Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 411: divorce! Must be divorced (2)

   Chapter 411 Divorce! Must be divorced (2)

"The third child, you are married to our Zhao family. That is the wife of our Zhao family. The third child can make money. That is the third child's ability. How can you use the family money to subsidize your mother's family? Give your nephew a car? Is your nephew the Zhao family? My grandson doesn’t have a car yet!"

  Qian Cuifang was really distressed, and the eyes that looked at Song Jia were full of fierce energy.

  “And your third child, don’t always pay attention to making money! Do you care about the prodigal daughter at home? What is the use of you earning so much money? Isn’t it being given to outsiders by your daughter-in-law!”

   "Tell me, why are you working so hard outside for? In the end, it seems like working for their old Song family!"

  Qian Cuifang thinks of tens of thousands, and she feels that she was cut out by someone with a knife, and she feels terribly distressed.

   "Song Jia, let me tell you, if you can't get the money back, you won't have to come back after you return to your natal house on the third day of the junior high. You can't do it with your daughter-in-law whose elbow is abducted from our Zhao family! The Civil Affairs Bureau will go to divorce after work!

  Song Jia said quickly, "Mom, what are you talking about? I and the youngest third have worked hard these years, and finally had a good life, how can you let us divorce?"

"Hehe, it's my son who works hard. You eat well and dress well. I don't see you suffer any hardship!" Qian Cuifang gave her a look, "If you don't want to get divorced, just take the money back! My son worked hard. Yes, what's the matter with others?"

  Song Jia's face is ugly, "I bought the car, and they will definitely not be able to get it for a while. It's not the same thing when I go back to my natal family to ask for money."

"Then why don’t you feel that this is not the same thing when you pay out? Today, I’m leaving the story here. If you go back to your natal house on the third grade, if you don’t get the money back, you will be numb immediately. Divorce! Our Zhao family can't afford someone like you, who only knows to subsidize her natal daughter-in-law!"

  Qian Cuifang is very strong.

   "Mom, don't talk about this kind of disappointment for those who are celebrating the New Year. I will take care of the matter of our couple, so don't worry about it."

  Zhao Baobao said.

  "Why should I stop worrying? If I'm not your mother, and you're not my son, I won't bother to worry about your affairs!" Qian Cuifang won't let this matter pass so easily.

   "Everyone talks about persuading and not persuading, how can you be like you, forcing your son to divorce! Do you want Xiaohuan to have no mother?" Song Jia also clashed with Qian Cuifang.

She was not afraid of Qian Cuifang, because her husband has always been the most promising one in the Zhao family. No one in the family dared to show her a face. Even if she did not give birth to a son, Qian Cuifang had not tossed her much, so this At that time, she would not be wronged.

"Huh, you still have the face that Xiaohuan talks about! You are better to outsiders than to your own daughters. I think if Xiaohuan has you as a mother, it has no effect on her. Without you as a mother, she would be sure I bought all the pianos."

Qian Cuifang snorted coldly, and the mocking Song Jia's expression was stiff. She quickly looked at Zhao Huan, but Zhao Huan turned around and said to Jiang Mu without even looking at her, which made Song Jia feel cold.

  Since I know these years, Song Jia has always used money to subsidize her family, especially the cousin from the Song family. Song Jia was raised almost the same, and all good things were sent there.

In the past few years, the family had some savings. Even Zhao Huan felt that their family should be quite rich. However, when Zhao Baobao switched to cargo transportation and needed to invest funds, he found that the number of savings in the family was low. Pathetic.

Only then did the father and daughter know that Song Jia had secretly subsidized the family's money by Song Jia, and they made them angry.

  Song Jia and Zhao Baobao had a fight that day. The fight was so fierce that all the neighbors heard it.

  Zhao Huan also tried to persuade him to act as a lubricant for the two of them.

  From that time on, Zhao Baobao no longer handed over the money to Song Jia, and only gave the necessary living expenses every month, and she gave the money to outsiders if it was saved.

  I thought that I would be fine with each other.

  But who knows, Song Jia has lost the control of the family's financial power, and every month she uses a portion of her salary to subsidize her nephew.

  Good clothes and shoes, never keep going.

  It’s just that Song Jia got used to it. How could her salary be enough for her to spend, she put the goal on daily expenses.

   First, she reduced Zhao Huan’s pocket money, and then reduced her money for clothes and shoes. This time it was even more excessive. Zhao Huan was going to put a piano at home and could practice after school every day.

  But Song Jia actually gave her money for the piano to her nephew to buy a car!

She did this again and again, which completely broke Zhao Yue's heart. She didn't want to go home to live now. She was planning to start school and live in school. Now she heard Qian Cuifang say that the two should be divorced. There are no opinions.

   "Mom, all the money in the family is with me now, and Song Jia can't take money from her natal family anymore. The divorce is meaningless." Zhao Baobao said.

"Why not? Xiaohuan was not greedy for the money she bought the piano? Let me say, the daughter-in-law who is not on your mind can't take it! You are young and promising, and can make money. If you are divorced, find another young one. , Maybe I can give you a son, what's wrong?"

  Qian Cuifang's vision is very beautiful.

  Song Jia's face turned white, her husband can make money, it is really very possible to find another woman, but if she is divorced, it will be difficult to find another woman!

   "We won't get divorced, and I don't agree to divorce!" She has a firm tone, and her delicate face and luxurious jewelry can hardly conceal the fear in her eyes.

   "It's okay if you don't agree to the divorce, the third child, I will help you take care of the money at home in the future, and you will save you all the hard work for a whole year, and the money you earned will be given away!"

  Qian Cuifang said.

   "No, there is not much money in the family now. The previous business can't be done. Now I have changed the line. The initial investment is very large, and the capital has not been recovered yet."

What Zhao Baobao said was half-truth and half-false, and the investment was very good, but the profit was also very impressive, but he did not want to hand over the money. His mother preferred the eldest family. If his money was really given to his mother, he might end up Became the big brother's money.

  Qian Cuifang was a little disappointed, "Why do you change your career well? Even if you change your career, why not find a job that makes money easy?"

"This is about asking Zhao Yue's good daughter. She suggested changing careers. I advised the third child not to take transportation. This is not easy to do, and the investment is heavy, but he seems to be possessed. He just listened to Jiang Mu's words and did the transportation."

  Song Jia is yin and yang. She really hates Jiang Mu. If she hadn't run over and said that Teng Teng couldn't do something and changed her family, her husband would not have discovered that she had secretly taken the money back to subsidize her family!

  Everything is Jiang Mu's fault!

  Some people are like this, they always find the reason from others when they make mistakes.

    Clearing the ticket~



  (End of this chapter)

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