Chapter 447 447momo opens (19)

  Others can't see the problem, it doesn't mean that Wen Liyan can't see it.

  Ru Mu's condition is abnormal, even the garment factory is abnormal.

  As usual, at this time, garment factories should concentrate their manpower on the production of Ru Mu's summer clothes, prepare for stocking, and supply them to distributors in various places.

  The garment factory has no production, and Jiang Mu is still hurrying to map, which is even more contradictory.

  Then he saw a piece of new information, the birth of a new brand-mono, with the same surname as Mo Xue, a brand that sounded very foreign.

  The clothing store is preparing to open. This is another individual clothing brand in the Shanghai stock market after Ru Mu.

  Wen Liyan noticed the name of the clothing store, opening time, design style, store activities and so on.

The opening ceremony of momo is today. The founder Mo Xue, Wen Liyan filtered the information about Mo Xue twice in his brain, except that she was the daughter of Ji’s nanny and went to this good university. It seems that the relationship with Wen Ru is not. Apart from that, there is no more information.

  Wen Ru founded Ru Mu, and she was not curious about creating a momo.

   is just Ru Mu's current weird situation, does it have anything to do with momo?

   is naturally related. And it's not a general relationship.

  Momo’s opening scene was very lively, and Mo Xue himself was also very energetic. Not only did he invite a lot of big names in the industry, he also invited some wealthy daughters, and there are also many wealthy ladies, all of whom are mainstream consumers.

  Mo Xue wears a small beige suit and high heels of the same color. At that time, he will feel a bit of an urban beauty and a white-collar worker in the workplace.

  I saw her standing in the crowd, smiling brightly and proud of the spring breeze.

  From today onwards, she will also have her own business. When people talk about successful entrepreneurs, she will also be one of them. Wenru will no longer stand alone. But after this incident, Wen Ru may not even deserve a name. She will be stepped on her feet severely, and he will step on his body to stand on the highest peak and enjoy the beauty of the heights.

   "I said you all come out to start businesses one by one?" Huo Mingzhu suddenly asked.

   "No, you work so hard that it seems that the rest of us are useless and accomplish nothing." Cheng Wenli echoed.

"It’s not that I said, even if you want to start a business, you don’t have to be in the clothing pile? Wen Ru founded Ru Mu, and now there is another momo. You said let us buy clothes. Where can I buy them? Not suitable?"

  This is what Ji Xiaoyu said. Among so many people here, Ji Xiaoyu and Mo Xue have the best relationship. If you are really embarrassed, it will be Ji Xiaoyu. Others naturally get closer to Wen Ru. Therefore, when everyone heard such words, no one answered.

  It was Mo Xue, who picked it up by herself, “It’s the same to anyone, anyway, the designer is Jiang Mu.”

  Mo Xue’s words were like a drop of water dripping from Wang Ding’s boiling oil pan, suddenly greasy. It shocked everyone.

After all, everyone in the circle knows that Wenru is protecting Jiang Mu, and the relationship between the two was very good at one time. Even more, they cooperated with Wenru to open a clothing factory and set up the Rumu brand, and they also made a lot of money last year. , And even expanded his business to the capital. Seeing that the future is promising, Jiang Mu didn't cooperate with Wen Ru, and instead cooperated with Mo Xue, and even helped Mo Xue establish a new brand. What is going on?

  Wen Ruhejiao and Jiang Mu have a fight?

  Never heard of such news!

Looking at the exquisite lace collections in the store, you can see that Jiang Mu designed it with great effort. It is not a perfunctory work, so it is excluded that she is in Cao Ying and her heart is in Han, she did not deliberately design a preliminary good His works helped Wenru win the competition between the two brands.

  Excluding all these things, there is only one possibility left, that is, Jiang Mu really wants to cooperate with Mo Xue.

   Doesn’t that mean Jiang Mu wants to help Mo Xue fight Wen Ru?

  Thinking of this level, everyone looked at Wen Ru, who had been silent for a long time, and Jiang Mu, who stood on the side without saying a word, trying to judge what happened from the expressions of the two.

  Both of them are calm and expressionless.

