Chapter 450 450 Surgery

  "You are right, I really have to thank her. If it weren't for her hard work, you wouldn't have come up with such a perverted design plan! Do you think we should give her a pennant or something?"

  Wen Ru joked happily.

"If the plan goes well and the expected results can be achieved, this proposal can be considered, but will it be too stingy to send a pennant? I think I have to beat the gongs and drums, and hire a team of dragon and lion dances. We need to have that kind of firecrackers, gongs and drums, so that it is grand enough to show our sincerity, don't you think?"

   Jiang Mu squinted with a pair of apricot eyes, and Xiao Huya was particularly cute.

  Wenru had to give a thumbs up, admiring from the bottom of his heart, "High! It is really high!"

  Just do it.

  Whether it is Wen Ru or Jiang Mu, they are both actionists. After some general directions, the next step is to write a plan, set short-term goals, make a plan, and then take action step by step.

  The garment factory is now working in three shifts. The workers saw that the factory had no work a few days ago. They were all worried and panicked. They were afraid that the garment factory would not be able to work any longer, and they would not have a job to eat.

The workers in garment factories are basically women who live nearby. They are self-employed, not state-owned enterprises and large garment factories. However, their treatment is better than that of state-owned enterprises and large garment factories, especially after they have changed their owners. Straight up.

  Before, no matter how much you do, the salary is fixed every month.

  If you want to guarantee the delivery date, it is inevitable that some people are diligent, some are lazy, some are tired, and some are relaxed. This is a bit unfair to workers, especially those who are diligent.

  But Wen's Garment Factory is different. Workers are billed on a piece-by-piece basis.

  The more you do, the more you earn. If you are the one who steals and plays, then I'm sorry, and you can't blame others for earning less.

  Because of the factory's system, some swift women often ask for overtime work in order to earn more money.

  The fast-handed one earns more than the family man in the state-owned enterprise factory. There is a family near here, counted as one family, who all envy people working in the garment factory. Now everyone does not envy working in the state-owned enterprise.

  However, since the garment factories have reduced orders, those who worked in state-owned enterprises no longer envy those who work in garment factories.

"I think state-owned enterprises are still reliable. They are depended on by the country. If they encounter any crises, they will also be supported by the country. They will not go bankrupt and there will be no risk of unemployment. Look at the daughter-in-law of the Huang family. I have not seen it for two days. I’m here. I guess they don’t have work in the factory and they all give their employees a holiday. They are billed by the piece, and they are all on holiday, so they won’t make any money. You said that it’s okay for a day or two for a long time. , It’s always not the same thing."

"It's not so much. I was envious of Huang's daughter-in-law before. Although I didn't get into a state-owned enterprise, I also found a reliable job. She also worked for a day. She earns twice as much as mine. Many. At that time, I gave birth to resign and went to the Wenshi Garment Factory to work."

"Gu’s sister-in-law, fortunately you are not so impulsive, otherwise you should cry now! I used to meet Huang’s daughter-in-law every time I came home from get off work. She said that there are fewer and fewer jobs in the factory, and no new orders can be received. I guess they are completely out of work now, and the garment factory will not raise so many idlers. Huang's wife is estimated to be unemployed."

The daughter-in-law of Gu’s family was also full of fear. She took a deep breath and patted her chest with one hand. She was very thankful, “It’s okay. I was timid at the beginning and didn’t resign directly. How can I live on the wages of my family?"

"So, you still have to be far-sighted. You can't just look at this point in the palm of your hand. In the short term, the treatment of Wenshi Garment Factory is naturally not generally good, but the individual will only be a self-employed person and the ability to take risks. It's too bad. Ken might blow down in a gust of wind. You said I was right, sister-in-law Gu?"

The daughter-in-law of the Gu family nodded, "You are right, you still have a good concentration, and I am not as good as you. When we all envy the daughter-in-law of the Huang family, you don't care about it. Now think about it, you are really farsighted! "

After being praised, the other party was very happy, and the whole person was filled with triumphant smiles. Originally, the situation in this area was similar. Suddenly, one day, the Huang family's daughter-in-law became the object of envy. At that time, she was a little disgusted Comfortable, so I ignored this.

