Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 412: 412 The little girl's daughter is a bit amazing

  Chapter 412 412 This little girl from my little sister’s house is a bit amazing (1)

Qian Cuifang frowned and looked at Jiang Mu, "Zhao Yue, I think you are a poorly educated girl. She is also 17 years old this year. You should find another one so that one more person will discipline her and save her. It's going out to make trouble! Look at what she has ruined your third brother's family?"

"Mom, don't say if you don't understand. You know that the people who worked with me to make home appliances are in jail. If it weren't for Mumu's reminder, our family wouldn't be able to have a reunion dinner! If you want to see me, just I can go to prison."

  Zhao Baobao is still very grateful to his niece.

   "Huh?" Qian Cuifang didn't know this at all. Now that he heard it, the whole person was surprised.

  Others also looked at Zhao Baobao in shock.

  The youngest is the one who loves face the most. He pays attention to ostentation when he does things. In the past, if something like this happened, he would never say it so openly so that everyone would know. After all, it’s not a glorious thing to almost go to jail.

  Not this year, the youngest has changed a little too much.

  What shocks everyone is the role Jiang Mu played in this matter.

  Zhao Baobao is the most promising one in the Zhao family. In everyone's eyes, there is nothing he can't do. If he can't even do it, then no one else would want to do it.

   But now I heard from his mouth that he was spared because of Jiang Mu's reminder, which is surprising.

"I just heard some rumors and reminded Sanjiu that he was spared. Sanjiu likes to listen to other people’s opinions. It has nothing to do with me. If Sanjiu doesn’t believe me, even if I remind him again, it’s useless. ."

   Jiang Mu didn't take credit either, his tone was light, and he didn't take this matter to heart.

Qian Cuifang was rejected twice in three minutes, and she was a little bit uncomfortable, but Li Lan said to ease, "The third one, this is your fault. Didn't Jiang Mu help your family? Why are you blaming others? !"

  Song Jia didn't say a word, but she was still unhappy in her heart.

In the past, she was the one who was held by the stars. When she had a reunion dinner last year, these concubines flattered her, especially Li Lan, who held her everywhere, but now, they don’t even let her go. In the eyes.

  Never mind if you don't hold her, and even speak out to accuse her and help Jiang Mu speak. Such a big psychological gap makes her unacceptable for a while.

  She looked at her husband, hoping that he could help her out, but she heard Zhao Baobao say, “Mu Mu, you don’t have to be humble. I am convinced by your vision.”

"Last year, my little girl bought the stocks in their factory with your support. At that time, I always felt that the 5000 yuan would definitely be sold out. I also persuaded the little girl not to buy it. Who knows, I really paid dividends at the end of the year. I have given a lot of money, I really don’t have to do anything, and I made a net profit of four to five thousand."

   "The most important thing is that this money will be available every year in the future, it really is once and for all!"

  Zhao Baobao now recalls that when Zhao Yue came to borrow money, she felt a pain in her face.

  Look at their eyesight, look at their forward-looking, no wonder they can make money!

"I've also heard passengers talk about stocks. I heard that several state-owned enterprises have begun to reform. It seems that they need money to buy some stocks. However, at the end of the year, dividends will be distributed according to the profit of the company. Just yesterday, I heard a passenger say that their family was allocated more than 10,000 yuan. Not only did they pay back the money for buying stocks, they also made a lot of money."

  It was Zhang Qian who said this. The people she dealt with the most every day were the passengers, and the people who heard the most news were also from the passengers.

"Zhao Yue, you are too courageous. You don't worry about being cheated if you spend so much money to buy stocks in the factory? After all, no one has heard of stocks. The factory just talks about dividends. I didn’t say how much money a person can get, you dare to buy it! It’s amazing!"

  Zhang Qian’s praise is sincere.

"What courage do I have? It was because I was embarrassed by our workshop director. Originally, these stocks should not have been bought. They were assigned to their leaders by common sense. At that time, the workshop director saw me not pleasing to his eyes, and he If I didn’t want to pay for this money, I lied to us. I was forced to buy it.”

  Zhao Yue smiled softly, “I almost quit at the time, and Mumu supported me to buy it. Unexpectedly, it would really pay dividends. This share will be reserved for Mumu as a dowry in the future.”

  Zhang Qian really likes Jiang Mu, "Your family Mumu is really capable, good academic performance, flexible brain, many ideas, beautiful and sensible, much better than our family Xiaoqing!"

  Jiang Mu feels that she is a bit bullying. She is taking advantage of living a lifetime longer. How can she put so much pressure on other people because of this?

"Second aunt, everyone has their own advantages. You can't comment on Zhao Qing that way. I heard Xiao Huan say that Zhao Qing is enthusiastic and cheerful, and likes to make friends. This is because she has strong social skills; and she has a good voice and sings. It’s very nice. She can represent the class every time in the school’s art performance. I heard that she has also been the lead singer of the chorus and the host of the event. These are all her advantages. If you cultivate it well, you will definitely have a lot to do in the future!"

  These are what Jiang Mu heard from his mother and Zhao Huan on weekdays.

  Zhao Qing's face was a little red when she was praised. She herself didn't know that she had so many advantages.

   "So, Xiaojun's point is that he likes to read and has good grades?" She immediately learned to draw inferences.

  Jiang Mu smiled and nodded, "Xiao Huan's grades are also very good, and he is righteous, hardworking, and motivated."

   "What about me?" Zhao Shuda also joined the chat.

  Jiang Mu looked at him. In her impression, this was a bear child spoiled by the family, the grandson of the Zhao family, everything was the best in the family.

  Looking at his long and curious gaze, Jiang Mu was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Grow tall?"

  Zhao Shuda: "..."

  Is this an advantage? ?

   "Puff——" Zhao Huan and Zhao Qing couldn't help but laughed in unison.

  It is Zhao Shujun, a little talkative who doesn't like to talk very much. He also covered his mouth with one hand and bends his eyes.

  The seventeen-year-old boy is already a good face, how can he bear it, and said angrily, "What is the advantage of being tall? You have not discovered so many advantages of me?"

   Jiang Mu blinked, his apricot eyes were all confused.

  This Zhao Shuda is even more angry.

   "I see--" When his anger reached a critical value, Zhao Huan suddenly spoke.

   Then Zhao Shuda, who was still burning with anger, now had hope in his eyes.

  Zhao Huan: "In addition to being tall, you are also strong!"


  A few small ones finally couldn't help it, clutching their stomachs and laughing!

  (End of this chapter)

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