Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 216: 216 Following good people will become even more

  Chapter 216 216 Follow the good people will also become better (2)

  "Why? We were beaten, why should we be punished!" Qin Hongfei was not convinced.

   "Why?" Jiang Mu was not convinced, more confused.

  "Just rely on me as the instructor! Just rely on you to fight first!" The instructor yelled at the three boys.

  Qin Hongfei dare not say anything.

   "We are just self-defense, and self-defense is also wrong?" Jiang Mu asked.

  "Self-defense is true, but, as I said, I am an instructor, and I will be punished for fighting!"

   "Understood." Jiang Mu got up, punched and kicked the three of them, and came directly with a full set.

  The three of them have not yet reflected, they are grinning with pain, and are lying on the ground gnawing mud.

   "Instructor, Jiang Mu hit someone, you have seen it." Qin Hongfei gritted his teeth and complained.

   "So I'm going to run." Without the instructor's words, Jiang Mu trot into the playground and started the five-kilometer journey.

He is indeed a stinger, accepting beatings and being punished, not accepting self-defense and being punished, there is really a **** in his heart, and then looking at the three boys who have been beaten, and shouting, "Five kilometers, what are you waiting for?" Wait for the dishes!"

  The three men were so grind that they could only get up and go for a run.

  The people around her were gone, Zhao Huan came back to her senses, and the feeling that her fist was about to hit her face was still in front of her. If Jiang Mu hadn't reacted quickly, she would definitely be beaten.

  It turns out that Jiang Mu is not only smart, but also so good at fighting!

  Under the scorching sun, on the playground, the slender figure walked evenly, not hurriedly nor slow, running forward.

  The more I understand this person, the more I feel that she is excellent, and I can’t help but want to chase her figure, work hard, keep improving myself and make myself more outstanding.

  Zhao Huan ran towards the playground.

   "The instructor didn't punish you either. How can you join in the fun?" Jiang Mu asked.

   "You fight for me, how can I let you be punished alone?"

  "You really misunderstood this. It was this classmate Qin who owed him too much. I couldn't help it. It was not to save you. No matter who stood by my side, I would take action."

   Jiang Mu lazily said.

   "No matter what the reason is, I only look at the result. Anyway, you saved me." Zhao Huan is also a very stubborn person in her bones. As long as it is something she believes, it is difficult to change.

  It was like she hated Jiang Mu at the beginning. It was obvious that her grades counted down every year. It was because the family had money and everyone in the family was holding her, spoiling her, and even at the reunion dinner, it was forbidden to talk about grades.

  So, after Zhao Yue came back with Jiang Mu after her divorce, she finally had the opportunity to express the hatred from her heart.

  It may be that this emotion has been suppressed in her heart for too long. Even though Jiang Mu's grades have improved, she has not changed her view of her, thinking that it was her luck, or a fluke.

  I just don’t recognize her achievements anyway.

  Until the police came to the house, her father was taken away by the police. Her brain was blank and she was flustered at a loss, but Jiang Mu arranged everything in a short time and even released her father from the police station on bail.

  From that day on, she truly realized the gap between her and Jiang Mu.

   Jiang Mu is very powerful and very good.

  Under the scorching sun, there was only one group of five people running on the playground, and the rest of the classes were watching the excitement.

  It didn’t take long before the fight between Jiang Mu and Qin Hongfei spread.

No way, who made a girl fight so handsome, and saw many people with her own eyes, such a propaganda, almost all the high school students in military training know that Jiang Mu from the second class is beautiful and handsome, especially The fight was clean and tidy, and one person overturned three boys without fear at all.

  Jiang Mu can be said to be famous in one fell swoop.

  Five kilometers is nothing for her who exercises regularly. After running down, her breathing rhythm is not messy.

  But for someone like Qin Hongfei who can't stand the military posture, he ran down five kilometers and lay directly on the ground, feeling that his lungs were about to explode.

  Zhao Huan is not much stronger either, bends over and gasps for breath, but compared with the three crying boys, she feels that she is very happy all over.

   "The physical strength is good, it seems that the next training will be no problem." The instructor walked over, and there was still some meaning in his eyes.

   "Of course there is no problem." Jiang Mu really thinks it is a problem.

  But, the three on the ground are not enough.

   "Report to the instructor, I have a problem, I think my leg is about to break." Qin Hongfei covered his knee with one hand, which happened to be where Jiang Mu kicked.

   "There are still us."

  The remaining two boys immediately raised their hands and said.

  The instructor was compassionate to let the three trainees, and the next one was to practice military physical boxing, and even the classes were combined to study together.

  The first and second shifts are merged.

  The students sat on two sides, and the two instructors fisted in the open space in the middle. They fisted the tigers and vigorously, in exchange for the warm applause of the students.

   Jiang Mu was also in the applause. He was indeed a soldier. The fighters punched by the army were quite imposing, but she was not as excited as the others.

  The instructor swept over, "Jiang Mu——"


  "Come and try, let me see how many brushes you have. Didn't you fight very neatly today?" As soon as the instructor said this, the students started to booze.

   Jiang Mu didn’t move, smiling brightly, “How can those three soft-footed shrimps be compared with the instructors, and my two things are dealing with the gangsters and gangsters. How dare you make a gesture with the instructor?”

   Trainee trio: I feel offended.

  The instructor endured a smile, "It's okay, I will use you as a demonstration, and I will definitely let you."

  "Since it's a demonstration, who can't I find it? I stood there for the whole morning, and then ran another five kilometers. I lost my energy and couldn't complete this glorious and arduous task."

   Jiang Mu solemnly refused. She was stupid to go up and be beaten. It hurts, okay!

   "Report the instructor, let me come!" Wen Liyan raised his hand and stood up.

  Jiang Mu just didn’t want to, and someone else actively invited him, and the instructor didn’t force it anymore, "Okay, it's you!"

  A camouflage uniform, the lining of Wen Liyan becomes more heroic, and his already chiseled facial features are now even more handsome.

   "Classmates, look forward to it. When you encounter an attack, you can..." The instructor hooked Wen Liyan and said, "Hit me."

  Wen Liyan very obediently clenched his fists and slammed directly at him.

  The instructor originally taught everyone some daily self-defense skills with the attitude of explaining to classmates. However, after receiving Wen Liyan's punch, he immediately realized that this punch was unusual and very hostile.

   Immediately after, the instructor forgot to do the demonstration, and the two really fought.

   Seeing the trick, the fight was fierce.

  Everyone was dazzled, and even the other instructor was secretly surprised. This young man is a talent.

At the end of   , the two had scars on each other.

   However, the game is very good.

  Then, there was a student who was particularly good at playing in the first year of high school. Even the students who came in with their homes still remembered the name firmly, and they will never mess with it in the future.

   can't be beaten if it's provoked, and you may not know who beats whom.

    Today's body temperature exceeds 37, I am nervous! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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