Unexpectedly, Wen's Garment Factory could not survive. Such a good opportunity would naturally not let her go. Everyone was the same. Huang's daughter-in-law had to come forward. Now that everyone has such an idea, she can't be blamed. !

She suppressed the smile on the corner of her lips, and continued, "I guess Huang's wife should be very upset recently. What we said today is nothing, but don't mention it in front of Huang's daughter-in-law. Let her hear it, I guess it will be uncomfortable in my heart."

   "What can't you bring it up in front of me?" She had just explained, a sharp voice sounded, the voice was full of vitality, very energetic, very different from the previous few days.

  Gu's wife's face changed slightly, and she quickly shifted her question, "I didn't meet your Evergreen sister-in-law just after get off work, so I just chatted with her, where are you coming back from? I haven't seen you recently."

The Huang’s wife did not hold her account true or false, and said with a smile, “These two days have been too busy. Our factory is now working three shifts 24 hours a day, otherwise the order will not be fulfilled within the prescribed time limit. !"

  The two of them were startled, and glanced at each other, their eyes filled with doubts.

  "A few days ago, you said that your factory has no orders and you have nothing to do. Are you still worried that the factory will close down and you have to look for work again?"

  Changqing is puzzled.

Huang’s daughter-in-law was a little bit embarrassed, “This is indeed my problem. I’m not aware of it. It’s raining if I hear the wind. In fact, the workload was low a few days ago. Rui, after finishing the work in the future, the work in the future will be very powerful. The director is worried that we will get tired if we are so tight. This is why we want us to rest."

   "Maybe I have worked part-time in my life, my mind is too stupid, I can't find the painstaking efforts of the factory manager, it is the life of a small worker!"

  Gu's daughter-in-law and Changqing looked at each other and felt that things had changed so quickly that they couldn't keep up.

  Changqing is still a little unbelievable, "Do you have that many orders? I heard that Ru Mu doesn't have any new models this year, and only sells last year's styles. You don't have your biggest order. Where did you get so much work?

  "The old model must be made first." Huang's wife said.

  Changqing understands that before, she thought Ru Mu was selling inventory, but now it seems that they are all produced now.

  Gu’s daughter-in-law’s hanging point is different, "Now with so many orders, will your salary return to the previous level?"

  "Earn more than before! Now our factory is seriously understaffed. We can only work overtime so that we can not miss the schedule. If I go home and eat dinner, I will go to the factory to exchange for other sisters."

  Huang's daughter-in-law walked fast, humming a small tune, and walked back home quickly.

  Gu's wife and Changqing both felt a little hot on their faces, what did they say just now?

  People are doing very well now, earning more than them, and they are still talking about their unemployment, but fortunately, she hasn’t heard them, otherwise it would be really shameful.

  The garment factory is very busy, the workers are very busy, and Wen Ru is even busier.

  It can be said that the clothing factory is so busy, it is entirely Wen Ru's credit.

As Jiang Mu said in the Pearl River Delta, Ru Mu's clothes are really popular here. She put on clothes samples and went to the largest shopping mall and the busiest clothing store. After the boss saw her samples, basically More than half of the business was negotiated.

After that, it’s about price and supply. Wen Ru has been in the mall for a year. Although compared with some old fried dough sticks, both the idea and the business strategy are a bit immature, but the loss is definitely not. possible.

  Wen Ru is not in a hurry. Talking one by one, every time you talk about one, the workload of the garment factory will increase a little, and the workers in the factory will have to work overtime.

  Wenru is on a business trip, and the garment factory is in full swing. Rumu's business is going well.

  However, this is only in the eyes of the two bosses Jiang Mu and Wen Ru, and in the eyes of the outside world, it is not the same thing.

  Especially in the eyes of Mo Xue.

  Momo's momo has been doing very well recently. It can be said that every day is overcrowded. Before closing every day, there are basically five to six thousand sales in the store.

  Mo Xue smiles brightly every day, and she goes to the store every day, which is a satisfaction in her heart.

