Chapter 448 448 Ru Mu vsmomo

  Mo Xue is very cautious in doing things. Now that her brand has been launched, she should be steady and steady, and gradually accumulate fame. If she wants to live a brand, Jiang Mu is indispensable for her.

  The clothes designed by Jiang Mu are different from the ones on the market at first glance, making people look bright, fashionable and trendy, especially the upper body effect, which is not good enough.

  You can know how satisfied they are just by looking at the look of the customers entering the store.

  As long as Jiang Mu continues to be momo's designer, her personal brand will definitely gain a foothold in the Shanghai stock market, and it will not be a problem to sell it to Beijing in the future.

  For this purpose, Mo Xue squeezed Jiang Mu's labor force to the maximum.

  No, as soon as the summer clothes were put on, Jiang Mu began to design autumn and winter styles. Moreover, there must be more styles, at least 20 styles.

   Hearing her request, Jiang Mu raised his eyes and smiled, "Is it early?"

  “Designing, looking for fabrics, and contacting the processing factory all take time. After all, we don’t have our own garment factory, don’t we?

  Mo Xue smiled as gentle as always, looking like an explanation, but her tone was soft and strong, giving Jiang Mu no room for rebuttal.

   "Don't say it so nice, you are worried that after you finish the bone marrow donation, I won't cooperate with you, I want to do everything I can do in advance."

  Jiang Mu directly tore apart her hypocritical representative, and revealed the most true purpose hidden underneath.

  Mo Xue was not angry, but smiled more brilliantly, "You reminded me, should we sign our contract?"

  While she was talking, she walked back to the desk, opened the drawer, and handed the printed stack of documents to Jiang Mu.

  "The contract is five years. You have to be momo's designer. During the second time, you can't design clothes for Wenru! You can't continue to be Rumu's fashion designer. After you sign, our transaction will take effect."

  Jiang Mu looked at the terms of the contract very seriously, treating Mo Xue with the utmost patience.

"In order to avoid any unpleasantness in the future, I wrote the content of the contract very carefully. I hope you can do it. Of course, you don't have to feel wronged. After all, bone marrow donation is not a trivial matter. It is me after all. Part of the body."

  Mo Xue handed over the signature pen.

   "You won’t be wronged, as long as you do what you say! A week later, Wen Liyan will have an operation. You can’t use any excuses or excuses to decline or delay."

   Jiang Mu also stated her conditions.

   "That's natural." Mo Xue promised readily, "As long as the doctor says there is no problem, I won't have any problems."

  Jiang Mu signed his own name without any stay, changed hands and left.

  Looking at the contract in his hand, Mo Xue looked at Jiang Mu's leaving figure, and the corners of her lips couldn't help raising a successful smile.

  There is no Ru Mu in the market, momo has suddenly emerged, and the design style is still fashionable, momo has a firm foothold in the clothing industry, just around the corner.

  As long as Jiang Mu does not help Wen Ru, no matter how extensive Wen Ru’s contacts, she will not be able to find a more powerful fashion designer than Jiang Mu in a short time.

  Ten thousand steps back, even if she finds it, design, material selection, and production will all take time and cost.

  Wait for her set of procedures, most of the summer has passed.

  Momo has already left a deep impression on consumers' psychology, and it is not so easy for Ru Mu to regain those consumers.

  What's more, she doesn't think Wen Ru can find a designer who is more advantageous and more powerful than Jiang Mu.

  Momo's victory is visible to the naked eye.

  This round, she must have won.


  Mo Xue's analysis is very reasonable. Ru Mu will undoubtedly lose in this round. When making this decision, Wen Ru had already thought of it.

   But when she saw the result, she was still very uncomfortable.

  After all, Ru Mu was founded by her, just like her children, from scratch, from unremarkable to prestigious, in which she has come back with countless efforts.

  Now she can only watch Ru Mu withering, how could she not feel uncomfortable?

  Just, looking at the current situation, she has no time to feel uncomfortable at all.

  The garment factory also had problems because Ru Mu lost the new garment design.

The deputy director Ding Bold rushed over in a hurry, "Director, you have to think of a way. We already have two workshops that have no work to do, so we just stopped working. There are so many workers in the factory, so you have to eat more. !"

  Wenru frowned, "Are there no new orders recently?"

"How did you forget the manager? In the past, our factory didn't take orders at this time. We are busy producing our own clothes at this time and have no time to take other orders. This year, we have no work for ourselves. Everyone I don’t know that we have started to take orders again, and both parties are now in the process of accepting orders!"

  Ding boldly speaks quickly, and even the Northeast dialect can be heard.

Wen Ru instantly figured it out that the production cycle of clothing is relatively slow, so each manufacturer places orders in advance. Their factories did not pick up at this time period before. Customers in need must have contacted other factories, and they want temporary Finding a job is very difficult.

  "Let’s give the workers a holiday first, let them rest and rest, you stabilize them, let them not worry, when they return to work, they will be busy."

  Ding boldly brightened his eyes, "Director, have you found a new customer?"

  Wenru wanted to roll his eyes. If it was really that easy to find new customers, this matter would be too easy to solve.

  Ding looked at her expression boldly, and knew that he had guessed wrong, and his face was worried and regretful.

   "The fake can't be released, it is estimated that I will have to work overtime." A clear female voice sounded.

  Ding boldly had brighter eyes, and he directly won, "Boss Jiang has got a big order!"

   Jiang Mu handed the folder to him, and said solemnly, “For urgent orders, we must maintain quality and quantity! There must be no problems!”

   "Go! You can rest assured, our quality is very guaranteed!" Ding ran away with a bold smile.

   "Where did you get the order?" Wen Ru asked suspiciously.

   "School uniform." Jiang Mu didn't hide it either.

Wen Ru was surprised, and was overjoyed, "This is a big order! However, each school has its own fixed cooperative factory for this kind of order. How do you make the other party cooperate with you? No, which school uniform is it? Is our school?"

  "How can an order from a school solve the dilemma in the factory? All elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools in the Shanghai stock market are all here."

   Jiang Mu said.

  Wenru was stunned, not an exaggeration, but a true description of her state at this moment.

   "No, how did you do it? If you say that there are two families, I can still understand it, you are sloppy and touched those people, there must be no problem, but all of them are taken!!! This is simply impossible!"

  (End of this chapter)

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