Chapter 449 449 Turnover

   "Facts have proved that nothing in this world is absolutely impossible." Jiang Mu smiled, his whole body shook, and the arrogance came again.

  "Please teach some skills from an expert!" Wen Ru clasped his fists in both hands and went on talking.

   "If you want to make these people change their minds, naturally they have to have enough conditions to make them move. What do you think a school wants most?"

   "High school enrollment rate." Wen Ru replied directly without even thinking about it.

  "What are the main factors that affect the rate of enrollment?" Jiang Mu was tempted.

   "Teacher power!" Wen Ru felt that something was wrong after speaking, "Now teachers are allocated by the state, there is no way to think about adjustment!"

   Suddenly, a bright light flashed in her mind, "Sheng Yuan?"

"Yes! If the quality of the seedlings is high, under the careful guidance of the teacher, they will naturally get better results than others." Jiang Mu said, "How does a school attract high-quality students? Naturally, it depends on this school. Parents definitely want to send their children to schools with high enrollment rates. In this way, their children’s chances of enrollment in the future will be higher."

  Wen Ru stared at him, "This question is not coming back again. How do you decide the rate of enrollment? You have no way to improve students' grades..."

  She stopped suddenly, her eyes lit up, "You have a way to improve students' grades."

   Jiang Mu shook his head, "I can't do anything, but Wen Liyan has a way. His set of guidance books has helped many students improve their grades!"

  She is very proud, and she has a sense of accomplishment that her own children are capable of, although Wen Liyan is two months older than her.

   "However, if he publishes a tutorial, each school can buy it by himself, and there is no need to make a deal with you." Wen Ru was puzzled again.

   "So, he won't leave." Jiang Mu said.

  Wen Ru: "What do you mean?"

   "Wen Liyan is in hospital and is weak. How can he take pains to do this kind of thing? Naturally, he must take recuperation as the first prerequisite. Naturally, he can't work at this time."

   Jiang Mu said solemnly.

  Wen Ru: "However, they gave you these orders. Wen Liyan is still ill, and he still has no time to produce new counseling books."

   Jiang Mu showed a sly smile, "Isn’t there still me."

  Wen Ru was shocked, "Are you going to publish a tutorial? Are you doing it?"

   "Can't I do it? I am also someone who has completed three years of high school courses. Under Wen Liyan's hand, I am tortured by various perverted papers every day, but it's just a paper, and it doesn't bother me at all!"

   Jiang Mu has no pressure on this matter at all.

She is not a novice who has never done anything before. When Wen Liyan decided to make a counseling book at the beginning, she also asked her to act as a counselor. She also put forward many constructive suggestions to help Wen Liyan write the counseling. More perfect.

  So, she is not afraid of doing the tutorial alone.

   "But, will you work too hard like this? Mo Xue will definitely not let you idle. Ru Mu will not completely go bankrupt one day, she will not give up!"

  For Mo Xue, she already knew very thoroughly.

   "She has already let me start designing autumn and winter styles. You are really good at it!" Jiang Mu said with a smile.

  Wen Ru glared at her, "You are still smiling, don't you even save yourself time for eating and sleeping?"

   "Sister Wen, don't worry, I know in my heart, although I may be a little busy, but not so busy, there must be time for bed."

  Jiang Mu didn't take his hard work to heart.

But Wen Ru didn’t think so, “I’d better just let Ru Mu withdraw from the market. Anyway, leaving early is also retiring, and retiring late is also retiring. Since you can’t change the ending, simply exit directly, so that you can relax. The result you want can be a little harder for you."

   "That won't work, Ru Mu was founded by the two of us, how can we make her fall like this?" Jiang Mu disagreed.

"Although I think so too, it's too hard to find a good designer. I contacted one during my studies. The other person, like you, also studies art and is very interested in fashion design, but , Show me her design drawings, the gap is really too big!"

  "Compared with your work, it is really a heaven and an underground! I can't find a designer more powerful than you. Ru Mu can't win momo!"

  Although he is not reconciled, this is a fact, and Wen Ru has given up his mind.

   Jiang Mu patted her shoulder, and said solemnly, “I’ve always been so good. There’s really no way I can do it. I’m also very troubled.”

  Wen Ru was amused by her, "It's about this time, you still have the mind to make jokes, your psychological endurance is really strong!"

  "Smile, ten years old, worries, and white head. There is always a way to solve things, and there are always more difficulties than breaking the law, right?"

   Jiang Mu is very optimistic.

  Wen Ru was also infected by her. He swept away the depression before and asked with a smile, "Do you have a good way?"

  "Although we don’t have any new models, I designed a lot of styles last summer. At that time, we just opened and I still can’t figure out the market direction. I have some designs for any style. We can produce them and sell them this year."

When Wen Ru heard this, he felt that this was also a way. "You are right. Last year, our clothing styles were basically sold in the Shanghai stock market. Although there are also in Beijing, there are not so many in quantity. The styles that have appeared in the capital will be sent over!"

  Jiang Mu smiled and nodded, “One more thing, momo has just opened, and she looks very strong, but she has a very fatal flaw-it only has one store, and it only operates in this city.”

"We are different. In addition to the Shanghai stock market, we also have a big market in the capital city. We can also open up the Pearl River Delta. Our summer clothes styles last year can be delivered to the Pearl River Delta, or it is a well-developed city. They will definitely open the market."

"I understand what you mean. Since Mo Xue wants to compete with us, then we will follow her mind, abandon the Shanghai stock market and open up the market in other cities, which happens to be able to expand Ru Mu across the country. Influence!"

  Wen Ru became more excited as he spoke, and the ending sound rose unconsciously.

   "Originally, our plan for this year was to expand the brand's influence. Looking at it this way, nothing was delayed at all! You said, if Mo Xue knew about this, would she just vomit blood out of anger?"

  Suddenly, she wanted to see the other person's reaction.

   Jiang Mu was meditating, "I think it should be more than that."

   "It seems that we still have a lot to do. The Shanghai stock market will be left to the ambitious Mo Xue! When she recovers, we will have a firm foothold in Beijing and the Pearl River Delta!"

  Wenru is full of confidence and is ready to fight.

   "Sister Wen, you are so kind." Jiang Mu suddenly sighed.

  Wen Ru, who was praised, blinked and looked at her suspiciously, "How do I think you are not complimenting me?"

  "The Shanghai stock market is such a big market, so you don’t think it is a pity to leave it to someone who is so scheming and playing tricks?"

   Jiang Mu asked.

  Who is Wenru? As soon as I heard it, I knew that Jiang Mu still had an afterthought. She clasped her fists again, "I would like to ask the expert for your advice!"

  "The contract signed by Mo Xue and I only stipulated that I would not be Ru Mu's fashion designer and that I could not design clothes for Ru Mu, and it did not say that I could not design anything else."

   Jiang Mu smiles cunningly, and the little tiger's teeth are exposed again, the whole person is smart and cute.

   "So, what do you want to design?" Wen Ru asked.

"The bags and shoes that can be matched with clothes are bags and shoes. Since Ru Mu is going to be a brand, it should be more comprehensive. After waiting for this matter, I can directly design a complete set of clothes and bags. The shoe belts are all matched."

   Jiang Mu has already planned it.

  "When it comes to doing business, you are still good! In this way, whenever a customer enters the store, he will definitely buy a complete set. You just want to empty all the money in the customer's pocket! High! Really high!"

  Wen Ru admires it very much. Even under such circumstances, she can come back. This is something she didn't expect, and she can't do it.

   "We have to thank Mo Xue this time."

  (End of this chapter)

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