  On the Shanghai stock market, momo has become the most shining new star. Under the premise that Ru Mu is always not on the new style, momo's design style is novel and fashionable, and it has become the first choice of everyone.

  Mo Xue is happy to see such a situation.

  Looking at the daily income in the store, this is the original feeling of success. She has decided to plan to open a new store.

  After the operation is over, the new store can be opened.

  This is Mo Xue’s plan.

  In the hospital, Mo Xue is undergoing an examination. The bone marrow donation is voluntary, but there is a major premise that the donor’s physical condition must comply with the standard.

   "You said, Wen Ru's ability to bear it is not that great. Isn't it just that I defeated me, she can't accept it? As for leaving the Shanghai stock market, she won't even show her face?"

  Mo Xue couldn't help but started showing off.

  There is no way, she can show off too few places, she definitely can't show off brightly in Ji's family, otherwise Madam Ji will definitely be unhappy, and it will also cause Madam Ji to doubt her.

  It’s useless to show off in the store. Where does the store staff know who Wenru is? Even if she shows off that she wins her, these people may not understand the meaning of this matter.

  There are also those wealthy daughters, most of whom are Wenru’s little sisters, showing off in front of these people. Doesn’t that mean telling these people that she’s doing all this just to be against Wenru?

  So she won’t even think about doing business with these people in the future.

   However, if she doesn’t show off, she really can’t help it. It’s the first time in history that she has won in all aspects when facing Wen Ru. It’s such a joyful thing. How can she not show off?

   Jiang Mu could see the thoughts in her heart at a glance. What she wants now is to make Wen Liyan's operation go smoothly. As for anything else, she doesn't care.

"You said, Wen Ru, has she ever thought that she will have this day?" Mo Xue smiled brightly, "The people she despised, now they stepped on her feet severely, and even twisted them hard. , Do you think she is sad?"

  Mo Xue smiled mockingly.

   "Monday, surgery, I hope you can remember it." Jiang Mu said suddenly.

  Mo Xue frowned, "Did you hear what I said?"

   Jiang Mu gave her a light look, "I am not deaf."

  Mo Xue felt suffocated in her chest, unable to go up or down, and then laughed angrily, "Are you regretting now? Feel guilty? Feel sorry for Wenru?"

   "I'm telling you, it's too late! It's already happened, Ru Mu is half-dead now, and I don't know what Wen Ru thinks, so he produced last year's old model!"

  She snorted coldly, "I think she is helpless, otherwise how could she have thought of such a trick? There are new models, who wants to buy the old ones!"

"Even if she thinks of such a method, Ru Mu can't support it. I don't understand why Wen Ru is so lingering? She knows that with these old models, it is impossible to defeat my momo. What is the use of her doing these useless tasks?"

  Mo Xue was smug and full of sarcasm.

   Jiang Mu is still expressionless.

Mo Xue actually stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't think about it, there is no regret medicine in this world. Since you chose Wen Liyan between Wen Ru and Wen Liyan, you absolutely cooperate with me, so be steadfast. Work, don’t think about those who don’t!"

   Jiang Mu suddenly burst into a bright smile, "Miss Mo's words are very reasonable, there is really no regret medicine in this world."

  The two said nothing, the ward was a little weird.

  Until the doctor walked in with an examination report.

   Jiang Mu spoke a little fast, "Can surgery be performed on Monday?"

  The attending doctor shook his head, “It doesn’t seem to work right now. Ms. Mo’s physical condition is a bit weak and is not suitable for bone marrow transplantation. She should not be able to sit on Monday.”

  Jiang Mu frowned, turned his head to look at Mo Xue, a pair of apricot eyes flashed with a deep light, "You deliberately!"

  Mo Xue looked innocent, "What are you talking about, why can't I understand? What is my purpose of this?"

  "Don't pretend, if you didn't deliberately toss yourself, how could your body be so weak that you can't do bone marrow donation?" Jiang Mu was angry.

  Wen Liyan is now waiting for the operation to save his life. He is suffering, but Mo Xue is still a trick!

  "You misunderstood me. My second clothing store still depends on you. How could I deliberately toss myself?"

  Mo Xue smiled softly.

  (End of this chapter)

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