  The only happy person in the field is Mo Xue. It should be said that she is happy to see Wen Ru not happy.

She looked at Wen Ru with a smile on her face, "I have reminded you that there is no permanent partner, only permanent interests. At the beginning, you vowed to me that Jiang Mu would not abandon you and turn to me. Cooperation. But what's the result now?"

Mo Xue’s smile became more and more mocking, “So, nothing is constant, and the same, nothing. It’s impossible to happen, so you have to be careful, and be careful that your Ru Mu is caught by mine. If momo catches up, it’s better not to be so confident. The result now is the price of your self-confidence."

  Mo Xue is very proud, for so many years. This is the first time she is so happy. It feels so comfortable to step on your opponent!

  Now everyone looked at Jiang Mu's eyes more and more wrongly.

"What do you think? What do you think Wenru is sorry for? You did it so absolutely! If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate. Do you have to go to Wenru's competitors?" Huo Mingzhu asked bluntly .

   "If I do not go to Wenru's competitor's company to find a job, does not stay means that I can not develop in the clothing industry?" Jiang Mu said lightly.

  It would be a bit too much if people change careers directly. Huo Mingzhu had nothing to say for a moment.

"I have said that this person is in the eyes of money. The vanity is very high. Interests are always the first. Only make friends with people who are helpful to her. It is impossible to have any true feelings. You don't really want to be friends with you. Don't believe me, now the truth is revealed!"

  Ji Xiaoyu’s feelings are very complicated, and I don’t know if it is because he is happy because his guess has come true, or is sad to see Wenru being abandoned.

Being led by complicated emotions, she vented all her anger on Jiang Mu, "You will never be able to make true friends like you, a hypocritical, vain and profit-oriented person!"

   Jiang Mu gave her a faint glance, and a pair of apricot eyes were full of mockery, "Be sober! You are not young anymore, why are you so naive? Think there is a pure and innocent friendship that does not participate in any interests?"

"Don’t say anything else, just these so-called friends around you, do you think they are sincere to you? Do you think they just want to be friends with you before they become your friends? Don’t be stupid. If your father is not Ji Shanhe, if you are not the daughter of the Ji family, might they be friends with you?"

  The light rain of the season is on fire, and he can't help raising his voice, "Why not? Why do you think so?"

  Jiang Mu’s beautiful eyebrows are slightly curved, “It’s expensive to be a self-knowledge, but you can talk about what advantages you have that can attract so many people to be friends with you?”

  Qi Xiaoyu was momentarily dumb, and she couldn't say anything for a while.

   Jiang Mu kindly reminded, “Are you extremely beautiful, or super invincible, or have a temperament beyond ordinary people?”

  Ji Xiaoyu pursed her lips and said nothing, she didn't have any of these.

  Does it really make Jiang Mu right? The reason why everyone became friends with her was all because of her family background, her background, and her father?

  She turned her head and looked at Mo Xue on one side. Among all the people here, the two of them should have the closest relationship.

Feeling her probing gaze, Mo Xue reacted quickly, and immediately thought of what Jiang Mu had just said and caught the suspicion in Ji Xiaoyu’s eyes. She quickly explained, “A big part of the reason why friends become friends is that they have similar personalities. Congenial,"

  After finishing talking, she took the opportunity to change the subject, not wanting Ji Xiaoyu’s attention to stay on the matter of making friends.

   "Wen Ru, we will be competitors in the future. You have to be careful. Don't lose to the powerful combination of me and Jiang Mu."

  Maybe she felt a little aggressive. She eased her tone, and a gentle smile reappeared on her face. “It is said that there is competition to make progress, and we will promote each other in the future.”

  Wenru was expressionless, and he didn't even bother to give her a look, as if he hadn't heard it.

  Looking at her reaction like this, Mo Xue was even more happy. This excitement lasted for many days.

After the opening ceremony, Jiang Mu directly blocked Mo Xue and blocked her way home.

   "I did everything I promised. Next, it's up to you."

  Mo Xue paid attention to the flow of people in the service store, and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, since I promised to donate bone marrow, I won’t regret it.”

    may or may not be there~




  (End of this chapter)

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