even stronger and her words more aggressive.

"Go away, Zhao Huan, what does this have to do with you? I'm talking about Jiang Mu!" Qin Hongfei walked around her and pointed Jiang Mu's nose, "If you don't succeed, you don't fight for performance everywhere, maybe the instructor Wouldn't let us stand in the military posture for so long!"

   "You like performance, you like to compete for excellence, and you like to show performance. That's your business. Don't drag us all into the water!"

  Qin Hongfei became angry from embarrassment and reprimanded loudly.

  Some people around will inevitably be affected by his remarks. After all, no one likes to stand in the army under the scorching sun.

Jiang Mu lazily raised his head and glanced at him faintly, "I said, Qin, no matter how much you are admitted to a key high school, why don't you even have this judgment? Who gives you the confidence to let you Think that if no classmates in the class can persist, he will shorten the time of standing in the army?"

  Qin Hongfei scratched his neck, "No one can do it. The instructor naturally knows our level, so how can we assign tasks that we can't complete?"

  "Why don’t you know, because no one can do it, the instructor thinks that we are too bad and practiced too little. How about two or three more hours of training?"

   Jiang Mu asked faintly.

  "Didn't Class 3 practice more yesterday afternoon? I heard that I missed the dinner time because of bad kicks. Do you want us to stand in the military posture for the whole afternoon?" Zhao Huan said on the side.

  Qin Hongfei refused to give up, and said very stubbornly, "Class 3 is Class 3, and we are Class 2, and we are not the same instructor. Maybe our instructors see that everyone is of the same level, so we won’t let us practice anymore!"

   Jiang Mu narrowed his apricot eyes and said helplessly, “Classmate, why are you so naive? Don’t you know that we have already decided what we train for every day in military training? Why do you think you are so beautiful?”

"Also, you don’t have the physical strength yourself, and you don’t have the perseverance to hold on for that long. That’s your business. Don’t pull the whole class. I think the students have done a good job. At least they have persisted, and the instructors have not. Criticize everyone."

"You can’t force me to be as bad as you because I’m better than you and you can’t catch up with me. It’s like an exam. I can get 150 points on the test, but you can only get 50 points on the test, so I have to take 50 points. How can there be such a reason?"

   Jiang Mu lightly laughed.

"You look at him high, 50 points are high for him, and he really can't pass the exam." Zhao Huan said, this is the one who recently took the money, and the scores of every classmate in their class, she I've already inquired clearly.

  This Jiang Mu didn’t know, she was surprised, “Isn’t it? Then I’m wrong, 40 points? 40 points?”

   "It's still 30 points, I think this number fits him well." Zhao Huan also said solemnly, and the cooperation was very tacit.

  Qin Hongfei's face flushed, his calf was a little painful, the anger in his heart also rose, he directly rushed up, raised his fist and swung it at Zhao Huan.

   "Looking for death—"

   Jiang Mu's eyes dimmed, and he pulled Zhao Huan behind him, raising his leg with a kick, and kicking him directly on the knee, "Even girls are hitting, are you still a boy?"

  Qin Hongfei was kicked directly on one knee, with cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth and scolded, "Are you still a girl?"

   "Even Brother Qin dared to fight, beat her!"

  The two boys who had just stood behind Qin Hongfei rushed over suddenly, with a fierce look on their faces. At first glance, they were the master who had been mixed with Qin Hongfei all the time, and even the beating moves were the same.

  Zhao Huan’s brain was down when Qin Hongfei started his hand, and two more people appeared. Zhao Huan only felt that his legs were soft and his scalp was numb.

   Jiang Mu held Zhao Huan with one hand, and when he dodges the opponent’s attack, he unceremoniously kicked one and the other, and then shouted, "Hit someone! The boy bullied the girl!"

  The two people who were kicked and Qin Hongfei who fell to the ground are already cursing in their hearts. Damn, who is bullying whom? Don't you know it? Don’t you feel guilty when you shout so loudly?

The instructor came over and trot over, watching the three big boys kneeling on one knee, and two girls standing opposite each other. They reached out and touched their heads, "Fuck it! Bullying girls, and bullying more, you three Boys are really promising!"

  Qin Hongfei rubbed his knees, feeling even more angry, and said angrily, "Instructor, look carefully, who is bullying whom on earth? We were beaten, okay!"

  Instructor: "You three boys, you can't beat even a girl, you are really promising!"

  Three boys were beaten up: "..."

  Dare to love whatever they say is wrong!

  The corners of Jiang Mu's lips raised slightly, and his apricot eyes were full of smiles.

   "It's funny, isn't it?" The instructor suddenly roared, making Zhao Huan tremble with fright.

   "No." Jiang Mu said.

   "Is it fun to fight?"

   "You can't stand and be beaten, right?" Jiang Mu said in a low voice, not a bit angry at the other party.

   is still a thorny head, the instructor glared at her, "You are a class, you are a whole, you should unite and love, you are better, you actually fight inwardly! Five of you, five kilometers from the playground, start right away!"

  (End of this chapter)

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